Filler for Aesthetics

The Benefits of Aesthetic Injections

Minimally invasive cosmetic injections, including fillers, are popular and effective treatments for reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. By relaxing the facial muscles and adding volume to specific areas, these treatments can provide a smoother, more youthful appearance. Many individuals turn to these treatments to enhance their aesthetic appeal and boost their confidence.

Cosmetic injections work by temporarily blocking nerve signals to the muscles, preventing them from contracting, while fillers add volume to areas that have lost fullness. This process softens and relaxes the appearance of lines and wrinkles, particularly those caused by repeated facial expressions. The result is a refreshed and rejuvenated look that can last for several months.

At Wellness and Pain, we offer expert cosmetic injections and fillers tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient. Our experienced practitioners use advanced techniques to ensure natural-looking results that enhance your beauty and boost your self-esteem.

How Cosmetic Injections and Fillers Work

Cosmetic injections involve the use of purified substances to relax specific facial muscles temporarily. When injected into particular areas, these treatments reduce the appearance of dynamic wrinkles. Common areas treated include the forehead, crow’s feet around the eyes, and frown lines between the eyebrows.

Procedure and Expectations

The procedure for cosmetic injections and fillers is quick and minimally invasive, typically taking about 15-30 minutes. Most patients experience only mild discomfort during the injections, which is often described as a slight pinching sensation. Anesthesia is usually not required, but a topical numbing cream can be applied if desired.

Results from these injections and fillers are usually visible within a few days, with the full effect developing over one to two weeks. The effects typically last three to six months, after which follow-up treatments can help maintain the results. At Wellness and Pain, we provide comprehensive care and follow-up to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients.

Areas Treated with Cosmetic Injections and Fillers

Forehead Lines

Cosmetic injections and fillers are highly effective in treating horizontal forehead lines that develop from raising the eyebrows. These lines can make the face look older and more tired, but these treatments can smooth them out, creating a more youthful and relaxed appearance.

Crow’s Feet

Crow’s feet, or the fine lines that appear around the corners of the eyes, are a common concern for many individuals. Cosmetic injections and fillers can reduce the appearance of these lines, resulting in a more refreshed and alert look.

Frown Lines

Frown lines, or the vertical lines that form between the eyebrows, can give the face a stern or stressed expression. Cosmetic injections can effectively soften these lines, creating a more approachable and pleasant appearance.

At Wellness and Pain, we customize each treatment to target the specific areas of concern for our patients, ensuring natural and aesthetically pleasing results.

Benefits of Cosmetic Injections and Fillers for Aesthetics

Non-Surgical Solution

One of the primary benefits of cosmetic injections and fillers is that they offer a non-surgical solution for reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. This minimally invasive procedure requires no downtime, allowing patients to return to their daily activities immediately after treatment.

  • Quick and minimally invasive procedure
  • No downtime required
  • Effective results with minimal discomfort
Long-Lasting Results

Cosmetic injections and fillers provide long-lasting results that can enhance your appearance for several months. Regular follow-up treatments can help maintain these results, allowing you to enjoy a youthful and refreshed look over the long term.

With consistent treatments, patients often notice that their lines and wrinkles become less pronounced over time, as the treated muscles are trained to relax.

Boost in Confidence

Improving your appearance with cosmetic injections and fillers can also lead to a significant boost in confidence and self-esteem. Feeling good about your appearance can positively impact various aspects of your life, from personal relationships to professional interactions.

At Wellness and Pain, we strive to help our patients look and feel their best through expert treatments that enhance their natural beauty.

Preparing for Your Cosmetic Treatment

Consultation and Assessment

Before undergoing cosmetic injections and fillers, it is essential to have a thorough consultation with a qualified practitioner. During this consultation, your medical history, aesthetic goals, and areas of concern will be discussed to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for you.

Your practitioner will assess your facial muscles and skin condition to identify the optimal injection sites for achieving the best results. This personalized approach ensures that you receive a treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and desired outcomes.

  • Discuss medical history and aesthetic goals
  • Assess facial muscles and skin condition
  • Develop a personalized treatment plan

At Wellness and Pain, our experienced team is dedicated to providing thorough consultations and expert care to help you achieve your aesthetic goals with cosmetic injections and fillers.

Choosing Wellness and Pain for Cosmetic Treatments

At Wellness and Pain, we are committed to providing the highest quality care for patients seeking aesthetic enhancements. Our team of experienced practitioners is dedicated to delivering personalized treatment plans tailored to the unique needs of each patient.

We utilize advanced techniques and state-of-the-art technology to ensure precise and effective cosmetic treatments. Our comprehensive approach ensures that patients receive the best possible care, resulting in natural-looking and aesthetically pleasing outcomes.

Our commitment to patient-centered care means that we prioritize your comfort and satisfaction throughout the entire treatment process. From the initial consultation to follow-up care, we strive to create a supportive and compassionate environment where you can feel confident in your aesthetic journey.

If you are considering cosmetic injections and fillers to enhance your appearance, Wellness and Pain is here to help. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards achieving a more youthful and refreshed look.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Annual Wellness Exams

The Importance of Annual Wellness Visits

Regular health check-ups are essential for maintaining good health and preventing potential issues before they become serious. An annual wellness visit is a comprehensive examination designed to assess your overall health, identify risk factors, and develop a personalized plan to maintain or improve your health. By scheduling an annual wellness visit, you can take proactive steps towards managing your health and well-being.

During an annual wellness visit, your healthcare provider will conduct a thorough evaluation of your medical history, perform a physical examination, and discuss any health concerns or symptoms you may have. This visit is an opportunity to address preventive care, update vaccinations, and screen for conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol levels.

At Wellness and Pain, we prioritize your health and well-being by offering comprehensive annual wellness visits. Our experienced team provides personalized care to help you achieve optimal health and prevent potential health issues before they arise.

Components of an Annual Wellness Visit

An annual wellness visit includes several key components designed to provide a comprehensive assessment of your health. These components help your healthcare provider identify potential risk factors and develop a personalized plan to address them.

Medical History Review

During your annual wellness visit, your healthcare provider will review your medical history, including any chronic conditions, medications, allergies, and family history of diseases. This information helps create a complete picture of your health and identify any potential risk factors that may require attention.

Physical Examination

A thorough physical examination is conducted to assess your overall health. This examination typically includes measuring your height, weight, blood pressure, and heart rate. Your provider may also examine your eyes, ears, throat, and abdomen, as well as check your reflexes and mobility.

Preventive Screenings and Vaccinations

Preventive screenings are an essential part of an annual wellness visit. These screenings may include blood tests to check for cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, and other markers of health. Additionally, your provider will update any necessary vaccinations to protect against diseases such as influenza, pneumonia, and tetanus.

Benefits of Regular Wellness Exams

Early Detection of Health Issues

One of the primary benefits of an annual wellness visit is the early detection of potential health issues. By identifying risk factors and symptoms early, your healthcare provider can develop a treatment plan to address these issues before they become more serious. This proactive approach can significantly improve your overall health and well-being.

  • Identify risk factors early
  • Develop preventive strategies
  • Improve long-term health outcomes
Personalized Health Plans

An annual wellness visit allows your healthcare provider to develop a personalized health plan tailored to your unique needs and goals. This plan may include recommendations for lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, as well as strategies for managing chronic conditions and preventing future health issues.

By following a personalized health plan, you can take control of your health and make informed decisions about your well-being.

Strengthening the Patient-Provider Relationship

Regular annual wellness visits help strengthen the relationship between you and your healthcare provider. This ongoing relationship allows your provider to better understand your health history and provide more effective care. Additionally, open communication during these visits fosters trust and encourages you to take an active role in managing your health.

Preparing for Your Annual Wellness Visit

To make the most of your annual wellness visit, it is essential to be well-prepared. Here are some tips to help you prepare for your appointment:

  • Bring a list of your current medications, including dosages and any supplements you take
  • Prepare a list of any symptoms or health concerns you want to discuss with your provider
  • Review your family medical history and be ready to share any relevant information
  • Write down any questions you have about your health, preventive screenings, or lifestyle changes

By being prepared, you can ensure that your annual wellness visit is thorough and productive, helping you take control of your health and well-being.

Choosing Wellness and Pain for Your Annual Wellness Visit

At Wellness and Pain, we are committed to providing the highest quality care during your annual wellness visit. Our team of experienced healthcare professionals is dedicated to delivering personalized care tailored to your unique needs and goals.

We utilize state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and techniques to ensure a comprehensive assessment of your health. Our holistic approach ensures that we address both the physical and mental aspects of your well-being, helping you achieve optimal health and prevent potential health issues.

Our commitment to patient-centered care means that we prioritize your comfort and well-being throughout the entire process. From the initial consultation to follow-up care, we strive to create a supportive and compassionate environment where you can feel confident in your healthcare journey.

If you are looking for a comprehensive and personalized annual wellness visit, Wellness and Pain is here to help. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and take the first step towards achieving and maintaining your optimal health.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Testosterone Replacement

Understanding Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is a medical treatment designed to address low testosterone levels in men. TRT therapy can help alleviate symptoms associated with low testosterone, such as fatigue, reduced libido, and decreased muscle mass. As men age, their natural testosterone levels tend to decline, which can impact overall health and quality of life.

Low testosterone levels can lead to a variety of health issues, including mood changes, cognitive decline, and increased risk of osteoporosis. By restoring testosterone levels to a healthy range, TRT therapy can significantly improve physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

At Wellness and Pain, we offer comprehensive TRT therapy tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient. Our experienced team uses advanced diagnostic tools and personalized treatment plans to ensure optimal results and improved quality of life for our patients.

How TRT Therapy Works

TRT therapy involves supplementing the body’s natural testosterone levels through various methods, such as injections, patches, gels, or pellets. The goal of TRT is to restore testosterone levels to a normal range, thereby alleviating symptoms associated with low testosterone.

Before starting TRT therapy, a thorough medical evaluation is necessary to assess testosterone levels and overall health. This evaluation typically includes blood tests to measure testosterone levels and other relevant health markers. Based on the results, a personalized treatment plan is developed to address the specific needs of the patient.

Regular monitoring is essential during TRT therapy to ensure that testosterone levels remain within the desired range and to adjust the treatment as needed. At Wellness and Pain, we provide ongoing support and monitoring to help our patients achieve the best possible outcomes from their TRT therapy.

Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Improved Physical Health

One of the primary benefits of TRT therapy is the improvement in physical health. Restoring testosterone levels can help increase muscle mass and strength, reduce body fat, and enhance overall physical performance. Additionally, TRT can improve bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

  • Increased muscle mass and strength
  • Reduced body fat
  • Improved bone density
Enhanced Mental and Emotional Well-being

TRT therapy can also have a positive impact on mental and emotional health. Men with low testosterone levels often experience mood swings, irritability, and depression. By restoring testosterone levels, TRT can help stabilize mood, improve cognitive function, and enhance overall emotional well-being.

This holistic improvement in mental and emotional health can significantly enhance the quality of life for men undergoing TRT therapy.

Increased Libido and Sexual Function

Low testosterone levels are commonly associated with reduced libido and sexual dysfunction. TRT therapy can help improve sexual desire, performance, and satisfaction by restoring testosterone levels to a healthy range.

Many men report increased energy, improved mood, and enhanced sexual function as a result of TRT therapy, leading to better relationships and overall satisfaction.

Conditions Treated with TRT Therapy

TRT therapy is used to treat a variety of conditions associated with low testosterone levels. These conditions can impact various aspects of health and well-being, and TRT provides a targeted approach to managing and improving these issues. Some of the most common conditions treated with TRT therapy include:

  • Hypogonadism
  • Andropause (male menopause)
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Osteoporosis

By addressing the underlying cause of these conditions, TRT therapy can help improve overall health and quality of life. Wellness and Pain is dedicated to offering effective TRT treatments for a wide range of health concerns, helping patients manage their symptoms and achieve optimal health.

Why Choose Wellness and Pain for TRT Therapy

At Wellness and Pain, we are committed to providing the highest quality care for patients seeking TRT therapy. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to delivering personalized treatment plans tailored to the unique needs of each patient.

We utilize state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and techniques to accurately assess testosterone levels and develop effective treatment plans. Our comprehensive approach ensures that patients receive the most effective care, addressing both the symptoms and underlying causes of low testosterone.

Our commitment to patient-centered care means that we prioritize the comfort and well-being of our patients throughout the diagnostic and treatment process. From initial consultation to follow-up care, we strive to provide a supportive and compassionate environment where patients can feel confident in their treatment journey.

Wellness and Pain is dedicated to helping patients achieve optimal health and well-being through advanced TRT therapy. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Weight Loss

Effective Strategies for Weight Loss

When it comes to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, many people seek the best way to lose weight. Weight loss can be challenging, but with the right strategies and support, it is possible to achieve sustainable results. Whether your goal is to improve your health, increase your energy levels, or enhance your appearance, adopting effective weight loss strategies can make a significant difference.

The key to successful weight loss involves a combination of healthy eating, regular physical activity, and behavioral changes. By understanding the principles of weight loss and making gradual, sustainable changes to your lifestyle, you can achieve long-term success.

At Wellness and Pain, we provide comprehensive weight loss programs tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual. Our team of experts offers personalized guidance and support to help you reach your weight loss goals safely and effectively.

The Best Way to Lose Weight: Nutrition

Nutrition plays a crucial role in weight loss. The best way to lose weight involves making healthier food choices and adopting a balanced diet. This includes consuming a variety of nutrient-dense foods while limiting the intake of processed and high-calorie foods.

Incorporating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats into your diet can help you feel full and satisfied while reducing your overall calorie intake. Portion control is also essential, as eating appropriate serving sizes can prevent overeating and promote weight loss.

At Wellness and Pain, our nutrition experts can help you develop a personalized meal plan that aligns with your weight loss goals. By providing practical tips and strategies, we empower you to make healthier choices and create lasting habits that support weight management.

Incorporating Exercise into Your Weight Loss Plan

Regular physical activity is another critical component of weight loss. The best way to lose weight includes incorporating both aerobic exercises and strength training into your routine. Aerobic exercises, such as walking, running, cycling, or swimming, help burn calories and improve cardiovascular health.

Strength Training for Weight Loss

Strength training exercises, such as lifting weights or using resistance bands, build muscle mass, which can increase your metabolism and help you burn more calories even at rest. A balanced exercise program that includes both cardio and strength training can maximize your weight loss efforts and improve overall fitness.

At Wellness and Pain, we offer personalized fitness plans designed to meet your specific needs and preferences. Our fitness experts can help you create an exercise routine that is enjoyable, effective, and sustainable, ensuring you stay motivated and on track to reach your goals.

Behavioral Changes for Sustainable Weight Loss

Long-term weight loss success requires more than just diet and exercise; it also involves making lasting behavioral changes. Identifying and addressing the habits and behaviors that contribute to weight gain is essential for achieving and maintaining weight loss.

Strategies such as mindful eating, keeping a food journal, and setting realistic goals can help you stay accountable and make healthier choices. Additionally, finding ways to manage stress and getting adequate sleep are crucial for supporting your weight loss journey.

At Wellness and Pain, our behavioral health specialists provide support and guidance to help you develop the skills and strategies needed to make lasting changes. By addressing the psychological aspects of weight loss, we help you build a strong foundation for long-term success.

Medication Treatments Offered

In addition to nutrition, exercise, and behavioral strategies, medication treatments can play a crucial role in supporting weight loss efforts for certain individuals. At Wellness and Pain, we understand that every patient’s journey is unique, and sometimes, despite best efforts with lifestyle changes alone, additional medical interventions may be necessary to achieve desired weight loss results.

Prescription Medications for Weight Loss

Prescription weight loss medications are typically considered for individuals who have not been able to lose weight through diet and exercise alone and who have health conditions related to obesity. These medications work in various ways, such as suppressing appetite, increasing feelings of fullness, or inhibiting fat absorption.

Choosing Wellness and Pain for Weight Loss Support

At Wellness and Pain, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive support for individuals seeking to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Our team of experienced professionals offers personalized weight loss programs tailored to meet your unique needs and goals.

We utilize evidence-based strategies and state-of-the-art tools to ensure you receive the most effective care. From nutritional guidance and fitness plans to behavioral health support, we provide a holistic approach to weight loss that addresses all aspects of your health and well-being.

Our commitment to patient-centered care means that we prioritize your comfort and success throughout your weight loss journey. From the initial consultation to ongoing support, we strive to create a supportive and compassionate environment where you can thrive.

If you are looking for the best way to lose weight, Wellness and Pain is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can support you in achieving your weight loss goals and improving your overall health.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Sleep Apnea


Snoring And Fatigue Are Signs Of Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea Is A Risk Factor For Heart Attacks And Strokes
At Home Sleep Studies
  • No Hospital or Sleep Center needed
  • The study is in the comfort of your own bed
  • Test just goes on the tip of your finger

Treatment: Oral Appliance

  • A mouthpiece that increases oxygen in your body
  • Decreases the risks of Heart Attacks and Strokes
  • No CPAP needed
    – No noise
    – No plugs
    – Sleep in any position
  • Easy to travel with
  • Stop your Snoring and Daytime Fatigue
  • Increase your energy
  • Get better sleep!
Get Your At Home
Sleep Study Done Today!
Covered By Insurance

Understanding Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a common yet serious sleep disorder where breathing repeatedly stops and starts. If left untreated, it can lead to significant health complications. The interruption in breathing occurs because the airway becomes blocked or the brain fails to send proper signals to the muscles controlling breathing. Sleep apnea can affect anyone, but certain factors like obesity, age, and genetics increase the risk.

There are three main types of sleep apnea: obstructive, central, and complex. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most prevalent form, caused by a physical blockage of the airway. Central sleep apnea (CSA), on the other hand, is less common and occurs when the brain doesn’t send proper signals to the muscles controlling breathing. Complex sleep apnea syndrome, also known as treatment-emergent central sleep apnea, is a combination of both obstructive and central sleep apnea.

The impact of sleep apnea extends beyond disrupted sleep. Individuals with untreated sleep apnea may experience daytime fatigue, cardiovascular problems, metabolic issues, and even cognitive impairments. Recognizing the symptoms and seeking sleep apnea treatment is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Sleep Apnea

Identifying sleep apnea can be challenging because many of its symptoms occur during sleep. Common symptoms include loud snoring, episodes of stopped breathing observed by another person, gasping for air during sleep, and waking up with a dry mouth or sore throat. Other symptoms include morning headaches, difficulty staying asleep, excessive daytime sleepiness, and irritability.

Because the symptoms are often subtle, many people with sleep apnea remain undiagnosed. If you suspect you have sleep apnea, it is important to consult a healthcare professional. They can conduct a thorough evaluation, which often involves a sleep study. A sleep study, or polysomnography, monitors your breathing patterns, heart rate, oxygen levels, and other vital signs during sleep to diagnose sleep apnea accurately.

In addition to polysomnography, other diagnostic tools include home sleep tests, which can be more convenient and less costly. Regardless of the method, early diagnosis and sleep apnea treatment are essential for mitigating the health risks associated with this disorder. Wellness and Pain provides comprehensive diagnostic services to ensure accurate detection and effective treatment of sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea Treatment Options

Effective sleep apnea treatment can significantly improve quality of life and reduce the risk of serious health complications. Treatment options vary depending on the severity and type of sleep apnea. Lifestyle changes, such as weight loss, quitting smoking, and avoiding alcohol, are often recommended for mild cases. These changes can help reduce the severity of symptoms and improve overall health.

For those with moderate to severe sleep apnea, medical devices and surgical options may be necessary. Wellness and Pain offers various treatment options tailored to individual needs. Some non-invasive treatments include oral appliances that reposition the jaw to keep the airway open during sleep. These devices are custom-fitted and can be very effective for individuals with obstructive sleep apnea.

In certain cases, surgical procedures may be required to remove or reduce tissue blocking the airway or to correct structural abnormalities. Surgical options can vary from minimally invasive procedures to more complex surgeries. Wellness and Pain ensures that all patients receive a personalized treatment plan that addresses their specific condition and lifestyle.

Benefits of Effective Sleep Apnea Treatment

Improved Quality of Life

Effective sleep apnea treatment offers numerous benefits, leading to a significant improvement in the quality of life. Patients often experience better sleep, reduced daytime fatigue, and improved mood. This enhances daily functioning and overall well-being.

  • Enhanced energy levels and reduced daytime sleepiness
  • Better concentration and cognitive function
  • Improved emotional stability and mood
Reduced Health Risks

Addressing sleep apnea can also lower the risk of serious health conditions. Untreated sleep apnea is associated with an increased risk of hypertension, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Effective treatment helps mitigate these risks and promotes long-term health.

  • Lowered blood pressure and improved heart health
  • Reduced risk of metabolic disorders
  • Decreased likelihood of experiencing cardiovascular events
Enhanced Personal and Professional Life

With better sleep and improved health, individuals often see enhancements in their personal and professional lives. The benefits of effective sleep apnea treatment extend to better relationships, increased productivity, and overall satisfaction with life.

  • Improved relationships and social interactions
  • Increased work performance and productivity
  • Greater overall life satisfaction

At Wellness and Pain, we are dedicated to providing effective sleep apnea treatment that addresses each patient’s unique needs. Our comprehensive approach ensures that patients receive the best possible care to improve their health and quality of life.

How Wellness and Pain Can Help You

Wellness and Pain offers comprehensive solutions for individuals suffering from sleep apnea. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized care and effective treatment options to improve your sleep quality and overall health. Here’s how we can assist you:

At-Home Sleep Studies

We provide convenient at-home sleep studies, allowing you to be tested in the comfort of your own bed. This non-invasive test involves placing a small device on your fingertip to monitor your breathing and oxygen levels while you sleep​​.

Custom Oral Appliances

Our specialists can fit you with custom oral appliances designed to keep your airway open during sleep. These devices are comfortable, and easy to travel with.

Comprehensive Care

We offer a range of treatment options, including lifestyle advice and positional therapy, to help you manage and reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea. Our goal is to ensure you receive the best possible care tailored to your individual needs.

Benefits of Partnering with Wellness and Pain

  • Improved Sleep Quality: Enhance your sleep with our effective treatment solutions.
  • Reduced Health Risks: Lower your risk of heart attacks and strokes with proper sleep apnea management.
  • Personalized Treatment: Receive care that is tailored to your specific condition and lifestyle.

By choosing Wellness and Pain, you are taking a crucial step towards better sleep and a healthier life. Contact us today to schedule your at-home sleep study and explore the treatment options that are right for you.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Orthopedic Leg Pain

Orthopedic Leg Pain: Understanding and Care

The phrase ‘lower extremity’ is a broad one, but its implications are specific. Orthopedic leg pain often affects the lower extremities, including the hip, knee, ankle, and foot. Injuries or degenerative conditions of the bones, joints, ligaments, or muscles are usually the cause.


Lower Extremity Pain: Symptoms to Look Out for

Aching, burning, stiffness, swelling, and tenderness are all common symptoms of orthopedic leg pain. Whether it’s local or widespread, one form of lower extremity pain or another can exist in either one leg or both. There may be mild to severe symptoms, which may worsen with movement. You may feel numbness, tingling, weakness, or even a burning feeling, along with pain.  There may be times when the pain gets worse at night or when pressure is applied.

Different treatments may be offered depending on the symptoms one may be experiencing. Medications, physical therapy, and rest are all options for orthopedic treatment.  Depending on the root issue, surgery may be needed.

You should seek medical attention if you’re experiencing leg pain that doesn’t go away or is joined by other symptoms. Getting to the root of the pain and finding the best treatment is possible with your physician’s help.


Blood Circulation and Orthopedic Leg Pain

Poor blood flow, which can cause a variety of symptoms in the legs, may be the source of orthopedic leg pain. Insufficient blood flow can cause swelling, cramping, and soreness.

Muscles and bones in your legs may suffer from lower extremity pain when veins aren’t able to transport blood and oxygen to those areas. Besides having poor blood flow, varicose veins can also cause pain.

There is even a possibility that it can cause a serious medical condition called “deep vein thrombosis,” which can cause pain, swelling, and even blood clots in the legs. Ensuring proper circulation of blood through the veins can relieve orthopedic leg pain.

Treatment for Orthopedic Leg Pain

The right treatment plan can reduce or even completely stop pain in the lower extremities. Rest, physical therapy, medications, or surgery can treat orthopedic leg pain, based on the core issue. Physical therapy and rest can reduce pain, improve range of motion, and maintain muscle strength. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and muscle relaxants can treat some forms of inflammation and pain. However, finding the root issue is always the first step.

A doctor treating orthopedic leg pain in a patient's foot via physical therapy.

Physical therapy is often a good treatment for orthopedic leg pain. Exercises like stretching and strength training, along with hot and cold treatments, are all part of this. Physical therapy improves strength and flexibility in the legs. In addition to soothing pain and stiffness, massage therapy may also bring relief.

There are other options for treating pain, such as medication. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can reduce pain and inflammation. Particular patients may require surgical treatment. These surgeries usually fix a torn ligament or tendon or remove bone spurs. In most cases, surgery is a last resort.

A good diet and changing one’s lifestyle can also reduce lower extremity orthopedic leg pain. It’s also important that you rest when you need it and avoid activities that tend to put a strain on your legs.

It’s possible to reduce or eliminate pain with physical therapy, medication, lifestyle changes, and maybe surgery. Again, consult your physician to learn the best treatment plan that may work for you personally.


Wellness and Pain Can Help

A range of orthopedic leg pain treatment options are available at Wellness and Pain to treat lower extremity conditions. Using a variety of methods, we offer conservative treatments, minimally invasive quick recovery procedures, and surgery. Our services include medical massage therapy, acupuncture, radiofrequency vein ablation, hip and knee injections, arthroscopy, platelet-rich plasma injections, anesthetic injections, and visco-supplementation injections.

We customize patient care plans based on their condition and unique circumstances. The goal of our treatment is to relieve pain, improve range of motion, and prevent further injuries. The severity of the condition may determine the combination of treatments.

Our patient care plans are personalized and developed with the patient’s input and in consideration of everyone’s individualized conditions and unique circumstances.  Our treatment goals are always to soothe pain, improve range of motion and prevent further injury.  Based on how bad the condition is, we may use a combination of treatments.

Pain Management

Leverage Pain Management Treatment for a Healthier You

Feeling good can seem impossible when you’re hurting and searching for a reasonable pain management solution. Thankfully, there’s a way. An experienced and knowledgeable pain management doctor knows how to relieve pain and help restore your quality of life.

Healthcare providers use minimally invasive and highly effective techniques to perform diagnostics and treatments, resulting in less risk of side effects, complications, and medication. A qualified pain management doctor can give you a dose of healthy reality: You don’t need to live with pain, whether it’s mild pain or a type of pain that makes every moment miserable.


Venous Insufficiency and Pain Management

Varicose veins are evident when you can see blood vessels bulge just under the skin, which means pain management solutions should be on your immediate radar. These appear as blue or purple bulges on your legs, feet, or ankles. A condition called “venous insufficiency” typically causes varicose veins, which means your veins have trouble sending blood from the limbs back to the heart. These damaged veins cause poor circulation. Most of these varicose veins are on the back of the legs and may look contorted.

Endovenous Radiofrequency Ablation can help. An ablation procedure uses an image-guided radiofrequency or laser to recirculate blood flow away from abnormal vessels and reduce pressure and stress. Any pain management doctor worth their salt will tell you that ablation allows healthy vessels to take over faulty ones — thus, it remains a convenient and safe procedure for many patients.


Disks, Nerves, and Muscles

Herniated disk disease occurs when the fibrous cartilage that surrounds your vertebrae breaks down — oftentimes resulting in a pain management plan down the road. This happens when the gelatinous center of each disk is forced outward. As a result, there is pressure on the spinal nerve, causing pain and damage.

Diabetes or alcoholism can cause chronic inflammatory polyneuropathy. Neural numbness or tingling can affect one nerve or many at once. Several issues can cause sciatic nerve problems. One of the most common causes is a bulging or burst spinal disk pressing on the roots of the sciatic nerve. Numbness, pain, or tingling are common symptoms.

Muscle and nerve disorders can make one weak, tingly, and numb in the arms, legs, hands, and feet, and may also cause cramps, spasms, or atrophy from motor neuron loss.

A nerve conduction velocity/electromyography (NCV/EMG) is usually the best test for discovering what treatment to take next since this valuable pain management test can find nerve and muscle issues. This test can diagnose many common complaints, such as sciatica, back pain, radiating pain, numbness, tingling, cramping, muscle weakness, and localized pain.


Tension, Stress, Injuries, and Pain Management

Many people live with muscle tension, back and shoulder pain, and constant stress. Symptoms and causes include injuries, headaches, neck pain, anxiety, depression, stress, fatigue, chronic pain, sciatica, and shoulder or joint pain.

Massage treatment is usually the best pain management remedy offered by an experienced pain management doctor. Massage treatment can target painful areas. Using this integrative medicinal approach, a specialist kneads muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Body massages involve rubbing soft tissues. Within those soft tissues are your muscles, connective areas, tendons, ligaments, and deep skin. You will relieve stress, pain, and discomfort with muscle movement, deep tissue movements, and massage treatment therapy.


Musculoskeletal Health, Bones, Joints, and Tissues

Musculoskeletal pain can affect various parts of the body, including bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. This makes pain management a priority for many. Injuries such as fractures can cause sudden, severe pain. Arthritis is another chronic condition that causes great pain. Muscles, bones, joints, tendons, and ligaments are all affected. Acute musculoskeletal pain can be sudden, or it can be chronic and seem to last forever. Pain can localize in a specific area or affect the entire body.

Check out acupuncture therapy right away. Musculoskeletal pain is treated in a conservative, holistic way. You can feel confident in your treatment by working with a licensed medical massage therapist who knows how to target and treat the muscles that are causing you pain.


Acute and Chronic Muscle Pain Management

There are plenty of reasons why muscle pain can develop. From sleeping in the wrong position to tearing large muscle groups while lifting weights, the reasons are endless. People with constant or chronic muscle pain may require medical treatment even after trying a few days of rest. Pain in your muscles can greatly affect your ability to function and can easily disrupt your quality of life.

People with chronic muscle pain may benefit from trigger-point injections. These will eventually let them live a life free of pain through proper pain management treatment. Performed by a trusted pain management doctor, these injections are accomplished intramuscularly and subcutaneously. Their targeted and helpful medication reduces inflammation and discomfort.


Wellness and Pain

You should see a pain management doctor right away if you’re experiencing pain that’s affecting your life. One of our pain management team members will help you with a proper diagnosis while discussing your treatment options. We’re happy to help you find the right treatment at Wellness and Pain. You can live a healthy, active life once you know your options and receive treatment. Now is the time to find a remedy for your acute and/or chronic pain.

Endovenous Radiofrequency Ablation

Vessel ablation – formally known as radiofrequency ablation (RFA) – is a minimally invasive and highly effective procedure that uses image-guided radiofrequency or laser energy to recirculate blood flow to reduce pressure and stress away from abnormal vessels. Once faulty vessels are ablated, healthy vessels are then able to function in their place.

Nerve and Muscle Testing (NCV/EMG)

Nerve and Muscle Testing (NCV/EMG) diagnostic test to evaluate for any problems relating to nerves or muscles.  The diagnostic test help manage many common complaints including:

  • Sciatica
  • Back pain
  • Radiating pain
  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Cramping
  • Muscle Weakness or Atrophy
  • Localized muscle pain

Dr Molina is a Board Certified Neurologist trained to help in the recovery and relief of patients’ pain and pain management symptoms, helping them to return to work and daily activities.


Massage Conditions

  • Pain including muscle tension, back and shoulder pain
  • Repetitive stress injuries
  • Headaches
  • Neck pain
  • Anxiety, depression
  • Stress
  • Fatigue
  • Chronic pain
  • Sciatica
  • Shoulder/ joint pain


For massage and acupuncture this is conservative, holistic approach for treating musculoskeletal causes of pain. By working with our licensed medical massage therapists are professional trained to target and treat the muscles causing pain and discomfort.

Trigger point injections

TPI are used to treat painful and tender areas of muscle. They are intramuscular and subcutaneous injections often performed to decrease pain swelling and inflammation. The procedure consists of a medication injected into the skin and muscle.

IV Hydration

IV Hydration Therapy: The What, How, and Why

IV hydration — also known as intravenous hydration — can speed up the recovery process and improve your overall health by boosting your body’s ability to absorb fluids and electrolytes through vitamin rehydration.

In fact, vitamin rehydration therapy involves a variety of vitamins and minerals. Among the most common are vitamin C, vitamin B12, magnesium, potassium, and sodium.


Today’s Unique IV Hydration Treatment

In a doctor’s office or hospital setting, IV hydration is a safe and effective way to replenish fluids and electrolytes. A needle or catheter is inserted into a vein to deliver fluids and electrolytes directly into the bloodstream. During this process, fluids are replenished and electrolytes are replaced.

Historically, patients suffering from dehydration, diarrhea, vomiting, fever, heat stroke, sepsis, and a host of other conditions can benefit from the use of this medication.

Fast forward to today, and now all types of individuals seek routine IV hydration for rapid rehydration, improved electrolyte balance, reduced dehydration complications, and overall health and wellbeing. Americans don’t get enough vitamins and nutrients from their diet to stay healthy and to look and feel good.

It’s different for everyone, but most people could benefit from more magnesium, vitamins B, B12, and C, zinc, and a host of other nutrients.


IV Hydration Through Vitamins, Nutrients, & Antioxidants

IV hydration plays a huge role in the lives and healthy lifestyles of so many adults today. Rehydration has the advantage of delivering vitamins, minerals, nutrients and antioxidants quickly and efficiently throughout your entire body.

You don’t have to wait hours and hours for your body to digest and benefit from vitamin pills. You feel the effects of IV hydration immediately after receiving it.

Individual needs determine which vitamins and minerals are used. There is generally no risk associated with vitamin rehydration therapy. However, if you have any underlying health conditions, you should speak to your doctor before starting any rehydration therapy.

You can make sure your immune system is prepared for anything by choosing to rehydrate. Nutrition and vitamin rehydration can help you stay healthy when combined with other commonsense measures.


Don’t Skip Your Usual Rehydration Routine

IV hydration is extremely beneficial, but remember that water is the best fluid for preventing dehydration. The over-consumption of caffeine or alcohol can cause dehydration.. You may also want to consume lots of fruits and vegetables, which contain heavy amounts of water.

In addition, dress in layers to allow you to adjust your clothing as the temperature changes. Avoid strenuous activity in hot weather and take cool showers or baths. Also be sure to drink plenty of fluids if you’re sick. You must replace fluids and electrolytes lost from bouts of vomiting or diarrhea.

If you want an extra boost beyond following a hydration-healthy routine, you should look into IV hydration. The process itself will take a different amount of time for each person, according to that individual’s needs. Generally, fluids and electrolytes are administered within 30 to 45 minutes (or one hour).

A young man receiving an IV hydration treatment, drinking water and sitting comfortably.

IV hydration provides your body with numerous benefits. In addition to replenishing nutrients that have been depleted due to illness, injury, or other factors, they also improve electrolyte balance, which is essential for many bodily functions.

This type of rehydration can also reduce inflammation — inflammation worsens a variety of health conditions — and improve your energy levels.

IV hydration therapy includes a number of vitamins, including vitamin C (which protects cells from damage and promotes immunity); vitamin B12 (which produces red blood cells and regulates nerve function); magnesium (which relaxes muscles and regulates blood sugar); potassium (which helps control fluid balance and blood pressure); and sodium (which regulates fluid balance and nerve function).


IV Hydration: For Those Needing the Extra Boost

Sometimes you just need a bit more energy to get through a busy day, week, or month — and IV hydration can provide it. You’ll feel 100-percent rejuvenated and ready for a big day or a big week with a blast of vitamins and fluids.

It’s important to remember that IV hydration involves delivering nutrients, vitamins, electrolytes, and antioxidants intravenously to restore and detoxify the body. Even so, drinking plenty of water and eating healthy on your own is always a wise idea.

For those who run fast, work hard, and play even harder, as well as for those who just need a random pick-me-up, being able to schedule rehydration therapy selectively on a flexible basis is an excellent opportunity. If you feel your body needs fast hydration and rejuvenation, schedule an appointment now to give it the nutrients and fluids it needs.


Wellness and Pain Can Help

A range of IV hydration treatment options are available at Wellness and Pain. We offer minimally invasive quick-recovery rehydration therapy to get you feeling great again. With these, we can help alleviate that lethargic and tired feeling you sometimes get — as well as other nutrition problems — by helping in the management of your hydration and vitamin intake properly.

We personalize patient care plans based on each patient’s condition and unique circumstances to improve your range of motion, energy, and your health.

IV Therapy Conditions




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Covered by Most Insurances and Most Unions

Wellness and Pain accepts most major insurance plans. Here is a list of some of the major insurance plans we accept. If you do not see your insurance plan listed, please call our office to confirm.

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