NY & NJ’s Treatment Destination for Leg Cramps
If you’ve ever experienced leg cramps of any degree, you know just how painful and debilitating they can be. You may have even limped to your computer and quickly typed “Leg cramps doctor, now!” Also known as a “charley horse,” they occur when a muscle in the calf suddenly tightens. This spasm can last anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. During this time, it’s almost impossible to think of anything but the pain.
Often, leg cramps occur in the calf muscles, but they can occur in the feet and thighs too. In addition, they can strike at night, disrupting sleep and setting you on the wrong foot the next day.
Vessel Insufficiency
Though excruciatingly painful, it’s important to note that leg cramps are not medically harmful. However, regular cramping of the legs is a common symptom of vessel insufficiency (VI).
In healthy circulation, vessels deep within the leg work to circulate blood back to the heart. First, your body removes waste products. Then, “clean” blood replenishes your body and legs with oxygen and nutrients.
In summary, vessel insufficiency (VI) occurs when the vessel in the legs have difficulty pushing blood back to the heart. The vessel walls eventually become weak, and vessel valves are damaged. This damage makes it possible for blood to leak, or flow backward and stay in the vessel.
Tired of Dealing with Leg Cramps? Get Relief Today!
Chronic vessel insufficiency (CVI) can cause vessel stasis, a condition where the blood pools in the vessel. Pooled blood that’s carrying waste products is depleted of oxygen and essential nutrients, thus causing leg cramps.
Chronic leg cramping is often a result of the body being unable to clean waste from the blood that has pooled in the legs due to weak or damaged vessels.
Although vessel insufficiency often causes varicose veins and spider veins, many patients with VI don’t experience these physical indicators. In fact, leg cramps are often the only symptom of vessel disease—If there are any symptoms at all. Other symptoms of vessel disease vary by patient and should be evaluated by a physician.

Treatment Options
Treating the underlying vessel disease, or vessel insufficiency, will stop cramping and aching legs from occurring. You won’t have to search for a “Leg cramps doctor” ever again.
At Wellness & Pain, Dr. Jonathan Arad uses a variety of effective, minimally invasive treatments to close off problematic vessels and address vessel insufficiency. Thankfully, this offers the best relief from leg cramps for good. Treatments include:
- Vessel ablation
- Sclerotherapy
Are you suffering from frequent leg pain and cramping? Chronic cramping of the legs caused by vessel insufficiency can be incredibly difficult to live with. Fortunately, there is a cure.
The first step towards permanent relief from painful leg cramps is to receive a simple, non-invasive diagnostic Wellness Ultrasound, during which Dr. Arad will assess your vessel health. Should your Wellness Ultrasound find evidence of vessel insufficiency, you, Dr. Arad, and Dr. Molina will take the necessary steps to restore your vessel health together.
Treatments for Leg Cramps & Charley Horses
Vein Ablation
Vein Ablation
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