Restless leg syndrome causing a woman to kick and stir in her bed.

Restless Leg Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Restless leg syndrome (RLS) causes uncomfortable sensations in the legs and a powerful urge to move. Sitting or lying down usually triggers it mostly in the evenings or at night. A way to temporarily feel better is to get up and move around.

Unfortunately, as you get older, RLS gets worse. These sleep disturbances can interfere with your daily life on so many levels.

Thankfully, the right treatment, life changes, and some self-care can help relieve symptoms of RLS leg pain in most patients.


Restless Leg Syndrome: Causes and Risks

In most cases, restless leg syndrome doesn’t really have a known cause. Some think a brain chemical called “dopamine,” which controls muscle movement, may be to blame for the condition.

The condition can also run in families, especially if it starts before the age of 40. A gene for restless legs may be present within certain chromosomes.

Symptoms can also be temporarily worsened by pregnancy or hormonal changes. RLS may strike for the first time during pregnancy, especially during the last trimester. After delivery, symptoms usually go away.

You can get RLS at any age, even as a child. The condition is more common in women as they age than in men. Extreme restless leg syndrome isn’t usually caused by anything serious. It can, however, come with other conditions:

  • Spinal cord disorders: Injuries or damage to the spinal cord can cause restless leg syndrome. The risk of developing RLS is also higher if you’ve had any sort of anesthesia injected into your spinal cord.
  • Kidney failure: Iron deficiency is often accompanied by anemia in people with kidney failure. Iron levels in your blood can drop if your kidneys aren’t working right. RLS may be caused or worsened by this and other changes in body chemistry.
  • Peripheral neuropathy: Often, chronic diseases like diabetes and alcoholism cause nerve damage in both the hands and feet.
  • Parkinson’s Disease: RLS is more common in people with Parkinson’s Disease and those who take a special compound that activates dopamine receptors in treatment of such (called dopaminergic agonists).
  • Lack of iron: Even without any sort of anemia being present, iron deficiency can worsen or cause RLS. In some cases an iron deficiency may be caused by bleeding from the stomach or bowels, heavy menstrual periods, or donating blood too frequently.


The Bewildering Enigma of Restless Leg Syndrome

According to research, many Americans suffer from restless leg syndrome, along with a handful of sleep disorders or similar characteristics.

According to a 2020 research paper from the National Library of Medicine, 70 percent of American adults don’t get enough sleep at least one night a month, and 11 percent don’t get enough sleep every single night. On top of these facts about the general population, it’s good to note that:

  • Jerking leg syndrome affects about 15 percent of the U.S. population.
  • Because RLS has multiple causes and varies so much in response to treatments, it’s always been a challenge to manage.
  • No matter your family history, you can get RLS at any age.
  • Symptoms, causes, and implications for patients of “primary restless leg syndrome” and “secondary restless leg syndrome” can be similar, but there are some notable differences as well.
  • Acupuncture, light therapy, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, and transcutaneous spinal direct current stimulation can often largely reduce RLS symptoms.
  • Kicking leg syndrome often occurs with another sleep disorder called Periodic Limb Movement of Sleep (PLMS), characterized by periodic episodes of repetitive, stereotyped leg movement during sleep. According to the studies, around 80 percent of people with RLS have PLMS. The movements associated with PLMS often consist of flexion or extension at the ankle. In some cases, this may also occur at the knee, or it may occur on one side, or go back and forth between the left and right sides.

Given these facts, the symptoms of restless leg syndrome are even more interesting.


Restless Leg Syndrome Symptoms

Leg twitching is the main symptom of restless leg syndrome. Restless sensations that often start while you’re sleeping characterize RLS. Most people get this feeling after lying down or sitting for a long time, like in a car or a plane.

Movement can also relieve symptoms. Stretching, shaking the legs, pacing or walking helps RLS leg pain symptoms. However, it’s also possible for symptoms to get worse in the evening. Nighttime leg twitching, unfortunately, can be a common symptom. It can be associated with periodic limb movement of sleep, which causes the legs to twitch and kick while you sleep, possibly all night long.

Symptoms of RLS include unpleasant sensations in the legs or feet. It will usually happen on both sides. Arms, however, are usually less affected. Nonetheless, symptoms include itching, pulling, crawling, throbbing, creeping, aching, and electric sensations, which generally happen inside the limb rather than on the skin. It may sometimes be hard to even explain the sensations. Patients consistently describe and report leg movement, but they do not typically report muscle cramps and numbness as symptoms.

The severity of symptoms from restless legs changes a lot. What’s even more interesting is, symptoms can disappear for a while before returning.


How to Alleviate the Symptoms

A sleeping disorder like restless leg syndrome can be made worse by personal habits. There may be times when they’re a big part of the problem. You can reduce symptoms and sleep better by trying some (or all) of the following tips, or go further by exploring RLS treatment. For now, the tips include:

  • Massage your legs regularly.
  • Get some exercise every day.
  • Avoid napping during the day.
  • Stretch your legs every morning and evening.
  • Avoid using your bed for anything but sleeping or sexual activity.
  • Request a blood test to evaluate how your kidneys and iron may be functioning.
  • Do your best not to worry about anything at bedtime.
  • Before going to sleep, avoid alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine.
  • Always let your doctor know what medications you’re taking.
  • Before going to sleep, soak your legs in warm water.
  • Avoid eating a heavy meal before bedtime.
  • Work on keeping a regular sleep schedule.

Consider severe RLS treatment when you have tried nearly everything possible in your own power to alleviate your restless leg syndrome.


When to See a Doctor for Restless Legs Syndrome

The fear of not being taken seriously makes some people never seek medical attention for restless leg syndrome. However, since RLS leg pain can interfere with your sleep and make you drowsy during the day, it is also affecting your quality of life. Get checked out by your doctor if you think you might have RLS.

If your diagnosis is positive, write down the name of the RLS treatment or test. Keep a note of any new instructions you get from your doctor. Make it a priority to know why you’re getting a new medicine or treatment. Also, make sure you know the side effects. You may wish to ask your doctor if there’s another way to treat your condition.

Know why you’re seeing a health specialist for RLS and what you expect from that visit. Make a list of questions you want answered before your visit. You may wish to have someone else present with you during the visit so they can help you remember what your doctor says.

Understand why a restless leg syndrome test or procedure is suggested and what the results mean. If you choose not to take the medicine or not to have a test or procedure, know what to expect. Make a note of your follow-up appointment date, time, and purpose. Make sure you know how to get in touch with your provider.


Wellness and Pain

When it comes to restless leg syndrome, it’s best to see a specialist or doctor who truly cares about your health. Oftentimes, our Wellness and Pain practitioners will recommend and offer radiofrequency ablation, which uses energy to heat inside the vessel walls, causing damaged vessels to close. We also use sclerotherapy to close off problem vessels with a foam that causes scarring. Injecting this foam into these vessels allows blood to flow to healthy ones.

Our services include vein ablation, massage therapy, acupuncture, and IV hydration. Wellness and Pain practitioners provide these important evaluations, apply their professional expertise, and offer the caring and sensitive RLS treatment you need.

Identifying Whether You Need Acute Knee Pain Treatment

Acute Knee Pain Treatment

Acute Knee Pain Treatment: Identifying Whether You Need It

Acute knee pain treatment may be necessary when you find yourself suffering from a chronic or persistent knee issue. Whenever these issues flare up, they can cause pain, which then makes it hard to walk and/or complete daily routine functions. Pain may present itself when one bends the knee, when weight is put onto the knee, or even just when sitting and/or relaxing.

However, there are many ways to alleviate or eliminate these knee issues, which can then end up giving you a long-lasting remedy for intense knee pain or even a cure for sharp knee pain. It’s easier to deal with pain if you visit a pain management specialist. Doctors who practice anesthesiology are experts in pain management trained to assess patients and develop a customized treatment plan.

According to the Arthritis Foundation, the knee is the largest joint in the body. These knee bones connect the upper and lower leg. When you walk, squat, or sit, you’re using this interconnected system as a hinge.

Seeing a Pain Management Specialist for Acute Knee Pain Treatment

Any acute knee pain treatment plan needs pain management to improve recovery and lessen discomfort. Experts in pain management know how to use pain relief options combined together for the benefit of receiving better results. Some treatments used individually may not seem to make a difference immediately, yet may produce the result one is looking for when it’s a part of a multimodal treatment plan.

Using pain management techniques, pain specialists help patients diagnose and find a remedy for intense knee pain by treating their pain safely and effectively. There’s no need for medication for treatments. Oftentimes, it’s better to manage pain holistically, with or without medications, because it’s more effective.

Your circumstance and an accurate diagnosis from a pain management specialist can help determine what your situation may require and help to find a cure for sharp knee pain.

Factors Determining Your Need for Acute Knee Pain Treatment

Here are some life instances which may require you to seek out acute knee pain treatment. Knee joints are made up of bone, cartilage, ligaments, and fluid. A knee joint moves because of muscles and tendons. You have knee problems if any of these structures are damaged. Here are some very common knee pain causes:

  • An injury to the ligament. When you twist your body, you hurt your anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). A car accident or sports injury usually damages the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL).
  • Injuries and problems with cartilage. Various things can soften or tear the cartilage in the kneecap, including injury, overuse, muscle weakness, and misalignment.
  • Injuries to your tendon. A fall or overuse can cause either inflammation or a tear.
  • You’ve developed osteoarthritis. Eventually, cartilage wears away in the knee. Researchers have found that climbing, kneeling, knee bending, squatting, and heavy lifting contribute to knee pain and osteoarthritis.
  • You’ve developed rheumatoid arthritis. There’s a possibility the knee will become swollen and cartilage will be ruined.
  • Badly bruised or broken kneecap. Falling or direct blow to the knee usually breaks the small, round bone (patella) that sits over the front of the knee.

At What Point Should You Seek Acute Knee Pain Treatment?

Whenever your acute (short-term) knee pain begins to turn into chronic (long-term), it’s time to see a pain specialist to develop a plan for acute knee pain treatment. Most people think this happens when the pain lasts longer than 90 days, but it could happen sooner. Chronic pain is pain that lasts a lot longer than you expect for your condition.

It’s up to a pain management specialist to diagnose and treat you, either on their own or in consultation with other doctors. Depending on your condition, this might include your primary care doctor, your orthopedist, your rheumatologist, or your physical therapist.

A man's knee receiving physical therapy for acute knee pain treatment.

In orthopedics, you treat problems with bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Besides treating arthritis, rheumatologists also treat other diseases that cause joints to ache. Patients can increase mobility, ease pain, and prevent further damage with physical therapy exercises and stretches, movement training, and massage therapy.  These treatments may work to become your remedy for intense knee pain and/or a cure for sharp knee pain.

Diagnosis, Timing, ‘Referred Pain,’ Testing, and More

Getting an accurate answer on how to proceed going forward with acute knee pain treatment requires a thorough exam. During the exam, see if the pain is coming from the knee. A hip injury is a possible source of referred knee pain. Referred pain occurs when an injury or disease in one part of your body causes pain in another part of your body.

Doctors consider the following information when making a diagnosis:

  • Imaging and other test results. Structure damage or abnormalities can be detected with X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans. These image tests can tell if arthritis is present, if the space between the bones is narrower, bone spurs are present, or if the joint isn’t aligned.
  • An overview of the patient. It’s important for the physician to determine whether there have been any accidents or sports injuries. Besides asking where and when you feel pain, the doctor will also ask you how long it lasts.
  • Features and characteristics of the patient. Certain traits make people more likely to get certain conditions. Older adults are more likely to develop osteoarthritis, and people who practice athletic activities are more likely to suffer from overuse injuries. It’s also possible to have some conditions because of obesity, which easily adds extra stress onto your joints when walking.
  • Physical exam results. During an exam, your doctor moves and probes your knee for damage. It includes looking for pain behind the knee, in front of the knee, or inside or on top of the knee.

Other Tests to Determine Treatment

Special tests can also identify the type of arthritis you have. Other tests to start you on your journey for picking the right acute knee pain treatment may include:

  • Checking fluids. In order to examine your knee joint, doctors can draw fluid from it. The fluid can show uric acid crystals if gout is causing inflammation and pain. An infection caused by the presence of bacteria is responsible for these symptoms.
  • Completing a blood workup. Rheumatoid arthritis can be detected by bloodwork with anti-CCP antibodies. Besides antibodies, other conditions may be related to inflammation throughout the entire body, like lupus.
  • CAT scans and MRIs create more detailed images of bones and soft tissues so they’re more useful for diagnosing injuries and unexplained swellings. If your doctor suspects that you have a cartilage or ligament tear, they will most likely order an MRI.

Treatments Can Vary, so Consider All Your Options

Acute knee pain treatment depends on your injury. Also, your preferences in treatment may change. Consider all your options. Here are some examples:

  • Make changes to your lifestyle. Weight control, for example, reduces knee pain, and in some instances, may even be a remedy for intense knee pain. Activities such as running can cause knee pain by exerting too much force on the joint.
  • Take it easy, ice, compress, and elevate. Treatments for chronic pain are different. These things may work for acute pain. Pain may sometimes get worse with rest, weakening muscles that need strengthening.
  • Getting fit and exercising. You can build or stretch your muscles and ease your pain with some exercises. Also, you should learn which exercises to avoid because they could possibly harm your knee even more.
  • Blocks for the genicular nerve. To provide short-term relief, a healthcare provider can administer an anesthetic injection. Radiofrequency ablation might offer a long-term relief, if it’s effective. During this procedure, heat is used to coagulate the nerve proteins, which ends pain.
  • Therapy for regenerating cells. Researchers are still investigating the effectiveness of plasma injections and stem cell treatments. The research is still in the early stages, so it’s still hard to say.
  • Treatments that complement traditional medicine, such as acute knee pain treatment. There are a lot of ways you can find relief, like through massage, biofeedback, relaxation, meditation, acupuncture, or yoga.
  • There are over-the-counters and prescription drugs. Other medications, like steroids, can help. Your pain management specialist should oversee your medication plan. It’s also important to be careful with anti-inflammatory medications and steroids, since they can damage cartilage and joints.
  • Surgical procedure. Repairing structural damage is the main purpose of this last option. You should never go for surgery first, but sometimes it’s the best option.

Wellness and Pain

At Wellness and Pain, the best doctor for acute knee pain treatment can perform a quick 10-minute ultrasound to diagnose and treat you so you can live a healthier, more active life free of pain. We also offer other diagnostic tests, such as nerve and muscle testing, for a deeper assessment of what’s actually going on with your knees and legs.  Get started by resolving to seek out a remedy for intense knee pain and/or a possible cure for sharp knee pain today!

Causes, Treatment, and the Best Solution for Varicose Veins

Best Solution for Varicose Veins

Best Solution for Varicose Veins: Causes and Treatment

What are varicose veins and how will you know which treatment is the best solution for varicose veins? Essentially, enlarged and twisted veins are what make up varicose veins. Although varicose veins can happen anywhere in the body, they are more commonly found in the legs.

Having varicose veins isn’t dangerous. However, they’re uncomfortable and they may worsen with time. Varicose veins can be quite noticeable, leading to feelings of embarrassment or discomfort. However, it’s important to know that there are several treatments available for enlarged or bulging veins, and even a cure for swollen or damaged veins.

Blood pressure in the veins causes varicose veins. Vascular one-way valves move blood toward the heart. When the valves in the veins are damaged or weakened, blood can collect in the veins. Veins enlarge because of this. Blood can pool in leg veins after sitting for a long time, increasing the pressure within them. Increased pressure can stretch your veins.

Some people call varicose veins “spider veins.” The red, blue, or purple spider veins that are visible just below your skin are a result of damaged blood vessels. There is really no need to worry about these damaged blood vessels. Usually, spider veins don’t cause any symptoms.  Similar to treatments for enlarged or bulging veins, there are ways to get rid of spider veins and feel better about your skin. “Telangiectasia” is the medical term for spider veins. You might see them in clusters that look like spider webs or tree branches.

Unless you don’t like their appearance, they don’t need treatment; however, they are usually easy to get rid of with treatment. You may also stop new ones from forming by making some lifestyle changes going forward. Nonetheless, you should look into the best solution for varicose veins.

Risk Factors May Help You Choose the Best Solution for Varicose Veins

Choosing the best solution for varicose veins is easier when you understand your risk of developing varicose veins. Certain families may have a higher risk of varicose veins due to inheritance. High blood pressure can cause varicose veins. People suffering from high blood pressure may be overweight or obese, aging, female, inactive, had a leg injury, are pregnant, smoke, or take hormonal replacements.

The medical term for having blood clots in the deep veins is “deep vein thrombosis” (DVT). There’s no connection between varicose veins and this condition. The reason for that is, varicose veins affect the veins close to the surface of the skin. With severe varicose veins, however, there’s a chance of getting blood clots. You need medical attention right away if you have blood clots. Blood clots not only hurt and cause swelling, but they can make your legs red. Occasionally, blood clots happen in the arms. Contact your physician if you have symptoms of a blood clot, as they can help you decide which treatment is necessary to bring about a cure for swollen or damaged veins which may end up forming blood clots.

This is where the best solution for varicose veins comes into play. Sometimes, a blood clot may break off and travel to the lungs, resulting in a condition known as “pulmonary embolism.” There is a risk of death if you have a blood clot in the lungs. This can cause chest pain, breathing problems, coughing (and blood coughing), fast heartbeats, sweating, and fainting. Don’t wait until the symptoms of a blood clot in the lungs get worse.

Is There Any Need to Worry?

You don’t need to worry about having varicose veins when you learn the best solution for varicose veins. Varicose and spider veins aren’t dangerous on their own. It just means some blood vessels are damaged. There’s no real harm in varicose and spider veins. You might not like their looks, but you won’t die from them. Just remember, because of the different treatments for enlarged or bulging veins, there can be a cure for swollen or damaged veins too.

A doctor and patient reviewing medical history to determine the best solution for varicose veins.

There are times when varicose and spider veins are just early signs of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). The disease can make you feel miserable and cause complications. Get in touch with your healthcare provider if you notice varicose veins. Your physician can check your risk factors and give you a physical.

Spending a lot of time in the sun, taking hormone therapy during menopause, using oral contraceptives or hormone replacement, being overweight or obese, getting older, being female, leading a sedentary lifestyle, having a leg injury, being pregnant, or having a history of smoking can cause spider veins, just like varicose veins.

What Type of Treatment Exists for Varicose Veins?

Once again, the best solution for varicose veins is based on your age, health, medical history, and the extent of the condition. Your healthcare provider will help you figure out the best treatments for enlarged or bulging varicose veins. If there are no symptoms present, medical treatment may not be necessary. Despite this, varicose veins can sometimes worsen without treatment. You may want to try sclerotherapy as part of your treatment.

In both spider veins and varicose veins, sclerotherapy is the most common treatment. Doctors inject varicose veins with a salt solution (saline) or a chemical solution (sclerosant) to stop blood flow through them, allowing new veins to take over. If the veins are twisted and not straight enough, doctors may recommend sclerotherapy as a treatment option.

You may wish to wear elastic compression stockings. These compression stockings work to squeeze the veins and prevent blood from pooling. Wearing compression stockings every day can be a very effective treatment for enlarged or bulging veins. Overall, focus on the best solution for varicose veins for your circumstance.

Your physician may tell you to elevate your feet three or four times a day for 15 minutes each. While sitting or standing for long periods of time, you should occasionally bend your legs to keep blood flowing. Elevating your legs helps to relieve leg swelling and other symptoms when you have mild to moderate varicose veins.

Other treatments for varicose veins may involve lasers or radiofrequency energy. Doctors use lasers or radiofrequency energy to heat up and destroy varicose veins. They perform microphlebectomy by inserting special tools through small incisions to remove varicose veins. Vein stripping can be done alone or in combination with microphlebectomy. Finally, doctors may recommend vein stripping for some patients. In this surgery, they completely remove varicose veins.

Can Varicose Veins be Prevented?

Actually, the best solution for varicose veins is a combination of many options under one umbrella, such as working on keeping a healthy weight, exercising regularly, putting your feet up while sitting, avoiding crossing your legs while sitting, and not wearing tight clothes to help prevent varicose veins.

There’s nothing more common than varicose veins. Around 90 percent of people develop spider veins, 80 percent develop reticular veins, and 50-60 percent develop varicose veins or symptoms of poor venous circulation.

Luckily, having varicose veins doesn’t mean you’ve got a disease or circulatory issues. Weakened vein valves cause vein varicosities, which have nothing to do with heart problems, heart disease, or arterial disease.

Blood returns to the heart through the venous system, which is why varicose veins exist. The arterial system is the source of peripheral artery disease and heart disease. Blood is circulated through this system from the heart to the rest of the body.

Endovenous Radiofrequency Ablation at Wellness and Pain

Oftentimes, patients discover that the best solution for varicose veins may be Endovenous Radiofrequency Ablation.  Endovenous Radiofrequency Ablation uses radiofrequency energy to heat and destroy veins. You can treat two veins in less than 10 minutes. Insurance often covers spider veins if they are more than just cosmetic. You won’t need to recover, and you’ll be treated at specialized centers where transportation is provided. Sedation or local anesthesia are options for the 10-minute procedure, which may bring about a cure for swollen or damaged veins.

At Wellness and Pain, we can recommend the best solution for varicose veins after a quick diagnosis. Get started today!

SEO - Sciatica Pain Relief is Within Reach: Here’s How

Sciatica Pain Relief

Sciatica Pain Relief is Within Reach: Here’s How

An injury or irritation to the sciatic nerve causes sciatica, which starts in the butt and gluteal muscles and deserves expert sciatica pain relief treatment. There’s no true sciatic nerve injury that causes sciatica, but it’s commonly used to describe any lower back or leg pain that starts in the lower back. This lower back pain is caused by a nerve injury, causing irritation, inflammation, pinching, or compression.

The sciatic nerve is the longest in the body. Five nerves come from the lower back called the lumbar spine, and three from the sacrum. Five separate nerve roots actually form two sciatic nerves. Two sciatic nerves run down one leg, from your hips to your buttocks, ending just below the knee on each side. Other nerves branch off the sciatic nerve, which then runs down your leg and into your feet.

Sciatica Pain Relief: First, How Bad is Your Discomfort?

Basically, sciatica is pain anywhere along the sciatic nerve path — from the lower back, through the hips, buttocks, and down into the legs, which are all areas you should be seeking sciatica pain relief through proper treatment. In addition to muscle weakness and numbness in your leg, you could feel tingling pins-and-needles in your foot and toes too.

While irritation, inflammation, pinching or compression of a nerve can cause sciatica pain, most people get it because of a herniated or slipped disk. Self-care and time usually cure sciatica, but that’s not always the case for many patients.

The misery and agony from sciatica is described differently depending on the cause, which means relief from the pain will be discovered differently as well. The pain can be sharp, shooting, or jolting for some people. Burning, jabbing, or stabbing are other ways to describe this pain. Oftentimes, there’s no telling if the pain is constant or if it comes and goes. Leg pain tends to be worse than lower back pain. Whenever you stand up or sit for long periods of time or twist your upper body, the pain may get worse. Sudden movements, like coughing or sneezing, often worsen pain.

Lifestyle Changes, Cures, and Sciatica Pain Relief

Some causes of sciatica aren’t preventable, such as degenerative disk disease, sciatica during pregnancy, and accidental falls — but sciatica pain relief is still worth the effort. Take these steps to protect your back and reduce your risk of sciatica, even though it’s not possible to prevent all cases:

  • Lose weight: Extra weight and poor diet cause inflammation and pain. Check out various healthy diets or lifestyle-change diets if you want to lose weight. As you get closer to your ideal weight, your spine will be less strained.
  • Take good care of your posture: While sitting, standing, lifting objects, and sleeping, follow good posture techniques. Having pain can be a sign you’re not aligned correctly. Make sure you’re sitting right if you’re sore or stiff.
  • You should choose low-impact exercises like swimming, walking, yoga, or Tai Chi to avoid hurting your back.
  • Keeping stairs and walkways clear of clutter can keep you from falling. Wear shoes that fit and wear shoes that fit well. Don’t forget to put grab bars in bathrooms and stair rails on stairways.
  • Get regular exercise: Stretching keeps your joints flexible, and strengthening your core gives you a strong lower back and abdomen. Your back is supported by these muscles.  Also, don’t sit for too long.
  • Stop smoking: Nicotine reduces blood flow to bones. Spine and disk problems result when the spine and disks weaken, putting more stress on them.

Relief from the pain starts with lifestyle changes, which ultimately lead to some sort of cure.

Connection Between Risk, Complication, and Sciatica Pain Relief

While sciatica pain relief is within grasp for patients who are suffering, it all comes down to tailoring changes within your daily choices, habits, and environment. Sciatica is more likely if you:

  • Sustain an injury. You’re more likely to get sciatica if you damage your lower back or spine.
  • Have a physical job. Heavy lifting or long sitting times often lead to low back problems.
  • Have too much weight. As you gain weight, your back muscles have to work harder. It can cause back strains, back pains, and other problems.
  • Exercise without proper posture. When you lift weights or do other strength exercises, even if you’re fit and active, you can still get sciatica if you don’t follow proper body form. This is actually one of the biggest reasons, which means your sciatica pain relief efforts should make proper posture with exercise a priority.
An illustration of the correct lifting form to help sciatica pain relief.
  • Don’t have a strong core. Back and abdominal muscles make up your core. You’ll have more support for your lower back if you have a strong core.
  • Are a diabetic. Nerve damage increases your chances of sciatica with diabetes.
  • Tobacco smoke damages spinal tissue, weakens bones, and wears down vertebral disks faster; therefore, nicotine can cause serious problems.
  • Natural aging wears down your spine’s bone tissue and disks. The changes in bone, disks, and ligaments that naturally occur with aging can put your nerves at risk.
  • Are a victim of osteoarthritis. The condition can damage your spine and hurt your nerves.
  • Live a sedentary lifestyle. When you’re sitting all the time without exercising and keeping your muscles flexible, you’re more likely to get sciatica.

Pain alleviation isn’t so difficult when you commit to following some simple ground rules.

Why Do You Get Sciatica? It’s Complicated…

There are a lot of reasons why you can get sciatica, which means there are even more reasons why sciatica pain relief comes by utilizing a variety of tools, resources, and good habits. Reasons for experiencing sciatica include:

  • One vertebra slips out of position and narrows the opening through which the nerve exits, called spondylolisthesis. The risk of sciatic nerve pinching rises when the spine extends.
  • A condition known as “osteoarthritis” is caused by bone spurs, which are jagged edges of bone found in aging spines.
  • A herniated or slipped disk that pressures a nerve root. This usually causes sciatica. The disks between the vertebrae cushion each other. Herniation occurs when the gel-like center of a disk bulges out of a weakness in its outer wall from pressure from vertebrae. This squeezes your sciatic nerve.
  • Stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal canal. There is less space for the spinal cord and nerves due to this narrowing.
  • An encroaching tumor in the lumbar spinal canal.
  • Natural wear and tear degenerates disks between vertebrae. Disk wear shortens the height of the nerve passageways and creates spinal stenosis. In turn, this pinches the sciatic nerve roots.
  • There is a condition known as “piriformis syndrome” that occurs when the piriformis muscle, located deep in the buttocks, tighten or spasm. Sciatic nerves become pressured and irritated.
  • There’s a rare but serious condition called “cauda equina syndrome,” which affects the bundle of nerves at the end of the spinal cord. A common symptom is pain down the leg, numbness around the anus, and bowel and bladder problems.

A long-term reprieve from your pain — if not perpetual — is the goal of any sciatica pain relief treatment plan.

Can You Self-Care at Home Before Seeing a Doctor?

Since different pains have different types, intensities, and causes, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to sciatica pain relief. Depending on the patient, a more aggressive approach may be tried first. The general rule is: If self-care treatments, like ice, heat, stretching, over-the-counter medicines, haven’t worked for you after six weeks, then it’s time to see a doctor.

You can also try the following for relief from the pain:

  • Treatment for physical problems. In physical therapy, you’re trying to find exercises that reduce sciatica symptoms by reducing pressure on nerves. You should do stretching exercises and aerobic exercises (like walking, swimming, water aerobics). Physical therapists can help you customize your routine to strengthen your back, abdomen, and legs.
  • Therapeutic alternatives. The use of alternative therapies is rising, and they treat and manage all kinds of pain. Yoga or acupuncture are some other ways to get rid of sciatic pain. Massages often help muscle spasms that accompany sciatica. The use of biofeedback can help manage pain and relieve stress.
  • Drugs or prescriptions. For muscle spasms, your doctor may prescribe muscle relaxants. If the pain is bad, you can also try tricyclic antidepressants and anti-seizure drugs. Pain medicines might be a part of your treatment plan early on, depending on how bad you feel.
  • Injections in the spine. A corticosteroid injection can help reduce swelling and pain around the affected nerve roots. Given under local anesthesia, injections usually last three months. Get your healthcare provider’s advice on how many injections you can receive and whether there are any risks.

Ultimately, with so many sciatica pain relief options available, one will be better suited to your personal circumstance than others.

Wellness and Pain

After an easy 10-minute ultrasound, we can diagnose and treat you using proper sciatica pain relief techniques. After which, you can live a healthier, more active life. Aside from ultrasound, electromyography (EMG), and nerve conduction studies, Wellness and Pain has state-of-the-art testing equipment. Plus, we offer muscle injections to help with recovery and pain.

You’re in good hands with Wellness and Pain. Take advantage of your ultrasound today (We Accept Most Insurances and most unions).

Hip and Leg Pain: Causes, Diagnoses, & Treatment

Hip and Leg Pain

Hip and Leg Pain: Causes, Diagnoses, & Treatment

There are many factors that can cause hip and leg pain, from muscle and tendon problems to nerve damage. You need to get treatment as soon as possible for any pain so you know what’s causing it.

Despite repeated motion and wear and tear, the hip joint can hold up. It’s the biggest ball-and-socket joint in the body, so it has fluid movement. The hip bone moves in its socket with the help of a cushion of cartilage whenever you use it. Running is a good example.

Though it seems indestructible, it’s not. Age easily wears down and damages cartilage. Overusing hip muscles and tendons can hurt them. When you fall or get injured, hip bones can break. There are lots of things that can cause hip pain. Find out what’s making your hips hurt and how you can relieve it.

On The Other Hand

When it comes to leg pain, there’s a common misconception that it’s just muscle aches or arthritis. Pain and cramps in the legs may be an indication of a more serious underlying disease. Consult a vascular specialist about your leg challenges. The calves and thighs are common places for leg pain while exercising or relaxing.

Is there a reason for this discomfort? You might have peripheral arterial disease (PAD), which affects blood flow in the lower body, causing pain in your legs. Hair loss, discoloration, fatigue, skin temperature changes, and ulcers are just a few of the symptoms of circulatory problems. Venous insufficiency disease can cause many of these symptoms, along with leg discomfort.

But we need to go deeper to explore the variety of causes contributing to hip and leg pain. Hip pain is common in adults and often causes functional disability — and can sometimes be chronic. Leg pain associated with hip pain is routinely found in patients, as there is oftentimes a connection between both problems.

Discover the Direct Cause of Hip and Leg Pain

An injury to a joint can cause dislocation when the ends of the bones move out of place, fueling hip and leg pain. In a car accident, the knee may strike the dashboard in front and cause the hip ball to shift. Intense pain and swelling can occur if the dislocation happens to the knees, fingers, shoulders, or hip.

Pain caused by an injury to the sciatic nerve is sciatica. The pain is caused by herniated disks or bone spurs. Legs and hips can hurt because of the pain.

A degenerating tendon and tearing of the tendon cause tendinitis. An irritated or inflamed thigh tendon that is attached to the thigh bone can cause pain and aches. People who play sports or do jobs that require repetitive movements are more likely to get tendonitis. Also, people who are older are more likely to get it.

Still, other issues cause hip pain or leg pain. Bursitis is inflammation or swelling of bursae, the little sacs between tendons, muscles, bones, and ligaments. This happens when there’s long-term pressure on a bursa. The repetitive movement of joints also causes it.

What’s more: joint inflammation is a potential cause of arthritis. When shock-absorbing tissues start deteriorating, it happens. The disease is most common in adults older than 65, but anyone can get it. Most common is osteoarthritis, but there are other types as well. To accurately diagnose hip and leg pain, all potential causes should be looked at.

How is Hip and Leg Pain Diagnosed?

For serious hip and leg pain that interferes with your daily life, see a doctor. During a physical exam, your doctor will talk to you about your symptoms. Other tests your doctor might order include:

  • X-Rays. This test sees dense structures, like bones.
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), ultrasounds, Computerized Tomography (CT) Scan, Venography, Electromyography (EMG), or blood tests.
An X-ray view of a hip joint causing hip and leg pain.

What causes your hip pain or leg pain and how long it lasts depends on the cause. You may not need to see a doctor if your leg hurts because of a muscle strain or another less serious injury. If you suffer from a more serious injury or damage to your nerves or tissues, you might need ongoing treatments or surgery.

Symptoms of hip and leg pain may be ongoing or sporadic, coming and going with activity or at random intervals. Since pain can be caused by a variety of illnesses, there’s no rule for how long it lasts. Get medical help if you can’t even take a few steps without hurting and needing to sit down.

It might be time for a doctor’s visit if your hip pain or leg pain won’t go away after a few days of home remedies and self-care.

Treatment, Medication, & Prevention

The best thing to do if you have hip and leg pain stemming from a minor injury is to treat it at home. Immediately after an injury, try these routines to help reduce pain and swelling:

  • Get as much rest as you can.
  • Ice-pack it three times a day for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Keep your leg up when you’re sitting or lying down.
  • Get an over-the-counter pain reliever.

Not all hip and leg pain can

be prevented, but some issues will respond to preventative measures such as these:

  • Add support to your feet with supportive shoes. Don’t forget to get exercise shoes with enough heel cushioning and arch support.
  • Start slowly and build up your activity. Make sure you don’t go straight into a high-intensity exercise routine. Make sure you work up to a higher intensity level instead.
  • Keep your muscles flexible. In particular, stretching your calf muscles helps prevent Achilles tendinitis.
  • Make your bones stronger. It’s possible to prevent fractures by exercising hard and by eating calcium-rich food and food containing vitamin D.
  • Get your exercise in a variety of ways. Make sure you don’t just do the same exercises every day. Varying your exercise routine helps prevent injury.
  • Don’t smoke, and keep a healthy weight. Cardiovascular problems in your legs can be prevented by these lifestyle factors.
  • Spend as little time as possible sitting still. Blood clots in your legs can happen if you sit a lot.
  • Eat a lot of nutrient-rich foods and protein. Keeping your heart and nerves healthy can be easy with a healthy diet.
  • Don’t forget to drink water. Taking in enough fluids helps prevent leg cramps.

In short, you should act as preventatively as possible with your hip pain or leg pain.

When to See a Doctor

See a doctor if you have hip and leg pain that gets worse when you walk, is swollen, or will not go away with home treatments. Check with your doctor right away if you have any of these symptoms:

  • If you have symptoms of infection (like redness, warmth, or a fever), that’s a sign.
  • You have a swollen, pale, or unusually cold leg.
  • Your calf hurts after sitting for too long.
  • Both of your legs swell and you’re breathing hard.
  • Pain that comes out of nowhere.

In general, hip pain or leg pain doesn’t mean you have an emergency on your hands. But if you’ve got any of these symptoms, you should get treated right away:

  • You can’t stand or walk.
  • The calf gets hot, red, swollen, or tender.
  • There’s a deep cut or exposed tissue from a sudden injury.
  • The leg injury made a popping or grinding sound.

There are lots of options, from medication to physical therapy to surgery.

Over time, hip and leg pain is often caused by injuries, overuse, or wear and tear. Some treatments can help you rest the affected area and manage your pain, but others may require more medical care. You should get medical attention right away if your hip or leg pain persists or worsens over time — or if you notice immobility or infection symptoms.

Wellness and Pain

At Wellness and Pain, the best doctor for hip and leg pain can perform a quick 10-minute ultrasound to diagnose and treat you so you can live a healthier, more active life free of pain. We also offer other diagnostic tests, such as nerve and muscle testing, for a deeper assessment of what’s actually going on with your hip and legs.

A woman bending over to massage her swollen legs caused by standing all day.

Swollen Legs

5 Common Causes of Swollen Legs + An Alarming One

The term “Swollen Legs” is a multitasker. It refers to a variety of conditions that all revolve around one commonality: Fluid build-up (But more on this later).

Regardless of the exact condition, swollen legs can be a sign of substantially worse problems waiting for you down the road. Not to mention the discomfort you might be bearing right now. Symptoms like swelling, stiffness, numbness, and tingling are just the start. In severe cases, the skin becomes stretched, ulcers appear, and difficulties standing and walking become prevalent.

Swollen legs can sneak up on you. After all, we’re always going somewhere—Always doing something—and it can be easy to brush off the little things. However, it won’t be easy to brush off the big ones.

Here are some common causes of swollen legs:

  1. Fluid Build-Up
  2. Prolonged Sitting or Standing
  3. Injury or Trauma
  4. Blood Clots
  5. Venous Insufficiency
  6. Heart Failure


Fluid Build-Up and Swollen Legs

The technical term for fluid build-up is “Edema.” It’s a condition characterized by an excess of watery fluid collecting in the tissues and cavities of your body. This watery fluid is just that: Water. Well, for the most part. It varies based on which underlying condition caused it and often contains blood plasma, interstitial fluid (The fluid that surrounds your cells), and other proteins.

What can complicate edema, even more, is how skin does not swell with it; it’s your tissue beneath the skin that swells, not the skin itself. Your skin is forced to stretch and make room for it. This causes a range of secondary symptoms that lessen the quality of your life just as much as the edema does. Things like dryness and itching are precursors to ulcers and sores.

Temporary fixes for swollen legs caused by fluid build-up are limited. Not to mention, they’re reactive. Not proactive. These don’t prevent swollen legs. They only alleviate the symptoms, things like massages or elevating the legs.

Fluid build-up is a big deal and is often at the core of most other conditions involving swollen legs.


Prolonged Sitting or Standing

It’s been said before, here at Wellness and Pain, “The human body was made to move.” When you don’t move enough, issues arise. Prolonged periods of sitting or standing can cause swollen legs. They impede the normal flow of blood and fluids throughout your body. Whether you experience leg swelling after sitting at a desk all day or tired legs from standing all day, what comes down must go up… Or was it the other way around?

Anyway, your heart is always working, always sending blood down your extremities, and trying to pull it back up. When you move, this is easy. When you don’t, the flow of blood and fluid in the legs becomes impeded, which causes fluid to accumulate in those tissues and cavities. Your legs can become achy and tired. They can feel painful and heavy.

Temporary fixes for swollen legs caused by prolonged sitting or standing include movement and exercise. Compression stockings also help alleviate swelling. Again, these are only after the fact.


Swollen Legs from Injury or Trauma

Even if you don’t suffer chronically from swollen legs, you can still be susceptible to them. Anyone can.

Acute injury or trauma to your legs can damage the lymphatic system and blood vessels—Your lymphatic system is the network of organs and vessels throughout your body responsible for aiding your immune system. It also drains lymph (The colorless fluid containing white blood cells that coats your tissues) into your bloodstream. So, pretty important.

Inflammation can trigger greater blood flow and fluid leakage in the affected area, resulting in more swelling. More swelling can mean more inflammation. And so on. In worst cases, blood clots can form, either partially or completely halting the flow of blood in that area. However, just because blood stops flowing doesn’t mean fluids stop leaking. It only gets worse.

Temporary fixes for swollen legs caused by injury and trauma can be tricky. Applying ice or a cold compress can help. So can rest. Of course, seek help from a healthcare professional.

Blood Clots

Though blood clots can have various causes, from pre-existing conditions to injury or trauma, they often result in a shared symptom: Swollen legs (More specifically the affected leg). A blood clot (Thrombus) is a gel-like clump of blood that is typically the last step in coagulation. These are good when they occur in the right places. A vein is not one of them.

An illustrative depiction of a blood clot blocking a vein in swollen legs.

They block the flow of blood, causing fluid to accumulate and pressure to build. The affected area and surrounding tissues can swell, become discolored and warm, and radiate pain. Your veins can become visibly enlarged.

IMPORTANT: Blood clots are serious, and they have no temporary fixes. You must seek medical attention immediately, as blood clots in your legs can be potentially life-threatening.

Venous Insufficiency and Swollen Legs

“Venous insufficiency” might sound like a complicated term. It’s not. Let’s break it down. “Venous” simply refers to your veins, and “Insufficiency” is the same as “Inadequate” or “Lacking.” It means the veins in your legs aren’t quite what they used to be.

Normally blood is circulated through your heart and into the rest of your body. Your legs actually have valves within their vessels that assist in re-circulating that blood back to your heart. After all, that’s a long way to travel against gravity—Think of them as little pit stops. As time passes, they can wear out, not working the same. Blood and waste products that need to be filtered begin to accumulate in your legs. Soon, you may notice your legs are swollen, fatigued, and feel abnormally heavy.

As with swollen legs caused by blood clots, there is no temporary fix for venous insufficiency. The problem is too far gone. You may alleviate symptoms, but medical attention is required.


Bonus: Heart Failure

Yes, heart failure. It sounds like a serious thing, and that’s because it is. Thankfully, it doesn’t solely refer to your heart suddenly stopping. It refers to your heart being unable to pump effectively. If your heart can’t pump effectively, it can’t pull all that blood and waste from your legs.

This can lead to stasis (Pooling of blood) in your legs, causing them to swell and feel tight or heavy. It’s not always the case, but swollen legs can certainly be an early sign of heart failure.

A while back, The National Library of Medicine put out an article on the warning signs and symptoms of heart disease. In it, they say, “Swelling (edema) in your lower legs is another sign of a heart problem. When your heart doesn’t work as well, blood flow slows and backs up in the veins in your legs. This causes fluid to build up in your tissues. You may also have swelling in your stomach or notice some weight gain.” (Warning signs and symptoms of heart disease: Medlineplus Medical Encyclopedia)


A Permanent Fix for Swollen Legs

So yeah, the term “Swollen Legs” is a multitasker. With so many causes, conditions, and concerns, it can be easy to get lost in the sea of temporary fixes. It can be treated after the fact, right? They’re only symptoms. But what happens when you’ve treated them so many times you don’t know what else to do? What happens when the symptoms become too far gone? What if there are no temporary fixes?

With so much on the line, it’s important to know there is a solution right for you. There’s a healthcare specialist waiting who can get to the root of your symptoms. You don’t have to troubleshoot anymore, and you don’t have to treat after the fact. No more guessing. There is a swollen legs treatment that works.

Severe leg cramps causing a woman to stop walking and massage her ankle.

Severe Leg Cramps

Severe Leg Cramps and Where They Can Occur

Asking someone where severe leg cramps can occur might seem like a silly thing to do. But there’s more to it—Actually, there’s a lot more. These sudden and intense episodes of pain are utterly debilitating. Oftentimes, they’re accompanied by tightness and spasms and can feel like someone is twisting your leg into impossible knots. Your entire body is affected, making it difficult to move. You are not the only one either. The Medical University of South Carolina recently put out a newsletter stating, “It is estimated that 60 percent of adults have cramps from time to time.” They further explain that “The frequency increases as we age.” (Muscle Cramps & Spasms)

So, let’s get to the meat of the matter!

You are right. Of course, severe leg cramps occur in the legs. More specifically, the muscles of the legs, and there are a lot of them. In fact, the largest muscle of the human body can be found there. You might be sitting on it right now. It is the gluteus maximus! If that wasn’t enough, the longest muscle can be found there too—You won’t be sitting on this one. It’s the sartorius, a thin muscle that runs down the upper thigh. Not to mention all the other intricate muscles that work to support your hips, knees, and ankles.

Here’s where most people report having severe leg cramps, from the most common to the least:

  • Thighs
  • Inner legs
  • Hamstrings
  • Feet (Yes, the feet too)

The human body was made to move, to go places and do things. It is the legs that make that happen. All the more reason to understand their major muscle groups, how they work together, and exactly where your cramp might be occurring.

Thigh Cramps

The thigh is an absolute powerhouse. More muscle means more chance for severe leg cramps. Made up of numerous key muscles that work together to not only facilitate movement and stabilize lower extremities, the primary ones are the:

  • Quadriceps femoris
  • Hamstrings (Even more on this later)
  • Adductors

The quadriceps femoris (“Quad” for short) is a large muscle group located at the front of your thigh. It’s responsible for extending your knee and straightening your leg. The hamstrings are located in the exact opposite place: The back of your thigh. They are responsible for flexing your knee and bending your leg. Finally, the adductors are a group of muscles located on the inner portion of your thigh and are connected to your pelvis. They work in unison to bring your legs back center.

Highlighted muscles of the upper and lower leg in motion before sustaining severe leg cramps.

Whether it be walking, running, or jumping—Anything, really—these key muscles work together in a beautifully coordinated way. They are what propels your body forward. The quad extends your knee, and your foot pushes off the ground. Then, your hamstring works to slow the subsequent descent of your body. All the while, your adductors maintain your balance in preparation for the next step.


Inner Leg Cramps

Just like the thigh, the inner leg contains several key muscles that work together harmoniously to control the movement of your ankles and knees. On top of that, they specialize in stabilizing your ankles and knees. Some of the primary muscles susceptible to severe leg cramps are the:

  • Tibialis anterior
  • Soleus
  • Gastrocnemius
  • Plantaris

Located on the front of your shin, the tibialis anterior is responsible for two very fancy-sounding movements. The first, dorsiflexion (Lifting the foot upward). The second, inversion (Turning the foot inward). The soleus is located just under your gastrocnemius (Or the larger calf muscle). It helps with plantar flexion (Which is pointing your foot downward). The gastrocnemius also helps with this. Finally, the plantaris is a small, slender muscle that runs between the soleus and gastrocnemius, helping with the same movements.

FUN FACT: The plantaris is commonly considered to be a vestigial (Accessory) muscle and is often harvested for tendon grafts elsewhere in the body.

These key muscles work together in controlling and stabilizing the movement of your knees and ankles. The tibialis anterior and soleus work nonstop to control what direction your foot points. At the same time, the gastrocnemius and plantaris work to ensure you have the power needed for sudden movements.


Hamstring Cramps

Like a lot of muscle groups that are often referred to as just one muscle, the hamstring is an entire group of them. They’re located on the back of your thigh and work together to produce movement by coordinating strength and stability between your hips and knees. They are the:

  • Biceps femoris
  • Semitendinosus
  • Semimembranosus

The biceps femoris is the most lateral muscle of the group (Or the one furthest away from the center of your body and inner thigh). It acts on both the hip and the knee. The semitendinosus is just one step over and is responsible for hip extension and knee flexion. Then the semimembranosus is the largest and most medial muscle of the hamstrings (Or the one closest to the center of your body and inner thigh). It also helps with hip extension and knee flexion.

When these muscles contract, they work together to produce movement at the hip and knee joints. For example, when running, the hamstrings contract to extend the hip and flex the knee. This allows your leg to swing backward into the next phase of the gait cycle (The time between two steps). Sustaining severe leg cramps here will bring your day to a screeching halt.


Severe Leg Cramps in the Legs and Feet

If you thought the legs were complex, just wait. The foot has numerous muscles that work together to deliver stability, support, and flexibility to your foot and lower leg. They can be susceptible to severe leg cramps too. Some of them we have already talked about. Others are new. They are the:

  • Tibialis anterior
  • Gastrocnemius
  • Soleus
  • Peroneus longus and brevis
  • Flexor digitorum longus
  • Extensor digitorum longus

The peroneus longus and brevis wrap around the outside of your lower leg and foot. They are responsible for everting your foot (Or turning it upward). They also assist in dorsiflexion. The flexor digitorum longus and extensor digitorum longus are located deep within the calf. They run down the length of the lower leg and connect to the foot. However, they do two vastly different jobs. The flexor digitorum longus helps to flex your toes, while the extensor digitorum helps to extend them.

These muscles play a crucial role—If not the most crucial role—in maintaining balance and stability. This is especially true when you walk on uneven or rocky surfaces. Not to mention, they provide natural shock absorption that helps to protect the bones, joints, and tissues of your entire body.

By working together in an intricately coordinated way, the muscles of your foot provide the foundation for movement for all your lower extremities. Severe leg cramps throw a wrench in that.

Severe leg cramps causing a woman to stop walking and massage her ankle.

Treatment for Severe Leg Cramps

Understanding the major muscle groups of your legs, how they work together, and exactly where your leg cramp might be occurring is integral in determining the best course of action and treatment for severe leg cramps. Many of these muscle groups are interconnected and dramatically dependent on each other. A cramp in one can send a rippling effect throughout the others. This causes a severe detriment to the quality of your life and your enjoyment of it.

You were made to go places and do things, to experience life at its fullest. So don’t let something treatable get in your way. Don’t let it slow you down. And never, under any circumstances, let it make you stop moving.

ANY and ALL leg muscle cramps can be treated with the proper information and a caring specialist.

Painful legs cause a woman to massage her calf at the edge of her bed.

Painful Legs

Painful Legs: 5 Symptoms and Why They Shouldn’t be Ignored

Painful legs, it’s such a generic term. However, it has a lot of meaning. It means even more for the quality of your life. Although a lot of its symptoms overlap each other, they’re still different and need to be treated as such:

  • Burning
  • Aching
  • Stiffness
  • Weakness
  • And Soreness

In today’s modern age, everything is go-go-go. From school to work, family, and friends, everyone needs you and there’s always something that needs to be done. Sometimes, it can be difficult to find time for yourself, let alone seek treatment for something that you might’ve been living with for a very long time. After all, not a lot of us regularly ask, “Why do my legs hurt?”

Other times, the very prospect of treatment can be daunting. The Washington Post even put out an article stating, “We procrastinate on tasks we find ‘difficult, unpleasant, aversive or just plain boring or stressful.’ If a task feels especially overwhelming or provokes significant anxiety, it’s often easiest to avoid it.” (Haupt, 2021)

The fact is this: Treatment for painful legs doesn’t have to be… Well, painful. You’re worth taking care of. If not, who’s going to be there for the people who need you most? Who’s going to do what only you can? But action needs to be taken sooner rather than later. Here are five common symptoms of painful legs, what you need to know about them, and what you should do next.


Burning Leg Pain

Burning in the legs is a wide-reaching symptom of painful legs that refers to the sensations of heat, warmth, or pain in the legs. Some people even describe it as a tingling or numbness, while others say it’s more like a sharp, stabbing pain. It can be constant or intermittent, and the feeling itself can range in intensity from mild discomfort to severe pain either localized to a specific area or felt throughout both legs. It may be accompanied by other symptoms and has the potential of getting worse at night or during physical activity.


Aching Pain in Both Legs

Aching pain in both legs can feel like a dull, persistent pain that oftentimes feels impossible to find or reach. It can be felt almost anywhere, from your muscles to your bones and joints, and can be localized to a specific area or be felt throughout the entirety of both legs. It may be accompanied by fatigue, weakness, or cramping. As with other symptoms, the pain can get worse with physical activity or prolonged sessions of standing or sitting. It can also be intensified by certain weather conditions, such as humidity or cold.


Chronic Painful Legs and Stiffness

Like aching pain in both legs, chronic leg pain and stiffness is a persistent and long-term discomfort that doesn’t just happen overnight. Rather, it grows and gradually becomes worse. Sometimes, you become so used to it it’s hard to recognize it anymore. It’s characterized by most as deep, achy, or dull pain, often giving rise to stiffness and a reduced range of motion in either one or both legs, and even the rest of the body. The pain may be felt in the muscles, bones, or joints, and can be localized to a specific area or be felt throughout the leg. Again, it can unintentionally be made worse with physical activity or prolonged sessions of standing or sitting.


Chronic Painful legs and Weakness

Chronic leg pain and weakness is typically where one’s quality of life takes a dramatic turn for the worse, regarding painful legs. You literally can’t do as much as you could before and it’s simply because you lack the strength. Of course, chronic leg pain and weakness is persistent and long-term, but it’s also accompanied by reduced muscle strength and difficulty in performing daily activities. The pain can be dull, achy, or sharp, and can be felt in the muscles, bones, or joints. It may be accompanied by stiffness and decreased range of motion. The lack of strength can truly be felt when trying to stand, walk, or climb stairs. This pain and weakness can affect the quality of life and make it difficult to perform daily activities.


Chronic Muscle Soreness in Legs

Chronic muscle soreness in the legs is characterized by persistent and long-term discomfort or pain specifically in the muscles of the legs—And there are A LOT of muscles in your legs. This soreness can be described as a deep ache, tenderness, or stiffness, and it may be accompanied by overall weakness, fatigue, or cramping. As always, it can be localized to a specific area or be felt throughout both legs and can be intensified by physical activity or prolonged sessions of standing or sitting. It can also be made worse by a lack of physical activity or poor posture.


How the Human Body Responds to Painful Legs

The human body is an incredible thing, designed for survival in almost every way. As such, it can adapt to a negative stimulus, especially if it starts small and is drawn out over a long period of time. However, adapting to leg pain—Or, even ignoring it—isn’t dealing with it. It’s only allowing it to get worse. Allowing it to get worse leads to greater complications down the road.

Any time you experience any sort of leg pain, it can cause you to inadvertently change your gait or stride, which can quickly lead to an uneven distribution of your weight across your body, causing greater stress on your lower back and spine. This subsequently causes the muscles in your lower back to overcompensate for the pain in your legs, leading to further muscle strain and tension. It can also cause the spine to become misaligned, leading to pain, stiffness, and decreased mobility.

Athlete stops running and holds back due to discomfort caused by painful legs.

Uneven strides can cause one leg to bear more weight than the other. This is likely to lead to uneven wear and tear on the joints in your lower back and spine, which can cause degeneration and wear and tear over time. These complications aren’t just physical either. They’re mental and emotional. They’re cyclical.

The Importance of Seeking Treatment for Painful Legs

Any sort of perceived stress placed on your body can send you into a sort of low-level state of fight-or-flight. Staying in this state of fight-or-flight releases more of the neurochemical transmitters that add stress to your body. This stress and these transmitters then have the potential to increase the inflammation already experienced by your body. All of this is commonly associated with increased instances of fluctuating mood, emotional instability, and even experiencing anxiety and depression, which then turn in on themselves to create deeper cycles of pain, fight-or-flight, stress, and so on. These cycles are incredibly hard to break. This combined with what you’re already experiencing can be unbearable. You don’t need to go through it alone.

So, if you suffer from any of these symptoms of leg pain, know there’s a way to treat it. It doesn’t have to get worse, and it certainly doesn’t have to affect the quality of your life. You’re worth taking care of. The first step is simple: See a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment of your leg pain.

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Wellness and Pain accepts most major insurance plans. Here is a list of some of the major insurance plans we accept. If you do not see your insurance plan listed, please call our office to confirm.

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