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A close-up of a cardiac risk assessment in New Jersey doctor pointing out something on a model of a heart.

Cardiac Risk Assessment in New Jersey

Cardiac Risk Assessment in New Jersey: Facts, Options, and Prevention

A cardiac risk assessment in New Jersey is necessary for enabling early detection of heart disease and personalized prevention strategies. In the long run, they are an efficient, cost-effective way to help manage follow-up and ongoing care.

Most importantly, a heart health assessment can help you make informed decisions about your health and improve a healthier outcome. In what many patients tout as a way to boost their quality of life, an analysis provides peace of mind.

Know that a cardiac risk assessment does not guarantee an individual won’t develop heart disease. It’s a useful tool to gain a better understanding of your risk and make quality decisions about your heart health.

By identifying potential risk factors and taking appropriate preventive measures, stress and anxiety associated with heart disease is reduced. You can focus on other important areas of your life knowing proper measures have been taken to protect your health.


Cardiac Risk Assessment in New Jersey: What is It?

A cardiac risk assessment in New Jersey can identify the risk of heart disease and provide appropriate intervention. Your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes, is ascertained using history, lifestyle, and genetics information.

While identifying factors such as high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, obesity, diabetes, and smoking is key, it’s only the beginning. Assessments typically include reviewing previous heart conditions, your family history of heart disease, and conditions that may affect the heart. As part of your examination, the doctor will listen to your heart, check your blood pressure, and examine your pulse.

Blood tests are also used to measure risks by measuring cardiac biomarkers and lipid levels, including cholesterol and triglycerides. The doctor may even perform an electrocardiogram to determine if any arrhythmias or abnormalities exist.

Your health provider may also recommend a stress test. This assesses your heart’s response to physical stress by monitoring its activity and blood pressure while exercising. For a more detailed evaluation of your heart’s structure and the way it functions, imaging tests may be ordered.

Lastly, your health specialist will discuss your diet, physical activity levels, and alcohol consumption. Be prepared to engage on all these topics.


Benefits, Risk Prediction, and Early Intervention

It’s very possible to prevent a cardiovascular medical incident through a cardiac risk assessment in New Jersey. However, the importance and benefits of personalized care and disease prevention can’t be overstated.

Your customized assessment provides a valuable personalized plan which supersedes almost any action you can take in the near term. Heart risk assessments are beneficial, due to the simple fact that they identify readily changeable risk factors. An assessment will specifically determine your chances of developing a cardiac event over the next 10 years. The higher the risk score, the more aggressive your prevention efforts should be.

“Improving risk prediction will be an ongoing effort. This effort requires input from clinicians and data scientists and will continue to evolve,” states a recent article on the topic published by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. “The reality is that atherosclerotic disease risk prediction will never be perfect, but will hopefully be improved to allow for better targeting of preventive therapies.”

Recommended every 4 – 6 years for healthy adults, these assessments are general guidelines that help sow seeds of prevention. There is no definitive test in these assessments. However, clinical data can estimate a person’s chances of having heart disease so a doctor can recommend appropriate prevention methods.

Health care professionals can make informed decisions about intervention strategies for cardiovascular diseases by thoroughly evaluating a patient’s medical history.


Risk Scores from a Cardiac Risk Assessment in New Jersey

There are two options for a cardiac risk assessment in New Jersey. The first is a technique called the “Framingham Risk Score,” and the second is the Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk Estimator.

The Framingham Risk Score includes factors such as age, sex, race, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, smoking status, diabetes, and gender. Over a 10-year period, it can be used to estimate a person’s chances of developing Coronary Heart Disease.

One of several Framingham studies supports specific dietary recommendations, such as increasing fruit and whole grains intake to prevent obesity. “A significant reverse association… was observed,” the BioMed Central Nutrition Journal study states. “Cardiovascular diseases remain the leading cause of mortality worldwide. This underlies the need to evaluate different targets, such as diet quality.”

The Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD) Risk Estimator is an assessment tool that is more accurate than the Framingham Risk Score. In fact, it’s more for people with certain risk factors, such as diabetes or chronic kidney disease. It’s used to estimate a person’s risk of developing ASCVD, including Coronary Heart Disease, stroke, and peripheral arterial disease.

“Over my career as a cardiovascular surgeon, as well as an immunologist, I have witnessed how current treatments for ASCVD have led to considerable improvements in outcomes. Yet many patients remain vulnerable to life-threatening cardiac events,” states one researcher in the Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiology. “Until recently, atherosclerosis has been thought of as the result of passive lipid accumulation in the vessel wall. However, the development of atherosclerosis is now known to be much more complex, with a key role for immune cells and inflammation in conjunction with hyperlipidemia and elevated LDL levels.”


Early Detection, Prevention, and Possible Elimination

You can identify early problems through a cardiac risk assessment in New Jersey. Many patients think they’ll reduce their risks of developing heart disease by a small amount by being proactive.

In reality, taking preventative measures may reduce the risk of developing heart disease completely. Tips for eating healthy throughout the day or at a restaurant include:

  • Make sure you don’t start out the morning or afternoon hungry. Starving yourself or skipping meals can lead to overeating. Those tempting foods may also be hard to resist.
  • It’s okay to not eat everything on your plate. Take it home in a doggy bag and you’ll enjoy it twice as much.
  • Snacking and nibbling should be avoided. You should listen to your body when it tells you that it’s full. Remove extra food from the table with the help of your spouse, a friend, or restaurant staff. You’ll be more likely to nibble the longer it stays.
  • Eating shouldn’t be a competition. Overeating is caused by eating too fast, since it takes your body 20 minutes to recognize fullness. Take your time and enjoy the social aspect of eating.

Your chances of future problems can be significantly reduced by addressing these issues. Personal reflection can help you develop personalized strategies. Your doctor can create a customized plan to manage your heart health based on your individual risk profile.

It’s equally important to improve how you manage your existing medical conditions. If you have heart disease or a related condition such as diabetes, consider optimizing your treatment. Your treatment plan can be refined over time. Understanding specific vulnerabilities can reduce your risk of complications.

All types of individuals benefit from cardiac risk assessments as they take control of their heart health and make informed decisions.


Wellness and Pain Can Help

A range of options for cardiac risk assessment in New Jersey are available at Wellness and Pain. We offer conservative treatments, routine visits, and minimally invasive quick-recovery procedures. We can keep you free of problems by providing lifestyle education and home care advice to help you avoid and manage issues, quickly relieving your inhibiting lifestyle conditions when complications arise.

At Wellness and Pain, we personalize patient care plans based on each patient’s condition and unique circumstances to improve wellness, increase mobility, relieve pain, and enhance your mental space and overall health.

We look forward to hearing from you!

An illustrated timeline of testosterone reduction in men as they age used to determine whether someone is a good candidate for low testosterone treatment options.

Low Testosterone Treatment Options

Are You a Good Candidate for Low Testosterone Treatment Options?

As an aging man, you may be suffering from lower testosterone and searching for low testosterone treatment options. Testosterone is a crucial hormone, playing a key role in sexual function, physical development, and overall wellbeing. Hypogonadism is when testosterone levels drop, and it can lead to a variety of physical and emotional changes.

While symptoms of hypogonadism affect some men more than others, all patients usually encounter minimal changes in their body and health. Some of the most common physical symptoms include reduced sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and decreased sperm count and fertility. You can also lose muscle mass and strength, gain body fat, suffer bone loss, and get fatigued more easily. Sometimes, breast tissue enlargement will set in, or even loss of body hair or sleep.

Emotional symptoms may also be in play. Depression is a common culprit, as well as irritability and mood swings. Concentration issues and faulty memory seem to haunt men with low testosterone, while self-esteem and low motivation are also related problems.

Believe it or not , testosterone levels naturally decline with age, starting around 30. But it’s not the only cause. Medical conditions can affect testosterone production.  This includes pituitary gland disorders, liver or kidney disease, and chronic illnesses such as diabetes and obesity.

Injuries or infections to your testicles can damage the cells that produce testosterone, and sometimes genetic conditions can be a hindrance. Also, certain medications suppress testosterone, such as steroids or pain relievers.

If you’re experiencing low testosterone symptoms, it’s important to see a doctor or pain management specialist immediately. Determining the cause and discussing treatment options should be your top priority.


Low Testosterone Treatment Options: Choose What’s Right

There are several low testosterone treatment options, including replacement therapy, patches, gels, oral tablets, and even implanted pellets. They range from minimally invasive to moderately invasive.

The most common treatment is testosterone replacement therapy, which usually involves injections. These can be administered directly into your buttocks or thigh muscles once a week or twice a month. Then a follow-up injection will be needed once every couple of months after the process kicks in.

What are the benefits of injections? They are highly effective, precise, and relatively cost effective. However, it’s not uncommon to feel some pain at the injection site.

Patches are another option. These are worn daily on your upper arm, abdomen, or back, slowly releasing testosterone through the skin. They are typically worn for 24 hours before needing to be replaced. With patches, the hormone you need slowly releases through your skin and proves to be a convenient and comfortable source of steady testosterone. Just know that your skin may get irritated.

Applied daily to your upper arms, shoulders or abdomen, topical gels are another option. Testosterone is taken in through your skin through relatively quick absorption. Although it’s a little messy and can cause irritation to some, many patients enjoy the convenience.

Another option comes in tablet form, usually called “buccal tablets.” These single-dose tablets are placed between your gum and cheek. They dissolve through the lining of your mouth and release testosterone into the bloodstream. They are discreet and not invasive, although some patients may find the oral placement is uncomfortable and irritable.

Lastly, some men choose to implant pellets under their skin every three to six months, which slowly release testosterone. They last a long time and provide consistency, but they require a minor surgical procedure for insertion and removal.


Research, Treatment Effects, Considerations, and Alternative Issues

Without a prescription, some low testosterone treatment options are available online. These drugs, however, should be taken under the guidance and approval of a doctor.

Researchers have found that many online platforms are not providing testosterone therapy in accordance with American Urological Association and Endocrine Society guidelines. “Using a secret shopper, they found that the platforms offered therapy to men who didn’t meet the guidelines, and they didn’t mention the risks or benefits of testosterone therapy,” states an article in Men’s Health. “Working with a doctor ensures that you’re prescribed testosterone only when you need it and that you’re taking the right dose. Then, they can work with you to make sure your testosterone levels respond appropriately. They like to recheck everything every six months to make sure you’re not having any negative side effects.”

Symptoms can improve within a few weeks to a month after starting testosterone replacement therapy. There are both positive and negative side effects:

  • Your sex drive jumps.
  • It’s easier to build muscle.
  • Your energy levels can soar.
  • Your mood can improve.
  • It’s likely to affect your fertility.
  • Your feet and ankles may swell.
  • Your skin type may change.
  • Your breasts may enlarge.

Sometimes, patients find they need to treat an underlying medical condition. These can include a pituitary gland dysfunction, hypothalamic disorder, testicular damage, chronic illness, or genetic condition. Treating the underlying condition often aids in restoring levels to normal.

In other cases, different therapies may be used in conjunction with conventional low testosterone treatment options. For instance, clomiphene citrate can stimulate the pituitary gland to produce more testosterone. Also, human chorionic gonadotropin can help your testicles start producing testosterone.

Don’t forget to modify your lifestyle. Maintain a healthy weight, regularly exercise, get adequate sleep, manage your stress levels, and eat more fruits and vegetables.


Diagnosis and Testing for Low Testosterone Treatment Options

Your individual needs, preferences, and underlying causes of low testosterone will determine your low testosterone treatment options. Always consult a pain management specialist or doctor to figure out the best course of minimally invasive solution.

Remember, the purpose of testosterone therapy is to reverse the effects of hypogonadism. Symptoms of low testosterone are not experienced by all men with low testosterone. In fact, many men do not suffer from any symptoms or may only have a few.

To get a definitive diagnosis and rule out other potential causes of symptoms, it’s always best to visit the experts. Depending on the cause of your low testosterone, your treatment will vary.

To determine if you’re a good candidate for therapy, doctors will test your testosterone levels. They usually take two blood tests in the morning on different days. Low testosterone is considered to be anything under 300 nanograms per deciliter. Your health specialist will take into account any symptoms, such as low libido, fatigue, or just feeling tired and out of commission.

Also know there are my voices online saying a variety of things on both sides of the treatment discussion. One study came out saying testosterone therapy does not increase the risk for serious heart problems as some experts once feared.

“This is the trial we’ve been waiting for,” said one of the researchers in the study. “This has provided the closest thing we have to a definitive answer about cardiovascular risk and testosterone therapy.” It said the finding comes nearly a decade after the Food and Drug Administration demanded that drugmakers study the potential cardiovascular effects of therapy.

The right treatment for you depends on your personal preferences, individual circumstances, and insurance coverage. Make sure you discuss all options with the experts before moving forward.


Wellness and Pain Can Help

A range of low testosterone treatment options are available at Wellness and Pain. We offer conservative treatments, routine visits, and minimally invasive quick-recovery procedures to keep you free of problems by providing lifestyle education and home care advice to help you avoid and manage issues.  We help in quickly relieving your inhibiting lifestyle conditions when complications arise.

At Wellness and Pain, we personalize patient care plans based on each patient’s condition and unique circumstances. We help to improve wellness, increase mobility, relieve pain, and enhance your mental space and overall health.

We’re excited to hear from you!

A young woman lying on a table and receiving chiropractic services in New Jersey from a female chiropractic practitioner.

Chiropractor Services in New Jersey

Five Successful Techniques Used by Chiropractor Services in New Jersey

Chiropractors manipulate the spine in a variety of ways, with more than 100 professionally recognized techniques across the globe, many of which are practiced at chiropractor services in New Jersey. Even though each style has its own nuances, the core principle remains the same: Applying controlled force to restore your joint alignment, function, and mobility.

In a Diversified Technique adjustment strategy, your chiropractor will apply a thrust to a specific spinal joint, using quick movements and low displacement. The joint is realigned with a targeted pop. But there are gentler approaches as well.

The Gonstead Method restores your joint’s motion through smooth, mild, and precise positioning of force, using minimum pressure. Patients who are sensitive to forceful chiropractic adjustments prefer this technique. Some also enjoy the Activator Method, which uses a spring-loaded instrument to apply rapid-but-low impulses to your spine. Not only is it comfortable, it’s suitable for sensitive areas.

Two additional interesting methods are the Flexion Distraction and Thompson techniques. In the first, stretching the spine creates space between your vertebrae, followed by a thrust to restore proper alignment. Oftentimes, patients suffering from pinched nerves or disk herniations benefit from Flexion Distraction. In the second, patients lie on a sectionally divided drop-table that can tilt, which provides the right environment to make hyper-targeted spinal adjustments. Thompson is very effective in treating all sorts of disk problems.

Many chiropractic researchers still have trouble pinpointing why treatment is so effective for some patients, according to an in-depth piece in Time Magazine. “What’s more important is that for many patients, it does work,” the article states. “Chiropractors tend to have very high patient satisfaction rates. And from a public health perspective, we’d see a lot fewer unnecessary tests, hospitalizations, and opioid prescriptions.”


Chiropractor Services in New Jersey and the Diversified Technique

In the field of chiropractic manipulation, the Diversified Technique is the most widely used method, especially at chiropractor services in New Jersey. By restoring proper joint alignment, it improves spinal mobility and fixes any dysfunction that’s been caused by misalignment. It also uses minimal instrumentation, relying on a more hands-on approach.

Using fast movements to break up adhesions and stretch surrounding tissues, the Diversified Technique applies controlled force and precise angles to restore your joints. As gas bubbles escape from your joint spaces, each thrust by your chiropractor will quickly change the joint’s range of motion.

Diversified chiropractic techniques give chiropractors a wide range of adjustment methods to choose from. In each adjustment, the chiropractor considers the patient’s need and specific joint dysfunction. Many know this method for reducing back and back pain. In addition, it can reduce spinal stiffness and improve overall joint function and range of motion. It may also have positive effects on your nervous system.

Not every patient will benefit from diversified adjustments, as some feel uncomfortable by the technique’s high-velocity nature.


The Gonstead Method: Precision, Gentleness, and Minimal Force

The Gonstead Method at local chiropractor services in New Jersey emphasizes precision, specific adjustments, and minimal force, restoring the integrity of your nervous system. Individual spinal vertebrae are adjusted meticulously, which maintains alignment and corrects any misalignments that have been interfering with your nerves.

This technique uses a multi-layered approach to identify joint pain, swelling, and instability. As such, your chiropractor will also assess your posture and nerve inflammation or irritation. They’ll examine your joints for abnormalities and the tone of your muscles surrounding your spine. This is in addition to any dysfunctional movement patterns.

With this analysis in hand, your chiropractor will make precision adjustments focused on your misaligned vertebrae. The goal is to minimize the manipulation of surrounding areas. They may apply a short-lever technique. This prevents too much force from affecting your vertebrae’s bony knobs. In some cases, it’s often better than forceful maneuvers or thrusts. As such, your chiropractor can utilize his or her hands and body weight to stabilize the force applied.  While patients with fragile bones may find this method gentler and more comfortable, it’s also more time consuming and meticulous.


The Activator Method at Chiropractor Services in New Jersey

It’s no surprise that throughout many chiropractor services in New Jersey, the Activator Method is an innovative approach to care, using specialized spring-loaded devices to deliver rapid, low-force impulses. Through gentle adjustments, it restores proper joint function and communication throughout your nervous system, minimizing manual hands-on attention. Most importantly, it avoids direct contact by focusing on specific points near the misaligned joint.

The technology behind the activator instrument all comes down to its compressed air, which is used to power this hand-held device. At the touch of a button, it delivers short bursts of force with various intensities. Chiropractors can locate misaligned joints and provide a controlled, quick-tap sensation rather than forceful thrusts, a process that’s typically painless and doesn’t involve cracking sounds.

Since the device can be used on different joints in the neck, spine, and extremities, patients who are sensitive to forceful manipulation really like this instrument. Using a highly targeted strategy, any chiropractor can minimize the risk of complications and provide a controlled, convenient experience.


Flexion Distraction: Proper Motion and Vertebrae Disk Spacing

Other chiropractor services in New Jersey use yet another effective treatment technique for back pain. It’s known as “Flexion Distraction,” which promotes reduced pressure on nerves and disks. By stretching and decompressing your spine on a special table, this treatment brings back proper motion. Not only that, but it brings back proper spacing between vertebrae, especially in the disk area.

While you lie face down, a sectioned table keeps your upper body stable. At the same time, the area under your lower extremities gradually drops. This motion gently stretches your spine. Straps will secure your pelvis and legs as a rhythmic movement slowly works on your spine. Your chiropractor will use gentle, manual pressure to target specific joints. This part usually takes up to 20 minutes and can be repeated several times each week.

In short, this method is gentle and comfortable for patients, especially helping those suffering from back pain, sciatica, disk bulges, and other related issues. It improves flexibility and posture by restoring proper spinal alignment and motion, as well as decompressing targeted areas, increasing disk hydration, and improving disk retraction pressure.


Chiropractor Services in New Jersey and the Drop-Table Thompson Technique

Many chiropractor services in New Jersey use the Thompson Technique, in which spinal misalignments and pain are addressed through precise adjustments and a specialized drop table. With an emphasis on your pelvis and sacroiliac joints, this method corrects poor features in your back by using a systematic approach.

A Thompson Drop Table has segmented sections that can drop in response to the chiropractor’s controlled thrusts. By utilizing the dropping action, your chiropractor can maximize the force of the adjustment while minimizing the amount of manual force required.  To identify misalignments, your chiropractor will check your leg length and assess your posture. Specific adjustments are made to your vertebrae and surrounding soft tissues, aligning targeted joints with the table-drop segment for each adjustment.

Fortunately, the dropping technology creates a popping sound without any forceful manipulation. A drop table facilitates deeper adjustments and can potentially deliver a longer-lasting positive outcome. Treatment is effective for a wide variety of conditions, including lower back pain, sciatica, and even headaches.

Whether it’s the Diversified Technique, Gonstead Method, Activator Method, Flexion Distraction, or the Thompson technique, you can be assured of a licensed chiropractor’s reputation. A 2018 large-scale study review by The Spine Journal concluded that chiropractic methods reduced pain and improved function for most patients. More importantly, the research also confirmed that aspiring chiropractors “must spend thousands of hours studying before obtaining a license.” It added: “In 2020, an estimated 51,400 chiropractors were practicing in the United States.”

Chiropractic care can alleviate pain, improve mobility, boost your overall health, and remains a drug-free, non-invasive treatment for millions of patients across the nation. While your chiropractor will help you choose a technique based on your individual needs, it’s good to know the facts behind each method.


Wellness and Pain Can Help

Quality chiropractor services in New Jersey are available through Wellness and Pain. We offer conservative treatments, routine visits, and minimally invasive quick-recovery procedures. We can keep you free of problems by providing lifestyle education and home care advice to help you avoid and manage issues, quickly relieving your inhibiting lifestyle conditions when complications arise.

At Wellness and Pain, we personalize patient care plans based on each patient’s condition and unique circumstances to improve wellness, increase mobility, relieve pain, and enhance your mental space and overall health.

A gentleman receiving an exam in the best chiropractic clinic near me.

Best Chiropractic Clinic Near Me

Where’s the Best Chiropractic Clinic Near Me? We’re Glad You Asked…

Where is the best chiropractic clinic near me? It’s a common question that back and neck patients continually ask themselves as they suffer from pain each day.

To this day, chiropractic therapy remains a safe and effective way to treat chronic back pain. It also treats neck pain and other musculoskeletal pains. In addition to improving mobility and flexibility, chiropractic therapy reduces pain flare-ups. This added benefit lets many patients avoid painkillers over the long term.

Rather than treating the immediate and direct symptoms of back or neck pain, chiropractic care targets the underlying cause. In theory, a chiropractor could treat your symptom or discomfort and provide some relief, but the underlying cause would remain.

Back and neck pain stem from a multitude of reasons. Muscle, bone, ligament, and joint anatomy is an extremely complicated medical territory, making strains and other injuries that cause back discomfort an unparalleled universe in the world of health, medicine, and discovery. Unsafe lifting, poor posture, stress, obesity, a sports injury, or even a vehicle accident can cause chronic back and neck pain. Even some diseases can be the culprit, such as Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Osteoarthritis.

Besides quality chiropractic care and attention, healthy modifications to your lifestyle are also recommended. These may include maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding extended periods of sitting, exercising, hydrating, wearing low-heeled shoes, stretching, and using proper body posture.

When both strategies are used simultaneously, trustworthy and reputable chiropractic treatment, along with self-help choices, can eliminate most back and neck ailments.


The Best Chiropractic Clinic Near Me Starts with an Exam

Think to yourself: The best chiropractic clinic near me is all about learning what’s happening inside my back, neck, and my entire body. In many ways, chiropractic examinations are similar to standard health care examinations. Yet, chiropractic care differs from other disciplines in how chiropractors examine the spine’s structure and prescribe specific treatments.

Some potential patients interview chiropractors over the phone or in person before making a choice. There’s no medical or spinal examination during these types of interviews, but rather a discussion focused on expertise, context, and patient care. Patients may ask about a chiropractor’s philosophy and general approach, as well as their standard preferences in diagnosing and treating those who are suffering.

A consultation begins with having you fill out forms that provide background information on symptoms and your condition. There are usually questions about when and how the pain started, where it’s felt, how you would describe the pain, whether it’s caused by an injury, and what activities help or worsen the pain. Health professionals usually ask patients about any pre-existing conditions, previous injuries, and any previous or current medical or health treatments.

Blood pressure, pulse, breathing, and reflex tests are all part of a thorough chiropractic exam. Your range of motion, muscle tone, muscle strength, and neurological integrity may also be assessed through orthopedic and neurological tests.

To get a good read on your painful target area, additional tests may be needed, such as having you move in a specific way, evaluating your posture, or assessing mobility.


Diagnostic Studies, Medical History, X-Rays, and Imaging

What else should I consider when looking for the best chiropractic clinic near me? This is also a key question that will guide your search and personal experience.

In addition to a patient examination, diagnostic studies can be helpful for revealing any pathologies, diseases, or other injuries, as well as identifying structural abnormalities based on your medical history. X-rays are the most common diagnostic tests performed during an initial chiropractic examination, but they’re not always necessary.

As a general rule, chiropractors use X-rays to diagnose a recent injury, spinal inflammation, or study a spine deformity that may progress. Chiropractors should only order X-rays if they believe the tests will provide necessary information to guide a patient’s treatment plan, meaning they should only be encouraged when medically necessary.

While an X-ray is useful for studying bones, it’s not relevant for studying soft tissues. An MRI scan, or magnetic resonance imaging, is typically recommended when soft tissue damage is suspected, such as a torn muscle or disk. For most chiropractic clinics, MRI scans and more extensive imaging studies require a referral to an outside service.

Any chiropractic diagnosis is based on the patient’s history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests. Treatment can be determined once a diagnosis has been established since some conditions, such as fractures, tumors, or infections, cannot be treated with chiropractic methods and typically require another specialist physician’s care.

When chiropractors examine their patients for the first time, they’ll explain your condition, a recommended treatment plan or other treatments, and how long it may take to heal.


Discovering the Best Chiropractic Clinic Near Me Takes Patience

Finding the best chiropractic clinic near me is all about researching local chiropractors. In addition, it’s about discovering the effectiveness of care in treating pain and improving health. These present themselves as complex questions with nuanced answers. This way of thinking should guide your journey. Both chiropractors and patients should consider the specific condition they are treating. They should also weigh potential benefits and risks, and read any research to fully understand the personal circumstance at hand.

On the whole, most good chiropractors stay updated with best-practice recommendations and the latest academic studies on managing low back pain (LBP) throughout the United States as more adults from all walks of life deal with LBP. “Low back pain is the leading cause of disability in the United States and exacts an expensive toll on society and individuals,” states a recent report in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. “Globally, as of 2015, more than half a billion people had LBP.”

Fortunately, chiropractic adjustments can provide short-term relief from neck and back pain. According to some studies, it’s just as effective as conventional treatments like physical therapy. A chiropractor can improve your joints’ range of motion and flexibility, potentially improving your overall physical function.

“Chiropractic care, which is based on the understanding that the mind and body can heal itself, can treat many issues that might surprise you,” states an article in U.S. News and World Report. It also discusses benefits for individuals suffering from migraines, tension headaches, stress, anxiety, fibromyalgia, and weak immune systems. “You might think chiropractors are only able to help with backaches, stiff necks, slipped disks, and whiplash injuries. If so, you’re not alone, but you’re missing out.”


Personal Preference, Pros and Cons, and Reputable Experience

So once again: Where is best chiropractic clinic near me? Ultimately, this question comes down to personal preference as you try any chiropractor’s services.

If you find yourself searching for chiropractic treatment, consult the chiropractor’s credentials and experience, as well as philosophy of care. Get a second opinion if you’re not completely sure about a particular chiropractor’s track record, method, or style, and make sure you discuss your personal health concerns with any professional you end up choosing. Be transparent about your expectations, as well as any questions about the potential risks and benefits.

To determine whether it’s a suitable option, weigh your pros and cons. Then, gather information from reliable sources and consult your primary care doctor. You can choose the best course of action for your health and well-being. However, this only proves true if you conduct research and talk with healthcare and pain management specialists.

Just know that while the benefits of chiropractic care include pain relief and a healthier lifestyle, it’s not a substitute for traditional medical care. It’s important to see a doctor if you have serious or other medical symptoms.

“Chiropractic care isn’t pseudoscience,” according to Healthline. “While research continues into its potential uses, evidence does support its benefits as part of a treatment plan for pain. Start by asking whether this treatment might be a good option for you.”


Wellness and Pain Can Help

The best chiropractic clinic near me: It’s available at your local Wellness and Pain provider. We offer conservative treatments, routine visits, and minimally invasive quick-recovery procedures. We can keep you free of problems by providing lifestyle education and home care advice to help you avoid and manage issues, quickly relieving your inhibiting lifestyle conditions when complications arise.

At Wellness and Pain, we personalize patient care plans based on each patient’s condition and unique circumstances to improve wellness, increase mobility, relieve pain, and enhance your mental space and overall health.

A senior gentleman speaking with one of his vascular disease specialists in New Jersey in their office.

Vascular Disease Specialists in New Jersey

Get to Know Your Vascular Disease Specialists in New Jersey

While surgery performed by vascular disease specialists in New Jersey can range from simple procedures to more complex solutions, these experts go much further in all they do for their patients, advising on various ways to diagnose vascular conditions and promoting healthier living.

If your primary care physician diagnoses you with a vein problem, you’ll most likely be referred to a vascular surgeon. Experienced and highly trained vascular specialists diagnose and treat conditions and diseases associated with your vascular system, which transports oxygen and nutrient-rich blood throughout your body via arteries and veins.

Above all, conduct your due diligence before moving forward with any surgeon. A successful treatment for your condition begins with finding the right vascular expert for your situation.


Vein Specialists vs. Vascular Disease Specialists in New Jersey

Vein specialists versus vascular disease specialists in New Jersey are similar-yet-different from each other, and knowing the differences can help as you choose the right medical professional. While specific qualifications vary, these highly trained professionals must meet a certain degree of medical standards.

In addition to four years of medical school, vascular surgeons usually spend five to seven years in a residency program in general surgery. A fellowship in an accredited training program, which amounts to additional subspecialty instruction, usually follows after the foundational studies in vascular studies, followed by a multi-day examination and completion.

Upon fulfilling all requirements, a nonprofit medical organization that is widely recognized certifies any professional surgeon. To keep a certification, surgeons must usually retake exams every ten years.

Atherosclerosis, Carotid Artery Disease, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Peripheral Artery Disease, spider veins, and damage to blood vessels caused by injuries are just a few of the many conditions diagnosed by vascular disease specialists in New Jersey. Many also perform arterial bypass grafts, aneurysm repairs, vein-blockage removal surgeries, and other needed procedures.

Compare all that to a vein specialist, which is someone who specializes in venous insufficiency, a root cause of varicose veins. Cardiologists, dermatologists, and interventional radiologists all fall under the umbrella term of “vein specialist.”

In their medical residency and fellowship, vein specialists receive specialized, rigorous, and advanced training in endovenous procedures. It’s common for them to be accredited in vascular surgery, interventional surgery, or interventional radiology. These occupational specialties usually have practitioners who are board-certified as well.

While vein specialists are professionals with knowledgeable skills in their particular area of work, they are not approved to perform surgeries. It’s important to note that some are not always trained to diagnose and treat arterial or venous diseases; it depends on their certifications, education, and training.


Choosing the Right Vascular Surgeon for Your Situation

Choosing a surgeon isn’t as easy as picking one at random. Thankfully, vascular disease specialists in New Jersey are usually board certified, dedicating their entire careers to improving your health. In the field of vascular surgery, they commit to providing excellent patient care and continually educating themselves. They also educated their patients on the latest technologies and patient care.

To gain a clear picture of any surgeon’s education, background, and experience, it’s important to conduct a thorough research. An exemplary vascular surgeon usually undergoes training and certification under a nationally known board of experts in the field. On top of this, renowned organizations typically accredit the imaging and diagnostic facilities vascular specialists use.

In short, any vascular specialist, no matter their specialty, should possess a board-certified medical degree. This degree can be for internal medicine, vascular medicine, vascular surgery, or another area that focuses on treating vascular diseases. These medically skilled professionals should be able to identify vein problems as soon as possible. Not only that, they should have no history of professional misconduct. These qualities aren’t an exhaustive list, but you get the picture.

A Vascular Specialist, the journal of record for the Society for Vascular Surgery, has pointed out for surgeons across the nation: “Taking the high road in patient care means making sure that patients receive the most appropriate care, provided in the most appropriate setting, by those with appropriate training.” It goes on to urge vascular specialists and doctors to pursue a more in-depth analysis of appropriate vascular surgery procedures. This includes further determining how to continue providing high-quality and cost-effective treatment. In addition, how to develop new tools that will help primary care teams be more attuned to patients.


Vascular Disease Specialists in New Jersey: Reputation and Best Practices

If you’re considering vein treatment of any kind, it’s imperative to find vascular disease specialists in New Jersey who have extensive experience treating all types of conditions. In general, vascular surgeons are capable of providing you with the utmost detail in their treatment, care, and attention.

However, conducting in-depth research on any surgeon’s experience is the key to finding out whether it aligns with what you are looking for. Ask the surgeon how many procedures he or she has performed and what types of vascular surgical categories they fall into.

In the medical community and among their patients, outstanding vascular surgeons must possess a world-class reputation. Ask your primary care physician for more information whenever they refer you to a vascular surgeon, and identify the qualities that led the physician to recommend that particular surgeon.

Checking the surgeon’s reviews online will also provide you with more information about his or her services. If you read reviews, always keep in mind that people typically post their thoughts online if they had a great experience or a bad experience.

Technological advancement and expertise are also paramount. With the development of new technologies, treating several vein issues has become much easier. Over the past several years, medical lasers have been increasingly used for vein treatment, resulting in faster recovery times, and the use of ultrasound equipment in diagnosing and treating veins represents another major paradigm shift.

Consider alternative treatment options offered by vein facilities and vascular surgeons if you’re interested in these technological approaches. Depending on your preferences and comfort level, they can customize a non-invasive procedure for you. It’s important that your clinic can handle a variety of patients in a comfortable and convenient manner.


Recommendations, Referrals, and Your Comfort Level

There’s something to remember when a friend or co-patient gives you a referral for vascular disease specialists in New Jersey. You should determine whether the patient discovered the surgeon through primary care or other means. Ask about their pain before and after the procedure. You should also confirm how the surgeon acted during consultation, surgery, and follow-up. With this information, you can then decide whether the surgeon is a good fit for your needs.

When it comes to procedures, comfort is defined differently by different patients. When you meet your surgeon for the first time, you should feel comfortable. You should expect them to act professionally and answer any questions without talking down to you. You can expect a top-notch surgeon to not only answer questions but also give an overview of what you can expect.

It’s also important that you feel comfortable with the surgeon’s staff, as both should be equally helpful. During the procedure or recovery, these are the individuals who will ensure you don’t experience any unwarranted discomfort. Healing will go much more smoothly if you have a good experience with the people who work with your vascular surgeon on a daily basis.

According to the Journal of Vascular Surgery and other academic sources, quality vascular specialists and surgeons have a long history of being pioneers in groundbreaking medical advancements, masters of surgical instrumentation, skilled diagnosticians of blood flow, and cutting-edge innovators. Most importantly, they are lifesavers. The occupation has a genuine track record of seeking to advance excellence and innovation in vascular health through education, advocacy, research, and public awareness.


Wellness and Pain Can Help

Top vascular disease specialists in New Jersey take pride in caring for their patients at Wellness and Pain. We offer conservative treatments, routine visits, and minimally invasive quick-recovery procedures. We can keep you free of problems by providing lifestyle education and home care advice to help you avoid and manage issues, quickly relieving your inhibiting lifestyle conditions when complications arise.

At Wellness and Pain, we personalize patient care plans based on each patient’s condition and unique circumstances to improve wellness, increase mobility, relieve pain, and enhance your mental space and overall health.

An adult son talking with his senior father about the health benefits of testosterone replacement therapy.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

The Basics and Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

If you’re an adult male, there are a couple reasons why you might look into testosterone replacement therapy: medical necessity or performance and health enhancement.

When it comes to the second option, many don’t realize this therapy can enhance your sexual drive, increase muscle mass, stimulate red blood cell production, boost your energy, help you lose weight, improve mood, sharpen memory, and decrease brain fog.

To understand why, you need to know the scientific basis behind the hormones involved in this therapy, as well as what testosterone is and how it positively impacts your growth and development as you age.


Testosterone Replacement Therapy: Facts About this Hormone

Let’s explore testosterone and debunk some myths about its role in men’s health before we examine the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy. Testosterone affects the growth of a male’s genitalia, facial and body hair, and is responsible for deepening your voice. It also supports healthy sexual function, such as libido, erectile dysfunction, and sperm production.

We can’t forget the contribution testosterone also makes to other vital areas of a man’s life, including healthy physique and building and maintaining muscle mass. Your bone density is strengthened by having adequate levels of testosterone.

Testosterone can also help regulate your emotional psychological state. “Testosterone may help maintain a normal mood,” states an article by Harvard Health Publishing. In fact, “There may be other important functions of this hormone that have not yet been discovered.”

It’s also important to realize what testosterone doesn’t do:

  • It doesn’t cure all ailments. Addressing low testosterone can improve some symptoms, but it doesn’t make you healthier or live longer.
  • It can somewhat boost one’s athletic performance. However, the benefits are often exaggerated, and it comes with risks. Make sure you know those risks.
  • There’s no guarantee it will lead to weight loss or fat burning, although losing weight can be a positive benefit for many under the right conditions. Muscle mass may increase with therapy, but this isn’t a shortcut to losing weight.
  • The effectiveness of therapy in reversing baldness has not been proven. Don’t expect too much in this department, and be open to any outcome.

Non-hormonal strategies often improve low testosterone symptoms. These include exercise, weight management, and stress reduction. Of course, you should discuss any hormone therapy with a men’s health specialist or doctor for situational advice.


Types of Hypogonadism and the Science Behind It

To understand how testosterone replacement therapy does its job, you need to understand hypogonadism. Several factors can cause hypogonadism, such as testicular injury, pituitary gland problems, or certain medical treatments. Hormone levels are measured in blood tests to diagnose this condition.

Hypogonadism can be divided into two types. In primary hypogonadism, sex glands are damaged. A genetic disease, infection, autoimmune disease, or even radiation or surgery can damage the gonads.

On the other hand, secondary hypogonadism involves problems with the pituitary gland or hypothalamus, two glands in the brain that produce hormones. Certain medications, tumors, or infections in your pituitary gland can cause this condition.

Your type of hypogonadism will determine treatment options. Typically, testosterone replacement therapy is used for primary hypogonadism, while estrogen and progesterone are used for secondary hypogonadism. Also, any underlying cause of secondary hypogonadism may be addressed in a treatment plan.

To understand the biological science behind testosterone replacement therapy, we need to understand how testosterone plays a role in the body and how it can be replaced. Among your primary sex hormones, testosterone acts as a conductor to regulate a variety of functions in the body. As a result, testosterone levels can plummet below normal and cause a cascade of problems.

By mimicking the body’s natural production of testosterone, therapy replenishes testosterone levels. Your individual needs and the specific hormone agent working to counteract hypogonadism will vary.

“Testosterone replacement therapy is associated with high satisfaction rates,” according to the results of survey findings published in the International Journal of Innovation Review. “Patients noted that treatment efficacy was a significant driving factor when evaluating a regimen. Few patients felt that cost was the most significant factor.”


Aging, Hypogonadism, and Testosterone Replacement Therapy

When it comes to testosterone replacement therapy and hypogonadism, something larger is happening with your hormones over time. Hypogonadism manifests itself through physical, mental, and emotional changes in your body, possibly including the loss of muscle and bone density, changes in body composition, sexual health, mood and cognitive function, and self-confidence of your body image.  However, many don’t realize that the effects of hypogonadism become more pronounced with age, making management even more important.

Additional concerns include:

  • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Testosterone deficiency can contribute to heart problems in men, which means maintaining a healthy lifestyle and managing risk factors are crucial. Some of these risks include cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • Metabolic issues. Insulin resistance and diabetes risk can increase from any hormonal imbalances your body is suffering from. Dietary modifications, exercise, and weight management are essential in preventing these complications.
  • Osteoporosis and fractures. Your bone density will decline the older you get. Taking calcium and vitamin D supplements, scheduling osteoporosis check-ups, and making sure you never slip or fall are all important choices.

When you go for testing, your health specialist or doctor will usually take two different blood samples before 12 p.m. Activity levels, diet, and time of day each cause hormone levels to fluctuate. To determine the cause of low testosterone levels, the doctor may also order imaging studies and additional tests, such as a luteinizing hormone test or follicle-stimulating hormone test.

In most cases, blood testosterone levels will improve within a week of replacement therapy, but your symptoms may take longer to go away. Benefits may include a boost in energy and libido, as well as an increase in bone density and a healthier body mass. To see positive results, it may take up to four weeks or several months.


Living With Unique Challenges: A Lifelong Condition

Testosterone replacement therapy typically involves lifelong treatment. This changes if a medical illness causes it. Your health specialist or doctor will continually monitor your response to the therapy. This includes continually monitoring blood testosterone levels over the months. Approximately six months after your initial treatment, your doctor will also monitor any possible symptoms and side effects.

Hypogonadism is a lifelong condition, but it can be managed effectively with treatment. If you suffer from hypogonadism, a healthy and fulfilling life is in sight with the right treatment plan in place. Few adults realize that it affects approximately 5 percent of men, or that the risk of developing hypogonadism increases with age.

Hypogonadism impacts 10 – 15 percent of men over age 50, and closer to 20 – 30 percent in men over age 70. Primary hypogonadism usually stems from issues with the testes, affecting around 20 – 30 percent of cases, while secondary hypogonadism originates from the brain’s hormone centers, making up 70 – 80 percent of cases.

Living and aging with hypogonadism presents unique challenges, but it’s also important to remember that managing it effectively can lead to a fulfilling life. While there’s no cure for hypogonadism, you can improve your quality of life at the very least. It’s important to see a health specialist or doctor if you are experiencing symptoms and suffering.g


Wellness and Pain Can Help

A range of testosterone replacement therapy options are available at Wellness and Pain. We offer conservative treatments, routine visits, and minimally invasive quick-recovery procedures. We can keep you free of problems by providing lifestyle education and home care advice to help you avoid and manage issues, quickly relieving your inhibiting lifestyle conditions when complications arise.

At Wellness and Pain, we personalize patient care plans based on each patient’s condition and unique circumstances to improve wellness, increase mobility, relieve pain, and enhance your mental space and overall health.

Two surgeons in medical gowns performing a routine leg cramps treatment via a venous ablation procedure on a patient's leg in an operating room.

leg Cramps Treatment

Why Vein Ablation is Part of Any Leg Cramps Treatment Discussion

In a minimally invasive leg cramps treatment that uses radiofrequency, venous ablation targets abnormally enlarged veins and cauterizes (burns) them so they close. For patients with Superficial Venous Reflux (damaged or diseased vein valves) and spider veins, ablation surgery offers an alternative to vein stripping.

For starters, your arteries carry blood from the heart to your legs, and your veins return blood to the heart. The only way this happens is through healthy one-way valves, where blood returns from your legs and travels through them while being prevented from back-flowing. If your valves are damaged or inflamed and your veins are large, varicose veins can settle in — as well as daily pain and cramping.

During venous ablation, doctors use radiofrequency heat to seal off faulty vessels. In turn, this directs blood flow to healthier veins. Blood then circulates through these “deeper” veins back to your heart. Varicose veins disappear, swelling dramatically reduces, and skin color and tone improve. All of this through a virtually painless procedure.

This treatment can relieve symptoms like aching, swelling, skin irritation, discoloration, and leg cramps all day and night, as well as reduce the risk of ulcers and blood clots from venous disease. But how?


Why Leg Cramps Treatment Options Include Venous Ablation

Doctors treat venous ablation surgery like any other leg cramps treatment. Before surgery, they will clean and sterilize your leg. Then they’ll hang the appropriate surgical drapery. After they insert a catheter through a small incision into the abnormal vein, they feed in a radiofrequency electrode. They do this last part via ultrasound to fully visualize the vein.

By heating your blood vessel, the electrode seals off the incompetent vein, shrinking and closing it down. Typically, the procedure takes between 50 – 60 minutes, and patients usually have pre-surgery questions, including:

  • Does Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) hurt? Patients generally report little or no pain. Pain management specialists and expert vein doctors will numb the treatment area with a local or regional anesthetic.
  • Am I required to be anesthetized for the radiofrequency ablation? It’s possible to perform radiofrequency ablation under local, regional, or general anesthesia. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia, so hospital admission is not necessary.
  • What’s the duration of the procedure? In most cases, radiofrequency ablation takes up to 50 – 60 minutes. Pre- and post-treatment procedures may require patients to spend an additional 1 – 2 hours at the clinic.

In the growing world of vein expertise that focuses on patients suffering from leg cramps all day and night, an increasing number of minimally invasive treatments have been explored and applied for several years now, including Endovenous Thermal Ablation (EVTA), Radiofrequency Ablation, Foam Sclerotherapy guided by ultrasound, and other procedures. Outcomes of these minimally invasive treatments are generally satisfactory for most patients. Boasting a very short recovery period and minimal complications, ablation remains an effective method for treating damaged, diseased, and varicose veins.


Benefits of Radiofrequency Ablation and What to Be Aware Of

In comparison to standard procedures within the medical surgery arena (let alone vein and heart surgeries), choosing vein ablation as a viable leg cramps treatment solution is not invasive when stacked against so many other options out there. Major surgical incisions are not required; it only requires a small incision in the skin, and even this doesn’t need to be stitched.

There are fewer complications and pain associated with vein ablation compared to traditional vein stripping techniques. Since only a few millimeters of skin are opened during catheter placement, there are virtually no scars. What’s even better is, about one year after your treatment, most veins are effectively invisible. Nearly all patients report symptom relief and can resume normal daily activities almost immediately.

Just know that infection can occur during any procedure that penetrates the skin, although it’s highly unlikely any infection will set in — and if one does, it’s unlikely it will require antibiotic treatment.

When it comes to catheters, they are placed inside blood vessels under certain conditions that carry certain risks. Blood vessel damage, bruising, and bleeding at the puncture site are among those risks, which means a compression stocking may alleviate post-procedure bruising or tenderness. Nerve damage caused by thermal heat has been reported in some cases, although this condition is rare and usually is resolved within a few days.

If you have vein inflammation post-surgery, your typical over-the-counter pain medication will usually do the trick in bringing down the swelling. Enduring these minor inconveniences is the small price you pay to cure what’s really hurting you: Leg cramps all day and night.


Leg Cramps Treatment: Pre-Surgery vs. Post-Procedure Instructions

At least 24 hours before your venous ablation procedure, you should increase your fluid intake, perhaps drinking at least a couple glasses of water during the morning of your leg cramps treatment surgery. Only a light breakfast is recommended.

Dress comfortably and loosely, since the area being examined will require removal of all clothing and jewelry. You may even be required to wear a gown. Make sure you arrange for someone to drive you to and from the procedure. Well before your ablation, you’ll be asked to schedule your follow-up ultrasound within 2 – 5 days after.

Your pre-surgery ultrasound time will be confirmed before the procedure; however, don’t be surprised if there’s a change in your overall arrival time.

As soon as you complete the procedure and immediate post-surgery checkup, you can resume normal activities. However, you should probably avoid long periods of sitting or standing. Also, you hold off on performing any strength activities or heavy lifting. First, you should see a pain management specialist for a follow-up appointment. Your puncture sites may leak clear or color-tinted fluid following your ablation, but there’s no need to worry — this is extremely rare.

For 2 – 4 weeks, you may wear compression stockings (after wearing a compression bandage for 48 – 72 hours post-surgery). You’ll also be taking a pain reliever, as directed by your doctor. It won’t take long for your leg cramps all day and night to cease — maybe just a few days. It all depends on your personal situation and healthy recovery outlook.

Additionally, depending on your circumstance, a follow-up ultrasound may be recommended approximately six months after the procedure.


How is Venous Ablation Different from Vein Stripping?

Men and women both seek ablation surgery for different reasons. Despite this, this common leg cramps treatment treats common characteristics that women report especially well. Characteristics like pain, achiness, and heaviness. It doesn’t necessarily treat the symptoms men report as well. Symptoms like swollen feet and ankles, inflammation, and itching.

While this procedure is beneficial for both men and women, it’s also interesting that some women experience fewer complications than their male counterparts on average. Fortunately, venous ablation is minimally invasive for the majority of patients.

So how does it compare to vein stripping? Doctors typically perform vein stripping while you’re under general anesthetic. Most consider it much more invasive than modern alternatives for removing varicose, spider, and damaged veins. In fact, most vascular specialists no longer recommend it because it affects the health of veins. On top of that, it’s painful.

The recovery process from vein stripping takes as long as three weeks, and scarring is possible. Stripping surgeries are usually associated with anesthesia-induced allergic reactions, infections at the incision site, more bleeding, blood clotting, more scarring or bruising, and sometimes an injury to your nerves.

Overall, whenever any procedure is performed, there are risks involved and outcomes cannot be guaranteed. It’s important to discuss these risks with your doctor before proceeding in any direction. Your surgeon will answer any questions you may have, including tips to deal with leg cramps all day and night before you even enter surgery.


Wellness and Pain Can Help

A range of leg cramps treatment options are available at Wellness and Pain. We offer conservative treatments, routine visits, and minimally invasive quick-recovery procedures. We can keep you free of problems by providing lifestyle education and home care advice to help you avoid and manage issues, quickly relieving the inhibiting lifestyle conditions when complications arise.

At Wellness and Pain, we personalize patient care plans based on each patient’s condition and unique circumstances to relieve pain. Our goals are to improve mobility and mental space and improve your overall health.

A visualization of a young woman experiencing leg muscle cramps in her calf.

Leg Muscle Cramps

What’s the Connection Between Leg Muscle Cramps and Peripheral Neuropathy?

Leg muscle cramps — or involuntary contractions of your legs and feet at night — are also known as nocturnal leg cramps, and they can cause serious pain, sleep disruption patterns, and health issues. Several factors, including Peripheral Neuropathy, can contribute to these cramps, although the exact cause is unknown.

The most common causes of muscle cramps while sleeping include muscle fatigue, overuse, dehydration, nerve compression, medications, and underlying medical conditions. In addition to overuse, strenuous exercise, standing or walking for long periods, and not stretching regularly can cause muscle fatigue. At the same time, dehydration can cause electrolyte imbalances in potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

Even certain heart, blood pressure, and cholesterol medications — such as statins, diuretics, and beta-blockers — can cause leg cramps. There are also underlying health conditions that can cause issues as well, such as kidney disease, diabetes, pregnancy, and thyroid problems.

Peripheral Neuropathy, however, can cause nerve compression and muscle spasms, especially at nighttime when you’re sleeping. Calf, foot, thigh, or toe pain can occur suddenly, followed by tightness or stiffness in the affected muscle.


How Peripheral Neuropathy and Leg Muscle Cramps are Connected

If you’re having Peripheral Neuropathy issues, nerve damage outside your brain and spinal cord can lead to leg muscle cramps, which entails damage to motor neurons, hyper-excitability of your nerves, Impaired Proprioception, and electrolyte imbalances.

When neurons — which transmit signals from the brain to the muscles — are damaged and send erratic signals, it results in involuntary muscle contractions. A common example is Motor Neurone Disease (MND), a rare disorder that gradually damages the nervous system. A damaged nerve may become hypersensitive to stimuli, such as changes in temperature or pressure, causing spontaneous muscle firing and spasms (called hyper-excitability and also sometimes known as Peripheral Nerve Hyper-excitability Syndrome).

Impaired Proprioception is a condition where your body can’t perceive its position in space. Peripheral Neuropathy can impair this “space” sense, resulting in spasms, since muscles cannot relax and contract as they should. On top of this, a lack of electrolytes can also be a problem. Electrolyte imbalances cause muscle cramps and spasms in patients with Peripheral Neuropathy, especially when they also suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes or kidney disease.

While all of these factors can lead to muscle weakness and atrophy — making muscles more susceptible to fatigue — poor circulation can also contribute to muscle cramps while sleeping in patients suffering from Peripheral Neuropathy. As a result, muscles become even more prone to spasms, due to decreased blood flow.


Causes and Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral Neuropathy is caused by a variety of factors, not the least of which is diabetes, which are both oftentimes directly or indirectly connected to leg muscle cramps. High blood sugar levels can damage nerves over time, resulting in Peripheral Neuropathy in up to 70 percent of all diabetics in the United States.

Alcohol abuse and vitamin deficiencies are also contributing factors to Peripheral Neuropathy. Vitamins B1, B6, B12, and E are essential for your body to conduct basic nerve functions. In addition to damaging nerves directly, alcohol interferes with the absorption of vitamins important for nerve health.

Don’t disregard autoimmune diseases, infections, or injuries either. Autoimmune diseases like Guillain-Barre Syndrome (the immune system harms the nerves), Lupus, and Rheumatoid Arthritis can cause neuropathy. Viral infections such as Shingles and Epstein-Barr can also cause nerve damage. Not to mention, physical trauma like a car accident, a bad fall, or some other physical altercation can cause nerve damage as well.

Exposure to toxins (lead, arsenic, and mercury) and chemotherapy drugs can also cause Peripheral Neuropathy — as a side effect. Additionally, numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness can be inflicted by a range of inherited disorders, including Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease (a defect that causes abnormalities in nerves within your limbs).

While there might be other causes besides the ones listed above that lead to muscle cramps while sleeping, it’s important to visit a pain management specialist or doctor if you’re experiencing symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy. Stay focused on determining the underlying cause so you can receive appropriate treatment.


Poor Blood Circulation, Leg Muscle Cramps, Factors, and Risks

Peripheral Neuropathy, poor blood circulation, and leg muscle cramps are all closely related through cause-and-effect factors and shared risks. First, a lack of oxygen and nutrients can damage and impair nerve function when blood flow to your nerves is restricted, with pain, numbness and tingling being some of the symptoms.

In addition to malnutrition and low oxygen, poor blood circulation can also be a direct cause of Peripheral Neuropathy. Damaged nerves can disrupt the signals controlling blood vessels, leading to reduced blood flow and circulation to certain areas. Nerve damage can get more aggravated, worsening your symptoms.

You can find some of the most common shared-risk factors in the above sections of this article. These are in addition to diabetes, autoimmune diseases, vascular diseases (such as Atherosclerosis or Peripheral Artery Disease), and vitamin deficiencies. As a result, Peripheral Neuropathy and poor blood circulation may worsen each other’s symptoms. They intertwine with these other shared risks. Having poor blood circulation, for example, can make it difficult for the body to deliver nutrients and oxygen to your nerves.

On the other hand, damaged nerves can disrupt the signals that control your blood vessels, causing further reductions in blood flow and even more muscle cramps while sleeping.


Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment and Underlying Causes

Your body can stimulate nerve regeneration and resolve Peripheral Neuropathy when underlying causes are corrected, nipping your leg muscle cramps in the bud. Maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding toxic exposures, eating a balanced diet, and correcting vitamin deficiencies can enhance nerve health and strength.

Exercising can also help, improving muscle strength, increasing blood flow to nerve endings, and limiting muscle atrophy. Diabetics and others with impaired pain perception can benefit from self-care skills to alleviate symptoms and induce nerve regeneration. Neuropathy can be reduced and further nerve damage avoided by strictly controlling your blood glucose levels.

When it comes to neuropathy and muscle cramps:

  • Drink plenty of water. Keep hydrated throughout the day by drinking liquids and fluids. After exercise, it’s important to drink water and other liquids to replenish your fluids.
  • Stretch before bedtime. You should stretch before going to sleep at night.
  • Engage in light exercise. You may prevent muscle cramps while sleeping by riding a stationary bike for a few minutes before bedtime.
  • Make sure your shoes are right for you. Leg cramps may be prevented by wearing shoes with proper support.
  • Let the covers hang loose. At the foot of the bed, loosen or untuck your bedsheets.
  • Get enough electrolytes. If you are deficient in electrolytes, speak with your doctor or pain management specialist about taking supplements.
  • Take a warm bath or shower. Relaxing your muscles and improving circulation can be achieved by taking a warm bath or shower before bed.
  • Massage yourself. Massage your calves and feet gently to relieve tension and improve blood flow.
  • Find an effective sleep position. A pillow inserted under your calf — and slightly flexed feet — may help you sleep better.

A pain management specialist can determine the underlying cause of your muscle cramps. Don’t let them continue ruining your life.


Wellness and Pain Can Help

A range of options for treating leg muscle cramps are available at Wellness and Pain. We offer conservative treatments, routine visits, and minimally invasive quick-recovery procedures. We can keep you free of problems by providing lifestyle education and home care advice to help you avoid and manage issues, quickly relieving the inhibiting lifestyle conditions when complications arise.

At Wellness and Pain, we personalize patient care plans based on each patient’s condition and unique circumstances to relieve pain, improve mobility and mental space, and improve your overall health.

An x-ray view of a young woman's leg showing the muscles involved in calf cramps and pain.

Calf Cramps

Calf Cramps vs. Spasms: The Intertwined Relationship

There’s a difference between calf cramps and calf spasms when it comes to what sparks them, their duration, and your level of pain.

Calf cramps are more intense, prolonged contractions, and their duration can range from a few minutes to several hours. Muscle overuse or dehydration can cause calf cramps, and those enduring them can suffer from severe and debilitating pain.

However, an involuntary contraction of your calf muscles can cause a spasm. Inflammation of the nerves or muscle fatigue is often the cause of spasm symptoms. In fact, it’s possible for calf spasms to be painful, yet oftentimes mild and short-lived.

Whether it’s a cramp or spasm, studies have been published over the years on both conditions, and experts have specifically reported an association between nighttime leg cramps and sleep disruption. In general, 24 percent of patients have reported distressing pain when they go through constant leg cramps at night, with symptoms lasting nine minutes on average.


What’s Behind Calf Cramps in Muscles Versus a Spasm?

Anyone suffering from calf cramps knows that painful muscle spasms can also be connected to each nighttime cramping episode. Let’s start with a basic understanding of what’s actually happening in your body.

Your blood and circulatory system transport hydration and nutrients. They carry oxygen, vitamins, and water, as well as antibodies where they need to go. Blood moving into your muscles also accounts for the chemical interaction that allows your muscles to contract.

Blood flows faster through your veins when you exercise, because vessels widen and your heart rate increases. When you stop exercising, blood-flow slows down, vessels stop widening, and toxins begin to accumulate. You eventually end up with a painful muscle cramp from the build-up of toxins in your body in a scenario like this. Muscle cramps are more likely to occur when your workout intensity changes, with individuals in great physical condition usually only having leg cramps very briefly.

Muscle cramps can occur in many parts of the body, including the feet, hands, arms, and legs. Occasionally, chronic neck and back pain is caused by frequent muscle spasms in the neck, mid-back, and lower back. Constant leg cramps at night usually occur right in the middle of your seven-to-nine-hour sleep period, often waking you up.

There are many cases of nighttime leg cramps, also known as Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS). Most adults will experience nocturnal leg cramps at some point in their lives.


What Do Multiple Cramps in the Same Muscle Mean?

A strained or damaged muscle that’s near the cramped area may be the cause of your calf cramps. This is especially true if it occurs frequently in the same muscle. To repair damaged soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments, the body grows scar tissue and adhesions. These bind torn tissue back together as quickly as possible.

Due to its non-elasticity, scar tissue will usually lead to a loss of range of motion. You may experience scar tissue for weeks, months, or even years, depending on how active you are. It’s important to see a physician or pain management specialist if you experience ongoing muscle spasms that cause daily stiffness and tightness. This — combined with scar tissue build-up and adhesions — can sometimes lead to even more pain, which is a very debilitating lifestyle. Eventually, scar tissue can stiffen your muscles, entrap nerves, and restrict movement, thereby reducing soft tissue elasticity and blood circulation.

While constant leg cramps at night are an issue for many, muscle spasms are usually associated, which are characterized by a tightening or stiffening of the muscle. For women, it’s good to know that menstruation and pregnancy are the most common causes (and most benign) of muscle spasms.

In addition to poor circulation in the legs, alcoholism and cardiovascular diseases can cause muscle spasms. Spinal issues like arthritic changes and spinal cord injuries can cause muscle spasms too. So can hormonal issues, underactive thyroids, low red blood cell count, and nerve dysfunction. Not to mention a myriad of other conditions like kidney failure and low mineral levels (Namely potassium or calcium). Numerous medications can also lead to muscle spasms, as well as prevalent diseases of the nervous system.


Anatomy of a Calf Muscle and Your Calf Cramps

Walking, running, and jumping are all activities that require healthy calf muscles so you don’t end up with calf cramps. Many athletics and sports hobbies also need healthy muscles, so it’s important for overall performance — whether daily at work, outside, at home, or having fun.

First, consider the back side of your lower leg. It’s a sturdy, powerful engine that propels you forward. There are two main muscles in the calf, as well as a few support muscles that work together. Calf muscles consist of two different types (gastrocnemius and soleus), which amount to two powerhouses combined to make up the Triceps Surae — your strongest muscle group in the lower leg.

This bulge at the back of your lower leg is commonly referred to as your chief calf muscle, with a single tendon connecting to your ankle. A broad, flat muscle lies beneath the gastrocnemius and plays a key role in downward flexible movement of your foot. Your Achilles Tendon originates from the shin bone and calf bone, joining to your gastrocnemius.

It gets even more complex — and amazing. Between your calf muscles and heel bone, the Achilles Tendon is the largest and strongest in your entire body. When walking, running, or jumping, it transmits the muscle’s force for a flexible range of motion. To support this structure, a thick layer of fascia surrounds your calf muscles, providing them with stability. Nerves and blood vessels travel through the fascia, carrying nutrients and controlling muscle movement.

Calves are remarkable muscles that power our everyday movements and athletic endeavors. Due to their intricate anatomy — consisting of powerful muscles, supportive tendons, and protective fascia — they are able to move efficiently and provide stability.

Here’s a helpful reminder. Next time you flex your foot or step forward, take note of this remarkable muscle group’s strength and coordination. Remember it when you suffer from constant leg cramps at night.


Your Calves are More Than Surface Deep

It’s important to remember that valves in your blood veins deteriorate as you age, resulting in less blood flow to your heart and potential “heaviness” or calf cramps in your legs. This problem is exacerbated for some individuals by consuming an unhealthy diet and living an unhealthy lifestyle. Improper blood circulation causes swelling — and that’s not good.

The most common cause of “venous insufficiency” is in older adults and those who don’t take their diet as seriously as they should. In most cases, this condition links itself to your heart and circulatory system. As such, shortness of breath, chest pain, and abnormal heart rhythms can accompany your leg swelling. Inflammation also finds other parts of your body. Your leg swelling just might be signaling a more serious problem.

Doctors often associate some of these symptoms with more serious circulatory conditions, such as Superficial Venous Insufficiency (SVI), Deep Venous Insufficiency (DVI), Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD), varicose veins (twisted and enlarged veins), and edema (swelling caused by trapped fluids). In addition, infections, injuries, and arthritis can also cause swelling in your legs.

A little puffiness won’t cause any problems if it goes away within a day or two. However, if your constant leg cramps at night won’t stop, an experienced pain management specialist should be consulted if the pain persists — especially if only one leg is affected (rather than both) or if other bodily symptoms are present.


Wellness and Pain Can Help

A range of options for treating calf cramps are available at Wellness and Pain. We offer conservative treatments, routine visits, and minimally invasive quick-recovery procedures. We can keep you free of problems by providing lifestyle education and home care advice to help you avoid and manage issues, quickly relieving the inhibiting lifestyle conditions when complications arise.

At Wellness and Pain, we personalize patient care plans based on each patient’s condition and unique circumstances to relieve pain, improve mobility and mental space, and improve your overall health.

A young woman in bed, grabbing her calf because of pain caused by leg cramps while sleeping.

Leg Cramps While Sleeping

Combatting Leg Cramps While Sleeping: Pillows, Mattresses, & More

There are more than a few tricks you can try if your position in bed is causing tense leg cramps while sleeping. For starters, you can use pillows to relax your feet and legs. You can also use them to prevent your toes from tensing by raising your feet. You can even consider raising your legs with a wedge pillow.

Sleeping on your side can keep your spine aligned and body relaxed with a knee pillow between your legs. Many people suffering from pain use orthopedic leg pillows to improve their sleeping experiences. Knee pillows also present themselves as a useful tool, especially for side sleepers. For those suffering from frequent night leg cramps, experts recommend sleeping on their backs with a pillow underneath their knees.

Those who sleep on their stomachs should scoot down a few inches until their feet hang off the bed. By doing this, you’ll keep your body relaxed and less likely to tense or cramp. There are times when your body or leg position may be the cause of leg cramps. In fact, calf cramps every night can be particularly problematic when you sleep with your feet pointed downwards.

Poor sleep posture is one of the underlying causes of a disturbing night’s sleep. Just as having a good sitting posture during the day is important, having a healthy sleeping posture at night is also important, helping you alleviate leg cramps and pain while sleeping.


Leg Cramps While Sleeping and the Advantages of Leg Pillows

The number of adults reporting leg cramps while sleeping across the nation is increasing. Since having your legs and hips twisted while sleeping can aggravate these cramps, you may want to consider the circulatory benefits of placing a soft pillow between your legs to keep them loose.

Without adequate support, sleeping on your side can bend or twist your spine, with joints becoming strained if you stay like that all night. A pillow between your legs helps you sleep on your side properly and enjoy:

  • Increased blood circulation. Your vena cava, the central vein transporting blood to your heart, will be fully opened when you place a pillow between your legs.
  • By keeping your knees stacked up, pressure is relieved. As a result, your hips and pelvis are aligned and discomfort is relieved in your lower extremities. This prevents your hip from twisting and pulling your spine out of alignment, keeping calf cramps every night at bay.
  • Sleep apnea sufferers and nearly anybody else may benefit from side sleeping. Sleeping in this position stabilizes your airways and reduces the likelihood of you obstructing them. By keeping the spine aligned, you reduce the risks of sleep apnea, as well as neck and back pain.

On a side note, these options are also great for those suffering from lower back pain or leg pain, particularly sciatica. In any case, you should consult a doctor or pain management specialist for sleeping, circulatory, and pain problems. However, pillows between your legs in bed — and knee cushions between your knees — offer healthy benefits for those trying to cope every night.


How to Correctly Use a Wedge Pillow, and Why It Helps

An orthopedic wedge pillow can improve your sleep quality. Millions of patients have touted their nighttime success in beating back leg cramps while sleeping. It has a triangular shape and a tapered incline. Your upper body or legs can be lifted 6 – 12 inches, which can raise the body or legs between 30 and 45 degrees.

Here’s where a wedge pillow is particularly beneficial:

  • Back sleeping and leg articulation. A wedge pillow under the knees of back-sleepers can relieve pressure on your lower back, helping muscles fully relax. Sleeping with your legs raised increases blood circulation, preventing swelling in your legs and feet (and inhibiting varicose veins from forming). Improved circulation also promotes healing and recovery for those with heart disease and other serious medical conditions.
  • Side sleeping with an elevated position. A wedge pillow maintains the spine in a neutral position when side sleeping, preventing tension from building in back muscles. A memory foam wedge with a medium-firm feel will also cradle your shoulders. This prevents any pressure points and brings relief from calf cramps every night.
  • Reclining in an upright position. Wedge pillows can be placed flat on a mattress if you enjoy reading in bed. If you have a headboard or wall behind your bed, the pillow’s flat side should rest against it. This pillow position allows you to recline upright without putting pressure on your neck or upper back.
  • Sleeping on your back. When lying on your back, snoring and sleep apnea symptoms can worsen. Those with sleep apnea may experience breathing stops and starts because of relaxed tissue in their throats. With a wedge pillow under your upper body (and the pillow’s thinnest area resting near the middle of your back), your airway will open when reclining, making breathing easier and preventing obstructions caused by lazy-tongue.


Using the Right Mattress to Battle Leg Cramps While Sleeping

You might also experience leg cramps while sleeping if you sleep on a poor-quality mattress. A comfortable, pricier mattress is sometimes essential to a good night’s sleep for many patients, which means it’s key to fighting back cramping and pain.

Hybrid mattresses and memory foam mattresses relieve pressure and provide optimal support for your muscles and joints, especially because of their contour-adapting capabilities. These mattresses — sometimes called “cloud mattresses” — have a plush feel. Cloud mattresses vary significantly between brands. Be sure to find a guide that helps you ensure the mattress you want checks all the right boxes. Support, comfort, and cooling are all equally important before you buy a new bed, and cloud mattresses differ from other types of mattresses.

On the firmness scale, cloud mattresses retain their softness through a layered memory foam, which means latex or traditional spring mattresses are not available in the cloud mattress category. Firmer mattresses come with a lot of buoyancy, which offers a “bouncy” sensation — but there is little to no bounce in a cloud mattress. Memory foam cloud mattresses tend to perform better when it comes to comfort and support than other types of mattresses.

Several brands offer cloud mattresses. Other types of mattress foam typically can’t match the plushness of memory foam. Overall, they offer unique motion isolation, superior cooling, and quality support to give you the best night’s sleep for avoiding calf cramps every night and other lower-extremity pain.


Exercise, Footwear, Hydration, and Hot-Cold Therapy

Leg cramps while sleeping can result in aching and tightening sensations, which can lead to poor rest, affecting your overall quality of life. It’s a disorder affecting more than half of all U.S. adults at some point in their lives.

Your pain management specialist or doctor may be able to identify a cause for leg cramps based on your medical history and help you develop a treatment plan to alleviate this nighttime problem:

  • Leg cramps can be prevented by exercising your legs before bed. Take a few minutes to stretch or pedal on an exercise bike. Also, sleep in loose, light, and untucked bedding. Tucked-in bedding that is heavy can put extra pressure on your legs.
  • Use comfortable, supportive footwear throughout the day and drink plenty of water. Keeping your feet and legs healthy requires proper hydration and good footwear.
  • Using your hands to massage the affected area can help you ease the cramp. The cramping muscle can also be relaxed by stretching and straightening your leg, as well as walking on your heels for a few minutes.
  • Heat or cold therapy can also be used. Warm towels or heating pads can ease sore muscles, as can warm baths or cold ice massages.

Suffering from calf cramps every night can also be indicative of a more serious health problem. Consider consulting a pain management specialist if your cramps are unbearably painful or disruptive to your normal routine.


Wellness and Pain Can Help

A range of options for treating leg cramps while sleeping are available at Wellness and Pain. We offer conservative treatments, routine visits, and minimally invasive quick-recovery procedures. We can keep you free of problems by providing lifestyle education and home care advice to help you avoid and manage issues, quickly relieving the inhibiting lifestyle conditions when complications arise.

At Wellness and Pain, we personalize patient care plans based on each patient’s condition and unique circumstances to relieve pain, improve mobility and mental space, and improve your overall health.

Covered by Most Insurances and Most Unions

Wellness and Pain accepts most major insurance plans. Here is a list of some of the major insurance plans we accept. If you do not see your insurance plan listed, please call our office to confirm.

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