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A close-up of a doctor using a model of the human heart to explain a cardiac risk assessment to a patient.

Cardiac Risk Assessment

Look Into the Future with a Cardiac Risk Assessment in New Jersey

A cardiac risk assessment uses your personal health information to gauge your future risk of heart disease. It can help determine the likelihood of atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, heart attack, heart failure, and stroke.

So why might you need one? A cardiac risk calculator can gauge your risk of developing high blood pressure and cholesterol, which is your starting point. However, there are several conditions increasing your risk of cardiovascular disease that you shouldn’t ignore. Some include hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, high lipids, rheumatoid arthritis, influenza, mental health problems, and periodontitis.

If you can appropriately treat and lower your risk of heart problems, that’s good for your cardiovascular health. Taking preventative measures, monitoring the effectiveness of treatments, and making changes are key to a healthier lifestyle.


Measurements from a Cardiac Risk Assessment

So what does a cardiac risk assessment actually measure? An assessment takes your age, sex, race, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes status, smoking history, and medication usage into consideration. Some assessments may also analyze any family history of heart disease, especially if you’re younger than 60.

During a screening, you’ll be asked whether you are at risk for heart disease. These questions are based on your lifestyle, inquiring about smoking, obesity, poor diet, lack of exercise, and excessive alcohol consumption. Your blood will also be tested to measure cholesterol levels, blood sugar, and C-reactive protein levels. These protein levels are markers of inflammation throughout your body, which can be a risk factor for heart disease.

These risk factors, along with your age and gender, are taken into account when calculating your score. Doctors use a variety of risk calculators in their analysis.

Some patients may underestimate their cardiovascular disease risk, especially if their routine medicines cause high lipid levels. Another factor is whether your triglycerides are high, and whether they’re on blood pressure or cholesterol-lowering medications. If you’ve recently stopped smoking, that can impact your risk estimate as well.

Your score is a percentage. For instance, a score of 30 percent indicates a 30 percent chance of developing cardiovascular disease within the next decade. So, three out of 10 people with similar risk factors will develop cardiovascular disease within the next 10 years.

Individuals at lower risk typically measure less than 10 percent over the next 10 years. A moderate risk is usually 10 – 20 percent and may require you to make lifestyle modifications. Those with a high-risk score of greater than 20 percent may need to make more aggressive changes. A doctor may also recommend you start on a medication if you’re high risk.


The Right Assessment and Analysis Can Tell You a Lot

So who should get a cardiac risk assessment? Anyone can benefit, but it’s especially important for those having a family history of heart disease. As mentioned above, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity are also part of the equation.

If you’re 40 or older and a man, or 55 or older and a woman, an assessment can be helpful. If you smoke, it’s especially important. Your risk factors will determine how often you should get an assessment, as well as guidance from a qualified doctor.

Medical technology and demographic research has come a long ways in this area. A recently announced American Heart Association calculator can now estimate the 10- and 30-year risk of cardiovascular disease in patients. This is for people 30 years and older. It pinpoints your risk of heart attack, stroke, and, for the first time, heart failure. The assessment’s measurements are sex-specific and race-free, meaning race is not a biological risk factor. If needed, it also includes an index of social determinants’ impact on health.

This tool is the first risk calculator combining measurements of cardiovascular, kidney, and metabolic health to estimate heart disease risk. It uses health information from more than 6 million adults, including diverse racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and geographic backgrounds.

“One in three adults has risk factors contributing to cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, or metabolic disorders,” the association’s announcement states. “As the underlying conditions of Cardiovascular Kidney Metabolic Syndrome worsen, the risk of heart attack, stroke, or heart failure increases.”


Diabetes and Cardiac Risk Assessment

People with diabetes have even more reason to look into getting a cardiac risk assessment. Type 1 or 2 Diabetes is oftentimes associated with cardiovascular disease. Sometimes a risk assessment isn’t needed. However, it may help you decide whether to take a medicine to reduce your cholesterol.

Even after controlling their blood sugar, individuals with Type 1 Diabetes have a higher risk of death from cardiovascular causes. This is, of course, compared to the general population, not the diabetes population. This risk is even higher with poorly controlled blood sugar. Additionally, atherosclerosis can start developing earlier in patients with Type 1 Diabetes. They may experience complications at a younger age than those without diabetes.

While high blood sugar is a major risk factor, a cardiac risk assessment helps identify and address other contributing factors. By identifying these additional factors, your pain management specialist can better tailor a comprehensive plan to reduce your overall risk. This could involve lifestyle changes, medications, and closer monitoring.

Your assessment helps narrow treatment strategies beyond blood sugar control. For example, it might highlight the need for more aggressive cholesterol management or early intervention. Managing cardiovascular risk factors can improve the health and wellbeing of those living with Type 1 Diabetes.

A study published by Cureus medical journal evaluates the prevalence of cardiovascular risks using an American Diabetes Association risk-assessment tool. It zeros-in on the 10-year risk for diabetes complications in young adults with Type 1 Diabetes.

The findings on heart health are insightful when comparing moderate-to-high risk versus low-risk young adults with Type 1 Diabetes. Overall: “Cardiovascular disease is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in individuals with Type 1 Diabetes,” the report says.


Modifiable Versus Non-Modifiable Risk Factors

If you’re considering cardiac risk assessment, you should also know about modifiable versus non-modifiable risk factors. There are things you can change for your heart’s health versus those you’re handed through your genes.

Non-modifiable risk factors include age, gender, and family history of cardiovascular disease. Modifiable risk factors include stress, smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, and an unhealthy diet.

Any plan will likely focus on modifiable risk factors. Your doctor will help you choose the health-conscious tools most appropriate for your situation. An assessment is valuable for helping you improve your health. Your feedback and measurements can be used to develop a plan to reduce your risks. If your risk is high, your doctor may recommend lifestyle changes. These may include eating a healthier diet and exercising regularly.

Healthier eating means a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. It also means limiting unhealthy fats, processed foods, and added sugars.

When it comes to exercising, aim for 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each week, or a vigorous 75 minutes. If you’re overweight or obese, losing weight can also improve your heart situation.

Remember: a cardiac risk assessment can only estimate your risk of developing heart disease, nothing more or less. It’s ultimately up to you to make healthy changes in your life.


Wellness and Pain Can Help

Get a reputable cardiac risk assessment by visiting Wellness and Pain. We offer conservative treatments, routine visits, and minimally invasive quick-recovery procedures. We can keep you free of problems by providing lifestyle education and home care advice to help you avoid and manage issues, quickly relieving your inhibiting lifestyle conditions when complications arise.

At Wellness and Pain, we personalize patient care plans based on each patient’s condition and unique circumstances to improve wellness, increase mobility, relieve pain, and enhance your mental space and overall health.

What are you waiting for? Book an appointment today!

A woman getting ready for bed with the best CPAP therapy mask her doctor recommended to her.

Best CPAP Therapy

The Best CPAP Therapy Starts with Targeted Treatment and Education 

The best CPAP therapy delivers highly effective treatment for those suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Continuous Positive Airway Pressure therapy, or CPAP, keeps your airways open, providing a good night’s sleep and improving daytime performance.

It’s estimated that 33 million U.S. adults use a CPAP machine, according to the National Council on Aging. “Approximately 39 million U.S. adults have obstructive sleep apnea,” the council reports. “Untreated sleep apnea can lead to heart, kidney, and metabolic health complications.”

So how do you make an objective and informed decision on CPAP treatment?


Effective CPAP Machines Deliver the Best CPAP Therapy

How do you receive the best CPAP therapy? For starters, educate yourself on the ins-and-outs of CPAP treatment and CPAP machines.

A CPAP machine creates positive air pressure that keeps your airways open during sleep. It has a mask, or nasal pillow, that covers your nose or mouth, which is connected to a tube. The tube hooks into the machine that generates air pressure, which is just enough pressure that allows for normal breathing. A compressor pushes air through the tube and into the mask.  This provides continuous air to ensure breathing properly throughout the night.

It can take time adjusting to using a CPAP machine every night. However, there are many reputable manufacturers. When choosing one, consider your individual needs and preferences and different features that may be right for you.

Some machines have a built-in humidifier, which can add moisture, making it more comfortable to breathe. Others have a ramp-up feature that gradually increases air pressure at the beginning of the night to help falling asleep. CPAP machines include:

  • A standard CPAP machine. This is the most common type, delivering constant air pressure.
  • A bi-level CPAP machine. This provides different pressures during inhalation and exhalation.
  • An auto CPAP machine. This self-regulates pressure based on your needs.
  • An adaptive servo ventilation CPAP machine. This is reserved for central sleep apnea cases, which is less common than obstructive sleep apnea.

Whatever CPAP therapy you receive, make sure your machine is a quality brand that can be well-maintained easily. The best machines are quiet, lightweight, easy to use, featuring automatic pressure adjustment and sleep-air intake measurements.

Some CPAP machines may be more effective than others, depending on your needs and preferences. Any CPAP machine’s noise level can affect your quality of sleep. Some are quieter than others.


What Does a CPAP Diagnosis and Therapy Include?

To find the best CPAP therapy, you need to know what it is, as well as the consultation process. So what is it?

A doctor will discuss your symptoms, sleep habits, and medical history. He may even recommend a sleep study to confirm whether you suffer from sleep apnea. Based on your diagnosis, treatment options might include CPAP therapy, lifestyle changes, or even surgery.

If CPAP is recommended, your specialist will help you choose a machine that fits your needs and preferences. You’ll learn how the machine works and how to strap on a proper mask-fitting for optimal comfort. You’ll likely have follow-up appointments to monitor your progress, experiment with settings over time, and address any other issues.

A team will check your sleep quality, any side effects from treatment, and answer any questions you may have. They’ll monitor weekly for difficulties and see where improvements can be made. Your number of visits will depend on your sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment progress. You may have more frequent appointments in the beginning to get acclimated. Visits should steadily decline as your treatment progresses.

Putting aside CPAP recommendations, the team may recommend an oral appliance instead of a machine. This instrument holds your airway open during sleep. Whether you use a CPAP machine or an oral appliance, additional lifestyle factors will also be discussed. Be prepared to discuss weight loss, quitting smoking, or avoiding alcohol before bed.

Come prepared to discuss questions or concerns you have about sleep apnea or your treatment options. Also, be open to different approaches. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution.

Finding the right therapy involves trial and error. A good CPAP specialist will create a personalized plan to put your sleep on the right track, and your health.


How the Best CPAP Therapy Improves Your Health  

Some of the best CPAP therapy treatments can improve your sleep quality and reduce daytime fatigue. They also help you steer clear of cardiovascular risks and improve cognitive function. It all has to do with your airway passage, blood oxygen levels, and blood pressure. But how?

CPAP therapy helps you experience deeper, uninterrupted sleep. This allows your body to cycle through the various sleep stages necessary for proper rest and relaxation. As your middle-of-the-night arousals are decreased, continuous and restful sleep increases. Obstructive sleep apnea wakes you up to reestablish your breathing patterns, disrupting your sleep.

Even better: Deeper and consistent sleep translates into better daytime energy. Your body gets the rest it needs to function during the day. You’ll feel alert and experience less daytime sleepiness. This coincides with better and more consistent oxygen levels throughout the night, which helps combat fatigue and improve alertness. Sleep deprivation can lead to mood swings and difficulty concentrating. With CPAP therapy, patients’ moods are improved, since they can focus better throughout each day.

There’s also the benefit of reduced cardiovascular risks, such as heart disease or a stroke. CPAP treatment equates to lower blood pressure, since you’re not struggling to breath during your sleep apnea episodes. Those can put a strain on your heart and circulatory system, leading to higher blood pressure. Since chronic inflammation also declines with treatment, the risk of heart disease is lowered. Your circulatory system will get the lower-pressurized rest it needs, as OSA damages the lining of your blood vessels.

Lastly, you’ll benefit from better mental health. Oxygen deprivation from sleep apnea can impair your cognitive function. CPAP therapy ensures consistent oxygen flow to your brain, providing a boost in memory, learning, sharper thinking, and overall performance.


Brain Rhythms, Memory Consolidation, and Sleep

Why search for the best CPAP therapy? A recent study found a direct correlation between specific brain rhythms during sleep and memory consolidation.

It “provides evidence that our breathing patterns play a crucial role in how memories are reinforced,” according to Neuroscience News. “Researchers unveiled a critical link between breathing and memory consolidation during sleep. They discovered that specific sleep-related brain rhythms are directly influenced by our breathing patterns.”

It states that potential new treatments for sleep and memory disorders, particularly in older adults, could be beneficial. “These findings highlight the importance of respiration in reinforcing learned information while we sleep,” the report says. “This work could have significant implications for addressing age-related memory issues and sleep disorders.”

If you’re leaning toward getting CPAP therapy, just remember:

  • Your CPAP machine provider should offer ongoing support and guidance to help you adjust to any unforeseeable issues. This may include regular follow-up appointments, equipment maintenance and replacement, and troubleshooting assistance.
  • It’s important to verify insurance coverage and understand any out-of-pocket costs. Many insurance plans cover CPAP therapy for sleep apnea, but coverage may vary depending on the plan and provider.

Untreated obstructive sleep apnea can lead to serious health problems. However, CPAP therapy can change your life. It’s important to work with a licensed health care or CPAP specialist to determine if treatment is appropriate.


Wellness and Pain Can Help 

Find your best CPAP therapy by visiting Wellness and Pain. We offer conservative treatments, routine visits, and minimally invasive quick-recovery procedures. We can keep you free of problems by providing lifestyle education and home care advice to help you avoid and manage issues, quickly relieving your inhibiting lifestyle conditions when complications arise.

At Wellness and Pain, we personalize patient care plans based on each patient’s condition and unique circumstances to improve wellness, increase mobility, relieve pain, and enhance your mental space and overall health.

Request an appointment to learn more!

A sleep apnea clinic in New Jersey's stethoscope and magnifying glass with the inscription "Sleep Apnea."

Sleep Apnea Clinic in New Jersey

Your First Sleep Study by a Sleep Apnea Clinic in New Jersey

If you’re suffering from sleep deprivation, your local sleep apnea clinic in New Jersey can tailor the right solution. A certified specialist will test for different sleeping disorders, tailoring the exact treatment you need to rest at night.

Patients don’t understand one fact: Their sleep issues are usually linked to varying medical and health reasons. Patients with narcolepsy usually have a neurological disorder, while those inhibited by sleep apnea each night have a respiratory condition. The same goes for so many other sleep conditions that patients wouldn’t know about unless they got tested.

Stepping into a sleep apnea doctor’s office to discuss your concerns and circumstances is the first step.


What to Expect at a Sleep Apnea Clinic in New Jersey

What can you expect from your first sleep study at a sleep apnea clinic in New Jersey?

A sleep apnea study is a painless, non-invasive procedure that diagnoses whether you actually have sleep apnea. It’s important to follow any instructions and communicate any concerns or questions you have with your sleep technologist.

The study typically takes place overnight, from bedtime to morning. You’ll arrive in the evening, sleeping in a private room with a comfortable bed. Feel free to bring items you use during your nightly routine, including your own pajamas and creature comforts.

Rooms where sleep studies are conducted are similar to hotel rooms. It’s dark, quiet, and private during the test. A sleep specialist will place sensors on your scalp, temples, chest, and legs using a mild adhesive. These sensors are connected to a computer. You’ll also have a small clip attached to your finger or ear to monitor blood oxygen levels.

Throughout the night, your technologist monitors various measurements and adjusts any sensors if necessary. A program will record your brain waves, eye movements, heart rate, breathing pattern, blood oxygen level, and body position. Your chest and abdominal movements, arm and leg movements, snoring, and any other noises are included in this analysis.

Those sensors collect data on your patterns and abnormalities throughout the night, including pauses in breathing or shallow breathing. This data is used to diagnose and assess the severity of your sleep apnea. If you need help, the specialist can communicate through an audio system, adjusting anything if necessary.

In the morning, everything will be removed after you wake up. Your doctor will discuss the results at a follow-up appointment. You’ll find out whether you have sleep apnea and what the next steps entail.


What First-Time Patients Say About Sleep Studies

What do patients say when they stay overnight at a sleep apnea clinic in New Jersey?

There’s usually an adjustment period to sleeping with wires and sensors as they lie down and rest. Fortunately, many patients adapt quickly and fall asleep comfortably. However, some might find it challenging to sleep in an unfamiliar environment, and that’s okay.

Sometimes patients report getting the full night’s sleep they deserve, one they haven’t experienced in years, even with sensors attached. This can be an eye-opening experience, highlighting the impact that sleep apnea is having on their physical and mental wellbeing.

Some study participants say they’re surprised at the amount of data collected during the night. You may find it interesting to learn more about your sleep patterns and any abnormalities detected. Many don’t think their snoring is severe, only to find out they snore quite a bit.

Other patients have expressed their gratitude for the impressive overnight care and support they receive. They appreciate any efforts to make them feel comfortable and answer questions they have.

Overall, most patients describe their sleep-study nights as a manageable and informative experience. Everyone’s experience is unique, so don’t hesitate to discuss concerns or questions with your doctor before the study. While waiting for results, patients are relieved to know they’re on a path to start the right treatment.


Your Sleep Disorder Diagnosed by a Sleep Apnea Clinic in New Jersey

What would a sleep apnea clinic in New Jersey say about the gamut of sleep disorders plaguing adults today?

Sleep apnea is one of many sleeping disorders. There are nearly 100 different types of sleep disorders that have been identified, impacting various aspects of sleep. The varieties include quality and quality of sleep, timing of sleep, and your sleep experience.

Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common sleep-related disorder. People with obstructive sleep apnea repeatedly stop and start breathing during the night.

It is “associated with neurocognitive impairment, hypertension, and incident cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease,” according to Oxford Academic. “Using conventional measures, obstructive sleep apnea has been estimated to affect up to 1 billion people worldwide.”

Insomnia is another common sleeping disorder. Patients suffer from difficulty falling or remaining asleep. They want to fall asleep or stay asleep, but unfortunately they can’t. Patients experience daytime sleepiness, making daily functioning difficult. Up to two-thirds of adults periodically live with insomnia.

Narcolepsy is another sleep disorder, a neurological condition characterized by excessive tiredness throughout the day and sudden sleep attacks. You may feel sudden weakness in your muscles, hallucinations, and sleep paralysis. Narcolepsy is rare, but can significantly impact your life.

Restless Leg Syndrome is an irresistible urge to move your legs. It negatively impacts patients through uncomfortable sensations, including crawly, tingling, or itchy feelings.

A few more popular sleep disorders are Parasomnias, circadian rhythm disorders, and REM Sleep Behavior Disorder or RBD. Those with Parasomnias find themselves walking or staying active during sleep, having nightmares, or suffering from night terrors. Circadian rhythm conditions, such as jet lag or night-shift work, is when your body’s internal clock is disrupted. Lastly, RBD involves acting out vivid dreams during rapid eye movement sleep cycles.


Scientific Studies and the Importance of Your Sleep Health

Undergoing an overnight sleep study at a sleep apnea clinic in New Jersey can be challenging for some patients. However, a study can diagnose what’s going on so you can receive proper treatment that improves your quality of life.

Some scientific studies have revealed how diet and lifestyle impact your sleep. An Australian study found that those who adhered to a healthy plant-based diet had a lower risk of sleep apnea. In contrast, those sticking to an unhealthy diet were at higher risk. “Higher adherence to a plant-based diet is associated with reduced obstructive sleep apnea,” stated the report in European Respiratory Journal. An “unhealthy plant-based diet has a positive association” with sleep apnea.

The benefits of a healthier plant-based diet are still being research. However, “some speculate that plant-based foods can help reduce inflammation in the body, including in the head and neck.” This, according to a recent CBS News report, may correspond with lower risk for sleep apnea among other lifestyle changes.

A healthy plant-based diet is one high in vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and nuts. It includes unprocessed foods, unlike carbohydrates from sugary drinks and high-sugar, high-sodium, processed foods.

Overall, it’s important to communicate your concerns regarding your sleep disorder with a pain management specialist or health care provider. Any inconveniences of an overnight sleep study are worth it to get an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment recommendations.


Wellness and Pain Can Help

Find your sleep apnea clinic in New Jersey by visiting Wellness and Pain. We offer conservative treatments, routine visits, and minimally invasive quick-recovery procedures. We can keep you free of problems by providing lifestyle education and home care advice to help you avoid and manage issues, quickly relieving your inhibiting lifestyle conditions when complications arise.

At Wellness and Pain, we personalize patient care plans based on each patient’s condition and unique circumstances to improve wellness, increase mobility, relieve pain, and enhance your mental space and overall health.

Request an appointment to learn more!

A close-up of a cardiac risk assessment in New Jersey doctor pointing out something on a model of a heart.

Cardiac Risk Assessment in New Jersey

Cardiac Risk Assessment in New Jersey: Facts, Options, and Prevention

A cardiac risk assessment in New Jersey is necessary for enabling early detection of heart disease and personalized prevention strategies. In the long run, they are an efficient, cost-effective way to help manage follow-up and ongoing care.

Most importantly, a heart health assessment can help you make informed decisions about your health and improve a healthier outcome. In what many patients tout as a way to boost their quality of life, an analysis provides peace of mind.

Know that a cardiac risk assessment does not guarantee an individual won’t develop heart disease. It’s a useful tool to gain a better understanding of your risk and make quality decisions about your heart health.

By identifying potential risk factors and taking appropriate preventive measures, stress and anxiety associated with heart disease is reduced. You can focus on other important areas of your life knowing proper measures have been taken to protect your health.


Cardiac Risk Assessment in New Jersey: What is It?

A cardiac risk assessment in New Jersey can identify the risk of heart disease and provide appropriate intervention. Your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes, is ascertained using history, lifestyle, and genetics information.

While identifying factors such as high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, obesity, diabetes, and smoking is key, it’s only the beginning. Assessments typically include reviewing previous heart conditions, your family history of heart disease, and conditions that may affect the heart. As part of your examination, the doctor will listen to your heart, check your blood pressure, and examine your pulse.

Blood tests are also used to measure risks by measuring cardiac biomarkers and lipid levels, including cholesterol and triglycerides. The doctor may even perform an electrocardiogram to determine if any arrhythmias or abnormalities exist.

Your health provider may also recommend a stress test. This assesses your heart’s response to physical stress by monitoring its activity and blood pressure while exercising. For a more detailed evaluation of your heart’s structure and the way it functions, imaging tests may be ordered.

Lastly, your health specialist will discuss your diet, physical activity levels, and alcohol consumption. Be prepared to engage on all these topics.


Benefits, Risk Prediction, and Early Intervention

It’s very possible to prevent a cardiovascular medical incident through a cardiac risk assessment in New Jersey. However, the importance and benefits of personalized care and disease prevention can’t be overstated.

Your customized assessment provides a valuable personalized plan which supersedes almost any action you can take in the near term. Heart risk assessments are beneficial, due to the simple fact that they identify readily changeable risk factors. An assessment will specifically determine your chances of developing a cardiac event over the next 10 years. The higher the risk score, the more aggressive your prevention efforts should be.

“Improving risk prediction will be an ongoing effort. This effort requires input from clinicians and data scientists and will continue to evolve,” states a recent article on the topic published by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. “The reality is that atherosclerotic disease risk prediction will never be perfect, but will hopefully be improved to allow for better targeting of preventive therapies.”

Recommended every 4 – 6 years for healthy adults, these assessments are general guidelines that help sow seeds of prevention. There is no definitive test in these assessments. However, clinical data can estimate a person’s chances of having heart disease so a doctor can recommend appropriate prevention methods.

Health care professionals can make informed decisions about intervention strategies for cardiovascular diseases by thoroughly evaluating a patient’s medical history.


Risk Scores from a Cardiac Risk Assessment in New Jersey

There are two options for a cardiac risk assessment in New Jersey. The first is a technique called the “Framingham Risk Score,” and the second is the Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk Estimator.

The Framingham Risk Score includes factors such as age, sex, race, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, smoking status, diabetes, and gender. Over a 10-year period, it can be used to estimate a person’s chances of developing Coronary Heart Disease.

One of several Framingham studies supports specific dietary recommendations, such as increasing fruit and whole grains intake to prevent obesity. “A significant reverse association… was observed,” the BioMed Central Nutrition Journal study states. “Cardiovascular diseases remain the leading cause of mortality worldwide. This underlies the need to evaluate different targets, such as diet quality.”

The Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD) Risk Estimator is an assessment tool that is more accurate than the Framingham Risk Score. In fact, it’s more for people with certain risk factors, such as diabetes or chronic kidney disease. It’s used to estimate a person’s risk of developing ASCVD, including Coronary Heart Disease, stroke, and peripheral arterial disease.

“Over my career as a cardiovascular surgeon, as well as an immunologist, I have witnessed how current treatments for ASCVD have led to considerable improvements in outcomes. Yet many patients remain vulnerable to life-threatening cardiac events,” states one researcher in the Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiology. “Until recently, atherosclerosis has been thought of as the result of passive lipid accumulation in the vessel wall. However, the development of atherosclerosis is now known to be much more complex, with a key role for immune cells and inflammation in conjunction with hyperlipidemia and elevated LDL levels.”


Early Detection, Prevention, and Possible Elimination

You can identify early problems through a cardiac risk assessment in New Jersey. Many patients think they’ll reduce their risks of developing heart disease by a small amount by being proactive.

In reality, taking preventative measures may reduce the risk of developing heart disease completely. Tips for eating healthy throughout the day or at a restaurant include:

  • Make sure you don’t start out the morning or afternoon hungry. Starving yourself or skipping meals can lead to overeating. Those tempting foods may also be hard to resist.
  • It’s okay to not eat everything on your plate. Take it home in a doggy bag and you’ll enjoy it twice as much.
  • Snacking and nibbling should be avoided. You should listen to your body when it tells you that it’s full. Remove extra food from the table with the help of your spouse, a friend, or restaurant staff. You’ll be more likely to nibble the longer it stays.
  • Eating shouldn’t be a competition. Overeating is caused by eating too fast, since it takes your body 20 minutes to recognize fullness. Take your time and enjoy the social aspect of eating.

Your chances of future problems can be significantly reduced by addressing these issues. Personal reflection can help you develop personalized strategies. Your doctor can create a customized plan to manage your heart health based on your individual risk profile.

It’s equally important to improve how you manage your existing medical conditions. If you have heart disease or a related condition such as diabetes, consider optimizing your treatment. Your treatment plan can be refined over time. Understanding specific vulnerabilities can reduce your risk of complications.

All types of individuals benefit from cardiac risk assessments as they take control of their heart health and make informed decisions.


Wellness and Pain Can Help

A range of options for cardiac risk assessment in New Jersey are available at Wellness and Pain. We offer conservative treatments, routine visits, and minimally invasive quick-recovery procedures. We can keep you free of problems by providing lifestyle education and home care advice to help you avoid and manage issues, quickly relieving your inhibiting lifestyle conditions when complications arise.

At Wellness and Pain, we personalize patient care plans based on each patient’s condition and unique circumstances to improve wellness, increase mobility, relieve pain, and enhance your mental space and overall health.

We look forward to hearing from you!

An illustrated timeline of testosterone reduction in men as they age used to determine whether someone is a good candidate for low testosterone treatment options.

Low Testosterone Treatment Options

Are You a Good Candidate for Low Testosterone Treatment Options?

As an aging man, you may be suffering from lower testosterone and searching for low testosterone treatment options. Testosterone is a crucial hormone, playing a key role in sexual function, physical development, and overall wellbeing. Hypogonadism is when testosterone levels drop, and it can lead to a variety of physical and emotional changes.

While symptoms of hypogonadism affect some men more than others, all patients usually encounter minimal changes in their body and health. Some of the most common physical symptoms include reduced sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and decreased sperm count and fertility. You can also lose muscle mass and strength, gain body fat, suffer bone loss, and get fatigued more easily. Sometimes, breast tissue enlargement will set in, or even loss of body hair or sleep.

Emotional symptoms may also be in play. Depression is a common culprit, as well as irritability and mood swings. Concentration issues and faulty memory seem to haunt men with low testosterone, while self-esteem and low motivation are also related problems.

Believe it or not , testosterone levels naturally decline with age, starting around 30. But it’s not the only cause. Medical conditions can affect testosterone production.  This includes pituitary gland disorders, liver or kidney disease, and chronic illnesses such as diabetes and obesity.

Injuries or infections to your testicles can damage the cells that produce testosterone, and sometimes genetic conditions can be a hindrance. Also, certain medications suppress testosterone, such as steroids or pain relievers.

If you’re experiencing low testosterone symptoms, it’s important to see a doctor or pain management specialist immediately. Determining the cause and discussing treatment options should be your top priority.


Low Testosterone Treatment Options: Choose What’s Right

There are several low testosterone treatment options, including replacement therapy, patches, gels, oral tablets, and even implanted pellets. They range from minimally invasive to moderately invasive.

The most common treatment is testosterone replacement therapy, which usually involves injections. These can be administered directly into your buttocks or thigh muscles once a week or twice a month. Then a follow-up injection will be needed once every couple of months after the process kicks in.

What are the benefits of injections? They are highly effective, precise, and relatively cost effective. However, it’s not uncommon to feel some pain at the injection site.

Patches are another option. These are worn daily on your upper arm, abdomen, or back, slowly releasing testosterone through the skin. They are typically worn for 24 hours before needing to be replaced. With patches, the hormone you need slowly releases through your skin and proves to be a convenient and comfortable source of steady testosterone. Just know that your skin may get irritated.

Applied daily to your upper arms, shoulders or abdomen, topical gels are another option. Testosterone is taken in through your skin through relatively quick absorption. Although it’s a little messy and can cause irritation to some, many patients enjoy the convenience.

Another option comes in tablet form, usually called “buccal tablets.” These single-dose tablets are placed between your gum and cheek. They dissolve through the lining of your mouth and release testosterone into the bloodstream. They are discreet and not invasive, although some patients may find the oral placement is uncomfortable and irritable.

Lastly, some men choose to implant pellets under their skin every three to six months, which slowly release testosterone. They last a long time and provide consistency, but they require a minor surgical procedure for insertion and removal.


Research, Treatment Effects, Considerations, and Alternative Issues

Without a prescription, some low testosterone treatment options are available online. These drugs, however, should be taken under the guidance and approval of a doctor.

Researchers have found that many online platforms are not providing testosterone therapy in accordance with American Urological Association and Endocrine Society guidelines. “Using a secret shopper, they found that the platforms offered therapy to men who didn’t meet the guidelines, and they didn’t mention the risks or benefits of testosterone therapy,” states an article in Men’s Health. “Working with a doctor ensures that you’re prescribed testosterone only when you need it and that you’re taking the right dose. Then, they can work with you to make sure your testosterone levels respond appropriately. They like to recheck everything every six months to make sure you’re not having any negative side effects.”

Symptoms can improve within a few weeks to a month after starting testosterone replacement therapy. There are both positive and negative side effects:

  • Your sex drive jumps.
  • It’s easier to build muscle.
  • Your energy levels can soar.
  • Your mood can improve.
  • It’s likely to affect your fertility.
  • Your feet and ankles may swell.
  • Your skin type may change.
  • Your breasts may enlarge.

Sometimes, patients find they need to treat an underlying medical condition. These can include a pituitary gland dysfunction, hypothalamic disorder, testicular damage, chronic illness, or genetic condition. Treating the underlying condition often aids in restoring levels to normal.

In other cases, different therapies may be used in conjunction with conventional low testosterone treatment options. For instance, clomiphene citrate can stimulate the pituitary gland to produce more testosterone. Also, human chorionic gonadotropin can help your testicles start producing testosterone.

Don’t forget to modify your lifestyle. Maintain a healthy weight, regularly exercise, get adequate sleep, manage your stress levels, and eat more fruits and vegetables.


Diagnosis and Testing for Low Testosterone Treatment Options

Your individual needs, preferences, and underlying causes of low testosterone will determine your low testosterone treatment options. Always consult a pain management specialist or doctor to figure out the best course of minimally invasive solution.

Remember, the purpose of testosterone therapy is to reverse the effects of hypogonadism. Symptoms of low testosterone are not experienced by all men with low testosterone. In fact, many men do not suffer from any symptoms or may only have a few.

To get a definitive diagnosis and rule out other potential causes of symptoms, it’s always best to visit the experts. Depending on the cause of your low testosterone, your treatment will vary.

To determine if you’re a good candidate for therapy, doctors will test your testosterone levels. They usually take two blood tests in the morning on different days. Low testosterone is considered to be anything under 300 nanograms per deciliter. Your health specialist will take into account any symptoms, such as low libido, fatigue, or just feeling tired and out of commission.

Also know there are my voices online saying a variety of things on both sides of the treatment discussion. One study came out saying testosterone therapy does not increase the risk for serious heart problems as some experts once feared.

“This is the trial we’ve been waiting for,” said one of the researchers in the study. “This has provided the closest thing we have to a definitive answer about cardiovascular risk and testosterone therapy.” It said the finding comes nearly a decade after the Food and Drug Administration demanded that drugmakers study the potential cardiovascular effects of therapy.

The right treatment for you depends on your personal preferences, individual circumstances, and insurance coverage. Make sure you discuss all options with the experts before moving forward.


Wellness and Pain Can Help

A range of low testosterone treatment options are available at Wellness and Pain. We offer conservative treatments, routine visits, and minimally invasive quick-recovery procedures to keep you free of problems by providing lifestyle education and home care advice to help you avoid and manage issues.  We help in quickly relieving your inhibiting lifestyle conditions when complications arise.

At Wellness and Pain, we personalize patient care plans based on each patient’s condition and unique circumstances. We help to improve wellness, increase mobility, relieve pain, and enhance your mental space and overall health.

We’re excited to hear from you!

A young woman lying on a table and receiving chiropractic services in New Jersey from a female chiropractic practitioner.

Chiropractor Services in New Jersey

Five Successful Techniques Used by Chiropractor Services in New Jersey

Chiropractors manipulate the spine in a variety of ways, with more than 100 professionally recognized techniques across the globe, many of which are practiced at chiropractor services in New Jersey. Even though each style has its own nuances, the core principle remains the same: Applying controlled force to restore your joint alignment, function, and mobility.

In a Diversified Technique adjustment strategy, your chiropractor will apply a thrust to a specific spinal joint, using quick movements and low displacement. The joint is realigned with a targeted pop. But there are gentler approaches as well.

The Gonstead Method restores your joint’s motion through smooth, mild, and precise positioning of force, using minimum pressure. Patients who are sensitive to forceful chiropractic adjustments prefer this technique. Some also enjoy the Activator Method, which uses a spring-loaded instrument to apply rapid-but-low impulses to your spine. Not only is it comfortable, it’s suitable for sensitive areas.

Two additional interesting methods are the Flexion Distraction and Thompson techniques. In the first, stretching the spine creates space between your vertebrae, followed by a thrust to restore proper alignment. Oftentimes, patients suffering from pinched nerves or disk herniations benefit from Flexion Distraction. In the second, patients lie on a sectionally divided drop-table that can tilt, which provides the right environment to make hyper-targeted spinal adjustments. Thompson is very effective in treating all sorts of disk problems.

Many chiropractic researchers still have trouble pinpointing why treatment is so effective for some patients, according to an in-depth piece in Time Magazine. “What’s more important is that for many patients, it does work,” the article states. “Chiropractors tend to have very high patient satisfaction rates. And from a public health perspective, we’d see a lot fewer unnecessary tests, hospitalizations, and opioid prescriptions.”


Chiropractor Services in New Jersey and the Diversified Technique

In the field of chiropractic manipulation, the Diversified Technique is the most widely used method, especially at chiropractor services in New Jersey. By restoring proper joint alignment, it improves spinal mobility and fixes any dysfunction that’s been caused by misalignment. It also uses minimal instrumentation, relying on a more hands-on approach.

Using fast movements to break up adhesions and stretch surrounding tissues, the Diversified Technique applies controlled force and precise angles to restore your joints. As gas bubbles escape from your joint spaces, each thrust by your chiropractor will quickly change the joint’s range of motion.

Diversified chiropractic techniques give chiropractors a wide range of adjustment methods to choose from. In each adjustment, the chiropractor considers the patient’s need and specific joint dysfunction. Many know this method for reducing back and back pain. In addition, it can reduce spinal stiffness and improve overall joint function and range of motion. It may also have positive effects on your nervous system.

Not every patient will benefit from diversified adjustments, as some feel uncomfortable by the technique’s high-velocity nature.


The Gonstead Method: Precision, Gentleness, and Minimal Force

The Gonstead Method at local chiropractor services in New Jersey emphasizes precision, specific adjustments, and minimal force, restoring the integrity of your nervous system. Individual spinal vertebrae are adjusted meticulously, which maintains alignment and corrects any misalignments that have been interfering with your nerves.

This technique uses a multi-layered approach to identify joint pain, swelling, and instability. As such, your chiropractor will also assess your posture and nerve inflammation or irritation. They’ll examine your joints for abnormalities and the tone of your muscles surrounding your spine. This is in addition to any dysfunctional movement patterns.

With this analysis in hand, your chiropractor will make precision adjustments focused on your misaligned vertebrae. The goal is to minimize the manipulation of surrounding areas. They may apply a short-lever technique. This prevents too much force from affecting your vertebrae’s bony knobs. In some cases, it’s often better than forceful maneuvers or thrusts. As such, your chiropractor can utilize his or her hands and body weight to stabilize the force applied.  While patients with fragile bones may find this method gentler and more comfortable, it’s also more time consuming and meticulous.


The Activator Method at Chiropractor Services in New Jersey

It’s no surprise that throughout many chiropractor services in New Jersey, the Activator Method is an innovative approach to care, using specialized spring-loaded devices to deliver rapid, low-force impulses. Through gentle adjustments, it restores proper joint function and communication throughout your nervous system, minimizing manual hands-on attention. Most importantly, it avoids direct contact by focusing on specific points near the misaligned joint.

The technology behind the activator instrument all comes down to its compressed air, which is used to power this hand-held device. At the touch of a button, it delivers short bursts of force with various intensities. Chiropractors can locate misaligned joints and provide a controlled, quick-tap sensation rather than forceful thrusts, a process that’s typically painless and doesn’t involve cracking sounds.

Since the device can be used on different joints in the neck, spine, and extremities, patients who are sensitive to forceful manipulation really like this instrument. Using a highly targeted strategy, any chiropractor can minimize the risk of complications and provide a controlled, convenient experience.


Flexion Distraction: Proper Motion and Vertebrae Disk Spacing

Other chiropractor services in New Jersey use yet another effective treatment technique for back pain. It’s known as “Flexion Distraction,” which promotes reduced pressure on nerves and disks. By stretching and decompressing your spine on a special table, this treatment brings back proper motion. Not only that, but it brings back proper spacing between vertebrae, especially in the disk area.

While you lie face down, a sectioned table keeps your upper body stable. At the same time, the area under your lower extremities gradually drops. This motion gently stretches your spine. Straps will secure your pelvis and legs as a rhythmic movement slowly works on your spine. Your chiropractor will use gentle, manual pressure to target specific joints. This part usually takes up to 20 minutes and can be repeated several times each week.

In short, this method is gentle and comfortable for patients, especially helping those suffering from back pain, sciatica, disk bulges, and other related issues. It improves flexibility and posture by restoring proper spinal alignment and motion, as well as decompressing targeted areas, increasing disk hydration, and improving disk retraction pressure.


Chiropractor Services in New Jersey and the Drop-Table Thompson Technique

Many chiropractor services in New Jersey use the Thompson Technique, in which spinal misalignments and pain are addressed through precise adjustments and a specialized drop table. With an emphasis on your pelvis and sacroiliac joints, this method corrects poor features in your back by using a systematic approach.

A Thompson Drop Table has segmented sections that can drop in response to the chiropractor’s controlled thrusts. By utilizing the dropping action, your chiropractor can maximize the force of the adjustment while minimizing the amount of manual force required.  To identify misalignments, your chiropractor will check your leg length and assess your posture. Specific adjustments are made to your vertebrae and surrounding soft tissues, aligning targeted joints with the table-drop segment for each adjustment.

Fortunately, the dropping technology creates a popping sound without any forceful manipulation. A drop table facilitates deeper adjustments and can potentially deliver a longer-lasting positive outcome. Treatment is effective for a wide variety of conditions, including lower back pain, sciatica, and even headaches.

Whether it’s the Diversified Technique, Gonstead Method, Activator Method, Flexion Distraction, or the Thompson technique, you can be assured of a licensed chiropractor’s reputation. A 2018 large-scale study review by The Spine Journal concluded that chiropractic methods reduced pain and improved function for most patients. More importantly, the research also confirmed that aspiring chiropractors “must spend thousands of hours studying before obtaining a license.” It added: “In 2020, an estimated 51,400 chiropractors were practicing in the United States.”

Chiropractic care can alleviate pain, improve mobility, boost your overall health, and remains a drug-free, non-invasive treatment for millions of patients across the nation. While your chiropractor will help you choose a technique based on your individual needs, it’s good to know the facts behind each method.


Wellness and Pain Can Help

Quality chiropractor services in New Jersey are available through Wellness and Pain. We offer conservative treatments, routine visits, and minimally invasive quick-recovery procedures. We can keep you free of problems by providing lifestyle education and home care advice to help you avoid and manage issues, quickly relieving your inhibiting lifestyle conditions when complications arise.

At Wellness and Pain, we personalize patient care plans based on each patient’s condition and unique circumstances to improve wellness, increase mobility, relieve pain, and enhance your mental space and overall health.

A gentleman receiving an exam in the best chiropractic clinic near me.

Best Chiropractic Clinic Near Me

Where’s the Best Chiropractic Clinic Near Me? We’re Glad You Asked…

Where is the best chiropractic clinic near me? It’s a common question that back and neck patients continually ask themselves as they suffer from pain each day.

To this day, chiropractic therapy remains a safe and effective way to treat chronic back pain. It also treats neck pain and other musculoskeletal pains. In addition to improving mobility and flexibility, chiropractic therapy reduces pain flare-ups. This added benefit lets many patients avoid painkillers over the long term.

Rather than treating the immediate and direct symptoms of back or neck pain, chiropractic care targets the underlying cause. In theory, a chiropractor could treat your symptom or discomfort and provide some relief, but the underlying cause would remain.

Back and neck pain stem from a multitude of reasons. Muscle, bone, ligament, and joint anatomy is an extremely complicated medical territory, making strains and other injuries that cause back discomfort an unparalleled universe in the world of health, medicine, and discovery. Unsafe lifting, poor posture, stress, obesity, a sports injury, or even a vehicle accident can cause chronic back and neck pain. Even some diseases can be the culprit, such as Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Osteoarthritis.

Besides quality chiropractic care and attention, healthy modifications to your lifestyle are also recommended. These may include maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding extended periods of sitting, exercising, hydrating, wearing low-heeled shoes, stretching, and using proper body posture.

When both strategies are used simultaneously, trustworthy and reputable chiropractic treatment, along with self-help choices, can eliminate most back and neck ailments.


The Best Chiropractic Clinic Near Me Starts with an Exam

Think to yourself: The best chiropractic clinic near me is all about learning what’s happening inside my back, neck, and my entire body. In many ways, chiropractic examinations are similar to standard health care examinations. Yet, chiropractic care differs from other disciplines in how chiropractors examine the spine’s structure and prescribe specific treatments.

Some potential patients interview chiropractors over the phone or in person before making a choice. There’s no medical or spinal examination during these types of interviews, but rather a discussion focused on expertise, context, and patient care. Patients may ask about a chiropractor’s philosophy and general approach, as well as their standard preferences in diagnosing and treating those who are suffering.

A consultation begins with having you fill out forms that provide background information on symptoms and your condition. There are usually questions about when and how the pain started, where it’s felt, how you would describe the pain, whether it’s caused by an injury, and what activities help or worsen the pain. Health professionals usually ask patients about any pre-existing conditions, previous injuries, and any previous or current medical or health treatments.

Blood pressure, pulse, breathing, and reflex tests are all part of a thorough chiropractic exam. Your range of motion, muscle tone, muscle strength, and neurological integrity may also be assessed through orthopedic and neurological tests.

To get a good read on your painful target area, additional tests may be needed, such as having you move in a specific way, evaluating your posture, or assessing mobility.


Diagnostic Studies, Medical History, X-Rays, and Imaging

What else should I consider when looking for the best chiropractic clinic near me? This is also a key question that will guide your search and personal experience.

In addition to a patient examination, diagnostic studies can be helpful for revealing any pathologies, diseases, or other injuries, as well as identifying structural abnormalities based on your medical history. X-rays are the most common diagnostic tests performed during an initial chiropractic examination, but they’re not always necessary.

As a general rule, chiropractors use X-rays to diagnose a recent injury, spinal inflammation, or study a spine deformity that may progress. Chiropractors should only order X-rays if they believe the tests will provide necessary information to guide a patient’s treatment plan, meaning they should only be encouraged when medically necessary.

While an X-ray is useful for studying bones, it’s not relevant for studying soft tissues. An MRI scan, or magnetic resonance imaging, is typically recommended when soft tissue damage is suspected, such as a torn muscle or disk. For most chiropractic clinics, MRI scans and more extensive imaging studies require a referral to an outside service.

Any chiropractic diagnosis is based on the patient’s history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests. Treatment can be determined once a diagnosis has been established since some conditions, such as fractures, tumors, or infections, cannot be treated with chiropractic methods and typically require another specialist physician’s care.

When chiropractors examine their patients for the first time, they’ll explain your condition, a recommended treatment plan or other treatments, and how long it may take to heal.


Discovering the Best Chiropractic Clinic Near Me Takes Patience

Finding the best chiropractic clinic near me is all about researching local chiropractors. In addition, it’s about discovering the effectiveness of care in treating pain and improving health. These present themselves as complex questions with nuanced answers. This way of thinking should guide your journey. Both chiropractors and patients should consider the specific condition they are treating. They should also weigh potential benefits and risks, and read any research to fully understand the personal circumstance at hand.

On the whole, most good chiropractors stay updated with best-practice recommendations and the latest academic studies on managing low back pain (LBP) throughout the United States as more adults from all walks of life deal with LBP. “Low back pain is the leading cause of disability in the United States and exacts an expensive toll on society and individuals,” states a recent report in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. “Globally, as of 2015, more than half a billion people had LBP.”

Fortunately, chiropractic adjustments can provide short-term relief from neck and back pain. According to some studies, it’s just as effective as conventional treatments like physical therapy. A chiropractor can improve your joints’ range of motion and flexibility, potentially improving your overall physical function.

“Chiropractic care, which is based on the understanding that the mind and body can heal itself, can treat many issues that might surprise you,” states an article in U.S. News and World Report. It also discusses benefits for individuals suffering from migraines, tension headaches, stress, anxiety, fibromyalgia, and weak immune systems. “You might think chiropractors are only able to help with backaches, stiff necks, slipped disks, and whiplash injuries. If so, you’re not alone, but you’re missing out.”


Personal Preference, Pros and Cons, and Reputable Experience

So once again: Where is best chiropractic clinic near me? Ultimately, this question comes down to personal preference as you try any chiropractor’s services.

If you find yourself searching for chiropractic treatment, consult the chiropractor’s credentials and experience, as well as philosophy of care. Get a second opinion if you’re not completely sure about a particular chiropractor’s track record, method, or style, and make sure you discuss your personal health concerns with any professional you end up choosing. Be transparent about your expectations, as well as any questions about the potential risks and benefits.

To determine whether it’s a suitable option, weigh your pros and cons. Then, gather information from reliable sources and consult your primary care doctor. You can choose the best course of action for your health and well-being. However, this only proves true if you conduct research and talk with healthcare and pain management specialists.

Just know that while the benefits of chiropractic care include pain relief and a healthier lifestyle, it’s not a substitute for traditional medical care. It’s important to see a doctor if you have serious or other medical symptoms.

“Chiropractic care isn’t pseudoscience,” according to Healthline. “While research continues into its potential uses, evidence does support its benefits as part of a treatment plan for pain. Start by asking whether this treatment might be a good option for you.”


Wellness and Pain Can Help

The best chiropractic clinic near me: It’s available at your local Wellness and Pain provider. We offer conservative treatments, routine visits, and minimally invasive quick-recovery procedures. We can keep you free of problems by providing lifestyle education and home care advice to help you avoid and manage issues, quickly relieving your inhibiting lifestyle conditions when complications arise.

At Wellness and Pain, we personalize patient care plans based on each patient’s condition and unique circumstances to improve wellness, increase mobility, relieve pain, and enhance your mental space and overall health.

An adult son talking with his senior father about the health benefits of testosterone replacement therapy.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

The Basics and Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

If you’re an adult male, there are a couple reasons why you might look into testosterone replacement therapy: medical necessity or performance and health enhancement.

When it comes to the second option, many don’t realize this therapy can enhance your sexual drive, increase muscle mass, stimulate red blood cell production, boost your energy, help you lose weight, improve mood, sharpen memory, and decrease brain fog.

To understand why, you need to know the scientific basis behind the hormones involved in this therapy, as well as what testosterone is and how it positively impacts your growth and development as you age.


Testosterone Replacement Therapy: Facts About this Hormone

Let’s explore testosterone and debunk some myths about its role in men’s health before we examine the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy. Testosterone affects the growth of a male’s genitalia, facial and body hair, and is responsible for deepening your voice. It also supports healthy sexual function, such as libido, erectile dysfunction, and sperm production.

We can’t forget the contribution testosterone also makes to other vital areas of a man’s life, including healthy physique and building and maintaining muscle mass. Your bone density is strengthened by having adequate levels of testosterone.

Testosterone can also help regulate your emotional psychological state. “Testosterone may help maintain a normal mood,” states an article by Harvard Health Publishing. In fact, “There may be other important functions of this hormone that have not yet been discovered.”

It’s also important to realize what testosterone doesn’t do:

  • It doesn’t cure all ailments. Addressing low testosterone can improve some symptoms, but it doesn’t make you healthier or live longer.
  • It can somewhat boost one’s athletic performance. However, the benefits are often exaggerated, and it comes with risks. Make sure you know those risks.
  • There’s no guarantee it will lead to weight loss or fat burning, although losing weight can be a positive benefit for many under the right conditions. Muscle mass may increase with therapy, but this isn’t a shortcut to losing weight.
  • The effectiveness of therapy in reversing baldness has not been proven. Don’t expect too much in this department, and be open to any outcome.

Non-hormonal strategies often improve low testosterone symptoms. These include exercise, weight management, and stress reduction. Of course, you should discuss any hormone therapy with a men’s health specialist or doctor for situational advice.


Types of Hypogonadism and the Science Behind It

To understand how testosterone replacement therapy does its job, you need to understand hypogonadism. Several factors can cause hypogonadism, such as testicular injury, pituitary gland problems, or certain medical treatments. Hormone levels are measured in blood tests to diagnose this condition.

Hypogonadism can be divided into two types. In primary hypogonadism, sex glands are damaged. A genetic disease, infection, autoimmune disease, or even radiation or surgery can damage the gonads.

On the other hand, secondary hypogonadism involves problems with the pituitary gland or hypothalamus, two glands in the brain that produce hormones. Certain medications, tumors, or infections in your pituitary gland can cause this condition.

Your type of hypogonadism will determine treatment options. Typically, testosterone replacement therapy is used for primary hypogonadism, while estrogen and progesterone are used for secondary hypogonadism. Also, any underlying cause of secondary hypogonadism may be addressed in a treatment plan.

To understand the biological science behind testosterone replacement therapy, we need to understand how testosterone plays a role in the body and how it can be replaced. Among your primary sex hormones, testosterone acts as a conductor to regulate a variety of functions in the body. As a result, testosterone levels can plummet below normal and cause a cascade of problems.

By mimicking the body’s natural production of testosterone, therapy replenishes testosterone levels. Your individual needs and the specific hormone agent working to counteract hypogonadism will vary.

“Testosterone replacement therapy is associated with high satisfaction rates,” according to the results of survey findings published in the International Journal of Innovation Review. “Patients noted that treatment efficacy was a significant driving factor when evaluating a regimen. Few patients felt that cost was the most significant factor.”


Aging, Hypogonadism, and Testosterone Replacement Therapy

When it comes to testosterone replacement therapy and hypogonadism, something larger is happening with your hormones over time. Hypogonadism manifests itself through physical, mental, and emotional changes in your body, possibly including the loss of muscle and bone density, changes in body composition, sexual health, mood and cognitive function, and self-confidence of your body image.  However, many don’t realize that the effects of hypogonadism become more pronounced with age, making management even more important.

Additional concerns include:

  • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Testosterone deficiency can contribute to heart problems in men, which means maintaining a healthy lifestyle and managing risk factors are crucial. Some of these risks include cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • Metabolic issues. Insulin resistance and diabetes risk can increase from any hormonal imbalances your body is suffering from. Dietary modifications, exercise, and weight management are essential in preventing these complications.
  • Osteoporosis and fractures. Your bone density will decline the older you get. Taking calcium and vitamin D supplements, scheduling osteoporosis check-ups, and making sure you never slip or fall are all important choices.

When you go for testing, your health specialist or doctor will usually take two different blood samples before 12 p.m. Activity levels, diet, and time of day each cause hormone levels to fluctuate. To determine the cause of low testosterone levels, the doctor may also order imaging studies and additional tests, such as a luteinizing hormone test or follicle-stimulating hormone test.

In most cases, blood testosterone levels will improve within a week of replacement therapy, but your symptoms may take longer to go away. Benefits may include a boost in energy and libido, as well as an increase in bone density and a healthier body mass. To see positive results, it may take up to four weeks or several months.


Living With Unique Challenges: A Lifelong Condition

Testosterone replacement therapy typically involves lifelong treatment. This changes if a medical illness causes it. Your health specialist or doctor will continually monitor your response to the therapy. This includes continually monitoring blood testosterone levels over the months. Approximately six months after your initial treatment, your doctor will also monitor any possible symptoms and side effects.

Hypogonadism is a lifelong condition, but it can be managed effectively with treatment. If you suffer from hypogonadism, a healthy and fulfilling life is in sight with the right treatment plan in place. Few adults realize that it affects approximately 5 percent of men, or that the risk of developing hypogonadism increases with age.

Hypogonadism impacts 10 – 15 percent of men over age 50, and closer to 20 – 30 percent in men over age 70. Primary hypogonadism usually stems from issues with the testes, affecting around 20 – 30 percent of cases, while secondary hypogonadism originates from the brain’s hormone centers, making up 70 – 80 percent of cases.

Living and aging with hypogonadism presents unique challenges, but it’s also important to remember that managing it effectively can lead to a fulfilling life. While there’s no cure for hypogonadism, you can improve your quality of life at the very least. It’s important to see a health specialist or doctor if you are experiencing symptoms and suffering.g


Wellness and Pain Can Help

A range of testosterone replacement therapy options are available at Wellness and Pain. We offer conservative treatments, routine visits, and minimally invasive quick-recovery procedures. We can keep you free of problems by providing lifestyle education and home care advice to help you avoid and manage issues, quickly relieving your inhibiting lifestyle conditions when complications arise.

At Wellness and Pain, we personalize patient care plans based on each patient’s condition and unique circumstances to improve wellness, increase mobility, relieve pain, and enhance your mental space and overall health.

An elderly woman receiving diabetic leg pain treatment in a doctor's office.

Diabetic Leg Pain Treatment: Six Proven Remedies

Diabetic leg pain treatment aims to reduce pain, improve circulation, and prevent further nerve discomfort. High blood sugar levels cause diabetic neuropathy, which causes direct nerve damage in the legs.

Despite the lack of a cure for diabetes and feet pain, there are treatments that can help relieve the pain, including lifestyle modifications, medications, physical therapy, or surgery in some cases. A pain management specialist or your doctor can help you if you are suffering. You have a better chance of relieving pain and preventing nerve damage if you begin treatment as soon as possible.


NCV/EMG Options and Diabetic Leg Pain Treatment

You can determine whether you have muscular or nerve damage through Electromyogram (EMG) and Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) tests, both of which are often conducted simultaneously when you see a specialist for diabetic leg pain treatment.

Neuromuscular abnormalities can be detected using electromyography. An assessment of your muscles and the nerves controlling your muscles is performed during this diagnostic test. For muscles to contract or relax, these nerve cells send electrical signals. EMGs measure the electrical response of muscles to nerve stimulation. If you show signs of muscle or nerve problems, your doctor will order an electromyography test. Besides pinpointing the exact location of an injury, the test also measures the degree of muscle and nerve damage and can point to the extent of diabetic circulation problems.

Detecting nerve injury or dysfunction can also mean a NCV test is required. The procedure, also known as a nerve conduction test, measures the speed at which electrical signals travel through your peripheral nerves. Connecting the brain and spinal cord to the rest of your body is the peripheral nervous system’s job. These nerves assist in exercising your muscles and engaging your senses. Electrical signals are relayed faster and more rapidly by healthy nerves, whereas damaged nerves function less efficiently.

A pain management specialist can diagnose your condition based on the electrical signals within an EMG test, and your diabetes and feet pain can be targeted through a NCV test to determine whether you have damage to your nerve fibers or your myelin sheath, which shields your nerve cells from damage.


Orthopedic Choices and Diabetic Leg Pain Treatment

Lower extremity pain can be reduced or even completely eliminated with the right diabetic leg pain treatment. To treat orthopedic leg pain, you might need to rest, undergo physical therapy, take medications, or have surgery.

It’s possible to reduce pain, improve range of motion, and maintain muscle strength through physical therapy and rest. Inflammation and pain can be treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and muscle relaxants as well. It’s always important to begin by finding the root cause of your diabetes and feet pain problem. Physical therapy, though, is very popular since it involves stretching and strength training, as well as hot and cold treatments. Leg strength and flexibility can be improved.

It’s also possible to reduce lower extremity orthopedic leg pain by eating a healthy diet and changing one’s lifestyle. Your legs can also benefit from rest and avoiding activities that tend to strain them. If you aren’t sure what treatment plan will work for you, consult your physician. Surgery is usually a last resort in most diabetes and leg circulation cases.


Trigger Point Injections and Diabetic Leg Pain Treatment

The clinical characteristics of a painful trigger point and unique methodology of trigger point injections usually determine whether that area of your body is active or latent — which is sometimes an overlooked diabetic leg pain treatment option. A trigger point that is active can cause pain even when the body is at rest.

To treat trigger points, pain management professionals use trigger point injections. A variety of conditions can be treated with these injections, including diabetic circulation problems and pain in your neck, back, shoulders, arms, myofascial pain syndrome, and even fibromyalgia.

There is no preparation required for trigger injections. It’s important to discuss your current medications, symptoms, and overall health with your provider before having a procedure. Corticosteroids and local anesthetics are two common types of medications. With injections lasting only a few minutes, local anesthetics numb the area, while corticosteroids reduce inflammation and pain.

A management specialist will likely inject medication into a trigger point manually. There’s a possibility you will experience some pain. It’s common to feel a burning or stinging sensation after the needle is inserted and medicine is injected. A brief increase in pain may occur if the needle tip touches the trigger point. However, directly tackling the problem area is crucial.

You may need an injection if over-the-counter pain medications, heat therapies, massages or physical therapy haven’t relieved your diabetes and feet pain.


Massage Therapy and Diabetic Leg Pain Treatment

There are many conditions that can be treated with massage therapy safely and effectively, which is why many diabetic leg pain treatment patients incorporate massages into their schedules. Lots of pain issues can be treated, including muscle pains, trapped body fluid, spasms, pain patterns, and surgery recovery.

Aside from improving tissue healing, massage therapy can strengthen your immune system, relax you before surgery, reduce stress and anxiety, reduce inflammation, increase blood flow, aid in weight loss, improve digestion, boost your metabolism, relieve constipation, and reduce cortisol (a stress-induced hormone). The benefits of massage therapy are numerous, especially when it comes to diabetes and feet pain.

Furthermore, it’s an alternative medicine that complements a wide range of conditions. The term “modality” refers to a specific type of massage therapy based on a particular set of techniques. Several different modalities are available, each with its own benefits for targeting diabetes and leg circulation.


Acupuncture Therapy and Pain Management

Diabetic leg pain treatment that incorporates acupuncture therapy amounts to injecting needles to stimulate your body’s natural painkillers and neurotransmitters (including endorphins) through a reaction, a rebalancing, or a release.

Acupuncture treatment isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to your diabetes and feet pain. Some patients feel a dull ache or mild pricking, while others don’t feel anything at all. A feeling of tingling, buzzing, warmth, or weight may be felt as well. After inserting needles, acupuncturists sometimes twirl or move them. There may be times when your sensation increases slightly.

People generally tolerate acupuncture well. If you experience pain, let your acupuncturist know. The needles may be adjusted or a different needle size or technique may be used to make the treatment more comfortable.

After acupuncture therapy, you may feel relaxed or energized. There’s usually a reduction in pain or other symptoms, which is perfect if you’re looking to decrease or even help cure your diabetic circulation problems and symptoms. People find acupuncture to be safe and effective, even though its effects vary from person to person.


IV Hydration and Diabetic Leg Pain Treatment

By boosting your body’s ability to absorb fluids and electrolytes through vitamin rehydration, IV hydration — also known as intravenous hydration — can speed up your recovery process as you go through diabetic leg pain treatment. Minerals and vitamins are used in vitamin rehydration therapy. Magnesium, potassium, sodium, vitamin C, and vitamin B12 are among the most common.

Rehydrating with IV fluids and electrolytes is a safe and effective way to replenish fluids and electrolytes. Fluids and electrolytes are delivered directly into the bloodstream through a needle or catheter inserted into a vein. The process can take a different amount of time for each person. A half-hour to one hour is usually the most time it takes.

Your body benefits from IV hydration in a number of ways, especially if you are simultaneously dealing with diabetes and feet pain. Furthermore, improving electrolyte balance — which is crucial for many bodily functions — helps replenish nutrients depleted by illness, injury, or other circumstances. It can boost your immune system, reduce inflammation, and improve your energy levels.


Wellness and Pain Can Help

A range of options for diabetic leg pain treatment are available at Wellness and Pain. Here, we offer conservative treatments, routine visits, and minimally invasive quick-recovery procedures. We can keep you free of problems by providing lifestyle education and home care advice to help you avoid and manage issues, quickly relieving the inhibiting lifestyle conditions when complications arise.

We personalize patient care plans based on each patient’s condition and unique circumstances to relieve pain, improve mobility and mental space, and improve your overall health.

Learn more about diabetes leg pain.

The Impact of Workplace Wellness: Why Trusting Experienced Surgeons is a Game-Changer

In today’s fast-paced, stress-filled work environments, employee health and wellness is a concern that needs immediate attention. As organizations strive to maintain productivity and growth, a comprehensive approach to wellness becomes essential. In this article, we explore the importance of workplace wellness and why it’s crucial to work with an experienced team of surgeons to ensure the best outcomes.

Workplace Wellness: An Essential Investment

Investing in workplace wellness programs is not just a moral obligation; it’s a strategic business move. Such initiatives have proven to boost employee morale, improve productivity, and reduce healthcare costs – a winning scenario for both employers and employees.

The Benefits of a Healthy Workforce

Increased Productivity: Healthy employees are often more productive. They can focus better, have more energy, and are less likely to take sick days.

Improved Employee Engagement: Wellness initiatives create a sense of camaraderie and positive corporate culture, leading to increased employee engagement.

Cost Savings: By promoting preventive healthcare, organizations can minimize the likelihood of costly health issues amongst their employees, thereby reducing healthcare expenditure.

Role of Experienced Surgeons

While wellness initiatives may start with small steps like introducing healthier food options or encouraging physical activity, comprehensive wellness screening is a vital component. Here’s where the role of experienced surgeons comes in.

Expertise: Professional surgeons bring their wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. They can accurately diagnose potential health risks, allowing for early intervention and prevention.

Precision: Experienced surgeons provide precise screenings, consultations, and advice. They can help prevent misdiagnoses and ensure employees get the correct treatment if required.

Trust: Employees are more likely to trust and engage with wellness programs when they know that the people behind the scenes are highly experienced medical professionals.


Investing in workplace wellness isn’t just a beneficial decision – it’s a vital one. With a healthy team, your organization can thrive, increasing productivity and fostering a positive work culture. Partnering with experienced surgeons ensures you’re providing the best possible care for your employees, giving them the confidence to engage with wellness initiatives.

The time to prioritize the health and well-being of your employees is now. At Wellness & Pain, we’re here to support your journey towards fostering a healthier, happier workplace. Our team of experienced surgeons is ready to help you implement an effective wellness program that meets the specific needs of your organization.

 Contact us today to learn more about our services, or fill out this service inquiry form to get started. If you’re ready to schedule your first wellness event, visit our scheduling page to choose a convenient date.

Remember, a step towards workplace wellness is a leap towards success. Your employees are your most valuable resource – invest in their health today for a more productive tomorrow.

Covered by Most Insurances and Most Unions

Wellness and Pain accepts most major insurance plans. Here is a list of some of the major insurance plans we accept. If you do not see your insurance plan listed, please call our office to confirm.

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